Website presentation



Media A2 Presentation

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Requirements & Conventions Of A


Before creating our website we looked at other websites of bands also in the hardcore genre in order to look at the common conventions and elements it included.

We discovered that we needed to create a housestlye for the website that was also used for other products such as album artwork and digipaks.

One of the main websites that we looked at was the ‘While She Sleeps’ website.


For a website to be a successful media product to a band it will need to help them with their promotion and incorporate tracks, merchandise, and music videos relating to the band.

It will need to act as a tool that the audience and fans can use to access information about the band very easily so that they are able to follow the band and go to upcoming events in order to support the band.

Conventions Of Hardcore Bands Websites

Conventions Of Hardcore Bands Websites

Conventions Of Hardcore Bands Websites

Conventions Of Hardcore Bands Websites

Conventions We Used On Our Website

Conventions We Used On Our Website

Conventions We Used On Our Website

Conventions We Used On Our Website