What are the steps for students excellence


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To achieve one's dream he/ she must be ready to walk extra miles in life. I am sure by respecting the dreams and doing the duties and performing them to your best are important characteristics of an ideal student. He/ She must be capable of giving his/her hundred percent, polite in nature with ready helping hand. He/She should not only be a positive and good conduct in school but in the society too, for which every students must dream big and should lead a life with excellence then they can do wonders in life. Follow these steps dear students be a excellent achiever in life

1. Dream for personal excellence

1.Make a list of top ten dreams you have. 2.List only those things you really want to happen.

3.Achieve your dreams, think big but keep it simple.

4. Every day have a look at your list that you wanted to do.

5. Never give up

2. Associate with positive, active and loving people

1.A highly positive self-image is essential.

2. Every moment you have to guard against thoughts that damage your self-image.

3.Once you start thinking such thoughts they soon become habit forming and seriously affect your performance in life.

4. Never worry over when you fail rather find a reason why you have failed

3. Manage your time

1.You have 168 hours in a week.

2.Two hours of TV a night is 14 hours a week.

3.This is a full day of time that you could have spent building up your health, relationships, reading, writing etc.

4. Make a list of all the time wasters in your life. The minute lost is gone forever.

5. Learn everyday something new.

4. Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling

1.The secret is to surround yourself with happy thoughts and things.

2. Happiness is habit.

3.Some of the world’s happiest people are its poorest or ones that have endured tremendous hardship.

5. Manage your failures

Every great person has failed on more than one occasion. Edison is said to have failed 10,000 times before he finally discovered light bulb. He replied, “ I failed so many times that the only thing left to do was to succeed-I exhausted all the failures”. A champion learns to love challenges and learn form them.

6. Be known as someone

1.with a cool head, warm heart and great character. Your presence on this earth will long be remembered.

2. Have positive attitude to achieve your dream

3. Make it a point that you come across to people a good personality.

7. Have a statement of your life

1. This is simply a set of guiding principles which clearly state where you are going and where you want to be at the end of your life.

2. This statement embodies your values.

3. It is your personal lighthouse keeping you steadily on the course of your dreams.

8. No one can insult or hurt you

1.without your permission. One of the golden keys to happiness and great success is the way you interpret events which unfold before you.

2. Highly successful people are master interpreters.

3. Always thing you can do it. Let not criticism fail you.

9. Two of the basic things for a happy and joyful life

1. Balance and moderation. If you maintain a balance of all activities and do nothing to extremes you will enjoy long life.

2. Be faithful to your promises what ever the circumstances.

10. Pray some times

Put everything in the hands of God and trust in God; when you feel all the doors in life are closed for you, God will somehow open a window for you.

You believe that you can do, life is in your hands it all depends how you make it. you can be winner if you think you will.

