A Cruel Night


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She went with her friends to a disco which was inaugurating. They wanted to have fun that night, so they went near the bar and started dancing and drinking alcohol…

It was a cool summer night when Mary disappeared.

Then, some men started look at them, trying to pretend that they just were dancing.

It was time to leave so Mary and her friends were going out of the disco, but it was crowded and suddenly, Mary’s best friend realized that Mary wasn’t there. But they thought maybe she was with a boy, and relaxed.



Next day, Pamela started to called her, but Mary didn’t answer her phone…

Girls decided to call Mary’s parents, who were in another city. Together they reported the case to the police to find their beautiful friend. But ¿Where is Mary?

-She can be in the beach, said Pamela.

So the girls started their own search.

Luckily, many people helped Mary’s family and friends with the search. Everybody wanted to find the beautiful face, but they knew that reality could be really cruel.

They were searching for a week, until a man who was felling trees in a forest, saw a dead woman.

He stopped his bike and quickly called the police.

When the police arrived, identified the body of Mary, and discovered she had been violated and murdered.

The Police did studies and found evidence that the rapist was John Mursh.

Finally they found the murderer. He had to pay 50 years in prison.


Created by:Magdalena DavytEliana Giribone

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