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Mean Green Mother

From Outer Space

Ch 3

A Black Widow Challenge

When we last left off, little baby Esther was born of her late father, one Cooper Olshfki. Said father willing died after having been in a tragic electric ‘accident’ with a big screen tv. Onward and upward!

The other little girl running around the house is the child known as Jeannie. A precocious little scamp with athletics in mind. At least wardrobe wise. She loves playing with her toy rocket ship. And actually cleans up after herself without being told. Personality score of 8/8/9/10/0

BW, “Mommy’s going to find you a new daddy, Jeannie. I’m sorry the last one mysteriously disappeared when he touched the TV.”Jeannie, “Can you get me a soccer net or a basketball hoop while you look for a new daddy? Please mommy?”BW, “Maybe. I’m not entirely convinced that your wardrobe speaks for you all the way.”

As Jeannie heads off to school, BW picks up the phone to make an important and much needed call: The nanny! Dum Dum Duuuum! The need is her so BW can head off to the downtown area and search for a new hubby to off. Not that they wander onto the lot. And yes, I do see that mailman. >_>We might nab him later if I’m feeling lazy. It’s just much easier to scope out husband potential in the downtown free from aging area.

Ah the park, certainly seems to be a decent enough place to scope out some potential. Outside of the Komeii clone manning the coffee shop. Which will help out on any teetering energy levels. Remind me to remind BW to get an espresso machine sometime in her future.

Well, we meet Cyd Roseland… but I think he’s off limits being a playable. But hey, Cyd encounters Kristen Singles so that might be some interesting side plots in the future.Overall, a couple hours in the park leaves BW with no real potential. The social groupie has a face of Cooper, chubby cheeks has potential in Uglacy, and Mr. Big is just… ugh. Time for a new locale!

Barely stepping over to the bowling alley next door and BW encounters potential walking right behind her. Though I’m certain there is more potential awaiting in due time.

And that’s when he walks in. After sending the ball down the lane a few times comes a strike.BW, “Hello, what’s your name tall, dark, and handsome?”“I’m Abhijeet. Abhijeet Wilkes.”Well, looks like BW is going to bag Abhijeet as her next husband. At least it’s a completely different guy. Funny that I don’t remember him not having eyebrows though.Abhijeet, “And you are?”BW, “I’m, uh… BW.”Abhijeet, “That’s an interesting name. What does it stand for?”BW, “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

BW, “So let’s talk about making out. What do you think about them?”Abhijeet, “Uh… make outs? Really? Is this some creepy way of breaking the ice?”BW, “I thought you guys had sex on the mind 24/7 and you’re freaked out over a topic like making out? Sheesh.”

BW, “How about high heels? Let’s talk about pink high heels.”Abhijeet, “No! They make me think of chili and I don’t like chili.”

BW, “How about hard hats? And wrenches? That can be a decent topic of conversation. Who knows what the construction company might build up next.”Abhijeet, “This is so boring. Can’t we talk about something I want to talk about.”BW, “Alright, fine. What do you want to talk about?”

Abhijeet, “Kissing. Let’s talk about kissing.”BW, “Now hold on. You have a complete distaste for make outs yet here you stand desiring to talk about kissing? Do you have some kind of jacked up brain between your ears?”

Abhijeet, “Did I mention I’m a chef? That’s right, I’m a chef.”Ooo, the last husband wanted to be a chef. How lucky can ya get?

ROL, “Oh my goodness gracious up in heaven! That man is a werewolf. The decency of it all is gone!”Well at least it explains why he has no eyebrows.Wait, no. It doesn’t.

BW, “Let’s say you and I go on a date.”Abhijeet, “That sounds wonderful.”BW, “It better. I didn’t whistle and charm you earlier for nothing.”

BW, “Table for two. Got it?”“Right dis vay.”Abhijeet, “Gggrrrr! This is a table for two? More like four.”BW, “Be quiet and be thankful we got a table at all.”

And so meal time commences.Abhijeet, “What are you having?”BW, “Chef’s choice. Can never go wrong.”Abhijeet, “I’ll have that too then.”BW, “Tell me, do you ever think for yourself?”Abhijeet, “Only when no one else will.”Waitress, “Alrighty, two chef’s choices coming right up.”

BW, “Abhijeet, if I was your perfect girl, how would you describe me.”Abhijeet, “Fat and smelly.”BW, “You’re so gonna burn in hell for that one.”Abhijeet, “For what? Liking my women fat and smelly?”

Food arrives. And as BW gazes with utter disgust at Abhijeet’s table manners, she thinks to herself, He’s gotta die real fast and soon after we get hitched and I’ve got his baby in my belly. The way he’s scarfing down that food gives me an idea.

The following is aMontage of physicalLove scenes. And no

Not that kind of physical love

End Montage

BW, “It’s a shame they don’t have anyplace in this bowling alley for us to… woo hoo.”Abhijeet, “They don’t? Then what are we to do?”BW, “Tell you what. I’ll waltz over to another lot where they do have such a place and give you a ring once I’m there. Sound good?”Abhijeet, “Sounds divine.”

And thus our heroine (or would it be villainess? I’m sticking with heroine since she is the main character. Ok, how about protagonist?) And thus our protagonist sets forth to find a lot that she can call Abhijeet from and do the ol’ classic woo hoo dance.

BW, “Abhijeet, I found the perfect place for some hutspuh. How about coming over and-”Abhijeet, “Look, don’t you realize what time it is? Thanks for waking me up you jerk! I’ll return the favor tomorrow morning at 3.”BW, “But…”So much for that plan. Sim logic is so fussy.

BW, “Hmm, cologne. He did say he liked stinky women and you can’t get more smelly than cologne.”

BW, “Hmmm, looks like a really crappy game. What kind of people have fun by controlling little people through their lives? Sounds sadistic and unappealing. Who even thinks it’s fun to play games all day either.”

This just in: it’s 7 AM in the morning. Abhijeet is now back in limits for phone calls! Whoot.

BW, “Abhijeet, it’s been all of 4 hours since we’ve last met. Kiss me, darling.”Abhijeet, “Ok!”BW, “Now excuse me while I try on some clothing. Won’t be but a moment.”

BW, “That little doodad above my head doesn’t look very fashionable.”But the good news is that it only takes one try for the lullaby to drop by. Which is reason enough to go home after one more thing.

BW, “Won’t you marry me, Abhijeet?”Abhijeet, “Oh my god! I can’t believe this is happening. I don’t think I’ve ever had something like this ever happen to me in my entire life. There’s only one way to answer this question of such demand.”

Abhijeet, “Absolutely not!”WHAT????? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a rejected proposal in all my sims playing career. This is just too much to take in. You jerk! You’re so gonna die for that!

BW, “Abhijeet, I didn’t think you were taking advantage of me like that. To know that the only reason you probably put up with me was just to get into my pants. And now that you got what you wanted, you turn your back and walk out. How could you?”Abhijeet, “I just did.”BW, “I’ll never forget this, Abhijeet. I’ll never forget the sights and smells I’m taking in at this very moment. Mark my words, you’ll pay for this.”

And on that note, BW leaves for home… hopefully the nanny didn’t burn the house down.

Turns out in the short time span she is actually on the lot, the nanny is able to accomplish nothing more than feeding Esther a bottle and handing her over to BW.

Jeannie, “Bye, bus driver. I’ve got homework to do.”

Bored to tears, Jeannie shows the added edge that she really means what her clothing says: I like sports!Jeannie, “Come on Llamas! Beat those dirty cows.”

Abhijeet, “Hello, little girl. Is your mother home?”Jeannie, “Who are you and why should I tell you?”Abhijeet, “I’m the man that just walks into other people’s houses because I can.”Jeannie, “That sounds scary.”Abhijeet, “Not as scary as what I’m gonna do next.”

Jeannie, “That is scary! I can’t see the TV!”

BW, “So why are you here? You just come barging into my home, eating my food for what reason?”Abhijeet, “To apologize. I’m so sorry that I pretty much dumped you in front of all those people. I just wasn’t ready yet. Not to get engaged in such a place after doing what we did. Plus, you got some serious va-va-voom!”

BW, “Well, if that’s the case, then I’ll just reach around and touch your va-va-voom.”Abhijeet, “Whoa! Back off! I didn’t mention anything about mine.”BW, “What in the world is your problem? Are you crazy or something. You get done complimenting me only to turn around and push me away? “Abhijeet, “I’m not ready for that kind of touching.”

That is when the thought arises: smelly women! If BW just dumps the cologne on her, maybe things will turn around.

And they most certainly do.

BW, “Now will you marry me?”

Abhijeet, “Of course!”BW, “Good. And while we’re at it, let’s tie the knot in front of the whole internet and not worry about it later.”Abhijeet, “Don’t we need an official ceremony.”BW, “This is as official as it gets. Plenty of witnesses out on the web.”

BW, “Fricken frakin, I’m so going to enjoy the death of this one. Maybe I’ll even let him know it was me that did him in.”

In the meantime, it’s pester the baby time. Because adult sims have nothing better to do except shove bottle after bottle into their mouths.BW, “Give me back my second child or you could skip thinking about me having yours.”

Jeannie appears to have some issues with sleeping in her own bed, preferring to sleep with her dear mother. Despite the front of aggressive sport girl, she must got some fears of monsters under the bed.

Looks like she also inherited tub pirating from mommy.

A few more mad dashes to the bathroom and the eventual baby bump and it becomes quite clear that BW is holding onto Abhijeet’s baby. The question is will it be another girl?

Like magic, a small pond appears next to BW’s home. Perfect for fishing up something special.

And without even a single mistake, BW manages to snag a nice catfish for dinner. And just as mysteriously as it appeared, the pond vanishes.

Abhijeet, “Hello little girl. I’m your new daddy. How was your day at school?”Jeannie, “Boring. I want to have some fun, but the teacher’s wouldn’t let us go out for recess. School sucks.”

Jeannie, “Some daddy you are. Sleeping in my bed. I guess I’ll have to sleep with mommy again tonight. Vroom vroom goes the car.”

Abhijeet, “’I don’t like violin music’ says the teddy bear.”BW, “Cute. Now got eat dinner.”Abhijeet, “Not now. I wanna talk to you through the bear some more.”

In the meantime, it just so happens to be Esther’s birthday. Time to grow up into those wonderfully awkward toddler years.

Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday dear Esther.Happy birthday to you.

BW, “No go eat your dinner Abhijeet.”

Looks like Esther has quite a bundle of looks based on from Cooper. I believe I can see his nose for certain.Abhijeet, “I smell good!”BW, “Just go eat your dinner already.”

Abhijeet, “Fine, fine. What makes it so special that it deserves sparkly stuff floating off of it?”

Abhijeet, “You’d look good in a pink dress.”BW, “But being pregnant as I am, the dress just wouldn’t fit me as delicately as it would without the baby bump.”

BW, “Have you ever heard of table manners?”Abhijeet, “Like what?”BW, “Like not trying to eat your hand. Or shovel food in your mouth with your hand.”Abhijeet, “But the fish keeps sliding off my fork.”BW, “Well it won’t matter anyway.”

And before he can ask why, Abhijeet feels something burning in his throat.Abhijeet, “Egads! There is a burning sensation in my throat and it’s not because the food is hot. It burns!”

BW, “You poor fool, Abhijeet. I’ve done some research on your medical papers and found out that you’re allergic to fish.”Abhijeet, “But I ate salmon yesterday, remember?”BW, “Well, ok you’re actually allergic to CAT FISH!”Abhijeet, “OH NO! How can that be possible?”BW, “Because you probably forgot it you idiot.”

Grimster, “Hello again, BW. Nice weather we’re having. Seems to be raining dead bodies at your place.”BW, “Shush grim… They were all accidents.”Grimster, “Yea sure. I bet they were. Now where did all my paperwork get to?”

And so shall we end with pictures of Esther having fun with her toys.


Both Candi and DocNerd decide to make appearances at the bowling alley.

Tank, go away. You’re supposed to be in some top secret deployed location over in Asia.“But I like it here.”Shoo!

That guy right there in the duds. The werewolf. He makes me think of the Gremlins from Gremlins. Like he’s ready to totally mess up that arcade.

Boom Boom seems to be angry about losing a fight. But to whom would he fight with?

Looks like BW isn’t gonna cheer for Boom Boom.

Abhijeet, “Hello, how come I can’t bother the baby?”Because I locked the door you numbskull!Abhijeet Wilkes moved in with $6000 and a couple of plants in his inventory. His personality was 0/5/10/9/1 and he was a Knowledge sim aspiring to be Chief of Staff. He is turned on by Fatness and Cologne and off by facial hair.

Baby number 3 is well on it’s way.

Jeannie, “Keeping score isn’t fun!”

Ok let’s see here. Score is roughly along the lines of+15 for 3 weddings+15 for 3 husband deaths+6 for 3 accepted proposals+6 for 3 pregnancies+3 for 3 times of kids growing up well (2 for Jeannie, 1 for Esther)-1 for Abhijeet rejecting a proposalBringing the score up to a total of:

44 points!