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Question Two: How does your media product represent particular social groups?


Age & Gender During my Case Studies research, I have come to establish and explore different types of

ethnicities, age groups, social groups and genders to set a target for my own magazine design.

My main target audiences are boys and girl in the age group of 14 years old and above

Mainly targeted towards female gender than male

Female gender are not fond of indie/rock music types

My magazine would include more female artists to feature for the magazine issue

Females, especially indie/rock artist would be representative as ‘different, fresh and sophisticated

Females would be able to engage with the magazine more than males

However, there’s a high possibility that males would purchase the magazine more than females

Males would be captivated by the representative of females being portrayed on front covers of magazines

ConclusionsAs a result, although my main target audiences are mainly targeting towards the females gender than male – there’s a high possibility that male audiences would be able to purchase the magazine because I intended to use more female artists to feature on my main issue of my magazine in order to sent out messages to my female audiences and make them interested at an indie/rock type of music magazines. The only reason for this is because of how Pop and other types of music genres are taking over the world and not many people are fond of listening to indie/rock music as it may seem bias to the representatives of indie/rock music fans. My intention was to engage more female readers as they may start to think that indie/rock songs doesn’t sound as bad as this is a chance for them to live an other lifestyle that involves a different side of an individual obtained.

Ethnicities My main target audiences includes and are mainly targeted many different types

of ethnicities and cultures to feature on my actual music magazine

The benefits of having to feature different cultural ethnicities is that you’ll be able to get wider range of target audiences around the globe collected

It would be a positive aspect to look at, since it would go viral and would be widely known

It would appear bias to only include one type of ethnicity obtained

It would not be representative to compare from

ConclusionsIn conclusion, I have conclude every ethnicity and culture onto my music magazine because it would be able to gather more target audiences around the world as it would benefit the organisation obtained. My overall magazine wouldn’t seem unfair and bias towards my target audiences, as I my magazine wouldn’t appear attractive towards them since it’s only targeted to a particular type of cultural group as they may feel offended. I wanted my magazine to be available to anyone and so I did this by featuring every ethnicity and culture there is, whether its black, Asian, white, European etc. as everyone is equal. I didn’t want my magazine to discriminate against other music magazines as they also include different ethnicities and culture to feature on their cover lines and images.

However, some people may argue back stating the fact that the music genre would only be suitable for audiences who are fond of those types of hard-core and loud music, mainly white dominated audiences, as it may appear that way and people would be discharge into purchasing the magazine itself.

Youth Representative It would be able to benefit and change their lifestyle as more than 50% of

girls are overly obsessed with the Pop- sensation artist called Justin Bieber

Many of the girls are into Pop, R&B, Hip-hop music than indie/rock types

However some of my target audiences would misinterpret the types of stories being portrayed as they may be easily influenced by it

For example, my magazine cover featured someone who comeback after recovering and being in jail and representing a sad and tragedy accident through depression

But the other half of my target audiences would be engage to it and may relate to it in a way that they understand what they must’ve been feeling

So they get influenced and start making certain changes around them to live a healthy and better life

ConclusionsI have concluded that some people may state that there would be no issue in representing youth perspective as my magazine would appear different compared to the other music magazines as I would feature certain artists that had a dark and shady past and how they blossomed and changed their lifestyle to live happier and healthier as my magazine would have a subtle message that reads, ‘even though you may or not have regretful incidents in the past, remember that you have a chance to change yourself in the future.’

Also, I have concluded every prospect of cultural and ethnicity upon my main magazine features in order to gain a wider range of target audiences obtained for this main task. I wanted to send a message saying that everyone is equal as to therefore, it would be suitable and acceptable to include all of the ethnicities so more people are ought to feel like the magazine is targeted for them and feel like they are no different to everyone.

Artists My main chosen model to feature is J.F (stage name)

Mainly use female representative to include on my front cover, contents page and DTP as I wanted to publish another side of women based on personalities

Society portrays women in a sexual manner in order to obtain opposite sex gender’s attention more

Therefore, men will be most likely to purchase the magazine more than female although the magazine is mainly targeted at women

However, since my magazine is an indie/rock type of magazine; I intended to present my female model to appear sophisticated and professional

Dressed with casual clothes and not having any revealing cuts or shots

My artists would mainly be emotionless and showing hard indie and rock expressions and poses

Include other props like guitars, drums etc.

ConclusionsIn conclusion, I would use different types of indie/rock artists onto my actual magazine in order to gain their individuals fan attention and to also attract newcomers within the music genre type as it would be suitable for them to get to know more about the styles of music indie/rock music produced. Also, I would include other genres of music artists such as Adele, beyonze, Rihanna and so on because I wouldn’t want my whole magazine to be bias and just feature indie/rock artist so I wanted to create a new generation of music magazine that would include maybe around 25% of other artists apart from indie/rock music types.

I have decided to mainly focus more on female audiences which is why I would mainly use female artists representatives to feature on my magazine as this would hint the female audiences to engage as it would feature female-related cover lines to women in general like have a clothing page where the female audiences would have a chance to buy their clothing and copy the chosen artists obtained.

Journalism Used formal speech of writing form but used in a friendly tone and in a professional


Since my target audiences are targeted to 14 years old and over (both genders but mainly focusing more on female audiences)

This would be able to entertain my target audiences as they would understand my magazine in an appropriate way

Also including short abbreviations term such as ‘faves’ instead of favourites

Used of exclamations marks known as punctuation to differ my genre of magazine to those typical music types

It would be a representative element to introduce to indie/rock music as it’s illustrating that indie/rock music is loud and hardcore

The form of language would be fitted the most suitable for my chosen main target audiences intended

It appears to be more clearer and easier way to communicate within my target audiences as well

Images & Clothing Styles For the clothing style, I just went for a more casual look with having an

emotionless expression

Engaging your target audiences by looking straight at the camera

This includes white plain shirt, black fitted jeans, black shoes, black leather jacket and some appealing accessories

Also wear red lipstick in order to make the image appear appealing and professional with an extreme hairstyle used included

Target audiences would be able to be easily influenced and copy their style as being their role models

My images would be medium shot as I wanted to captivate the artists style of clothes and expressions

The poses would include crossing arms, carrying a black leather jacket, eyes looking down whilst crossing arms, arms by their side and straight look on the camera

Overall, . I have mainly challenged the stereotypes as into only people who are ‘Emos’ or ‘Goths’ listen to indie or rock music but I have added other unusual artists like Adele, whom is a R&B artist, as she states that ‘anyone can be a fan of indie/rock music; don’t listen to what society has to say about stereotypes.’

I think my representation will be left on a mixture of both good and bad note- either giving off a new fresh impression or influencing the target audiences through the artists back story of depression, depending on how they look at it but most likely to interpret it differently compared to the intentional of the magazine itself.
