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They Are A Sub-Genre of Horror And Thrillers

Psychological – Elements that are related to the mind or processes of the mind

Thriller- A book, film or play showing crime, mystery, or espionage in an atmosphere of excitement and suspense.

Devices and Techniques; Stream of consciousness First-person narrative Back-story

Psychological Thrillers









False accusations

Suspense Using-Created by the main character’s actions and music

Mind Games/ Paranoia- Using-Having The Doll Keep Going Missing and not knowing what the doll would do next

Anxiety Developing-Have moments where we can build up tension to cause anxiety.

Murder Challenging-To Show A Previous Murder in a Flashback

Cliff-hangers Challenging-By not giving too much away within the opening sequence


Our Inspirations

Child’s Play(Chucky)

Comes Under The Genre Of Thriller/Horror

The Concept Of A Children's Toy Coming To Life And Is Playing An Evil, Murdering Villain

Even Though The Film Itself Is Old The Plot Is Still Entertaining To Watch

Has The Basic Conventions Of A Horror And Thriller; Murder, Knifes, Death

Children’s Doll-Voodoo Doll- Possession-Evil-Devil

Chucky Showing Normal Child-Friendly Facial Expression

Woman Goes To Destroy The Doll By Burning Him In The Fire.

Chucky Changes expression to become a more frightening character

The Character of chucky then proves to be evil when he attacks the woman

Ways To Create Enigma Enigma; A question that is not immediately answered and thus draws an audience into a text.

Ways To Create Enigma; Appropriate Mise-en-scene: Sound (non-diegetic and diegetic) Lightening- diming when tension or mystery needs to be created Camera shots that don’t give away to much information. Just focus shots on what we want our audience to question. Time Manipulation: Flashbacks Dream sequences Repetition Different characters' POV

The Opening Scene

• Teenage Girl Working On Her On Her Laptop In The House Alone, When An Envelope is sent through her letter box, she goes to pick it up and brings back to the table she was working on.

• When She Opens The Envelope little bits of different colour paper spills out spelling the phrase “Knock Knock”.

• She then receives a loud knock at the front door, she approaches the magic hole to see no one there. She Opens The Door To See no one there and as she looks down there is a doll placed by the step of the door.

• She takes the doll inside and places it on the chair next to her and stairs at it Confused.

• She Then Looks Away from the doll to look at the door again to find the doll is missing.

5 Bullet Points

Levi-Strauss looked at narrative structure in terms of binary oppositions. Binary oppositions are sets of opposite values which reveal the structure of media texts. An example would be GOOD and EVIL – we understand the concept of GOOD as being the opposite of EVIL. Levi –Strauss was not so interested in looking at the order in which events were arranged in the plot. He looked instead for deeper arrangements of themes. For example, if we look at Science Fiction films we can identify a series of binary oppositions.

Strauss Theory

• Immortality is the ability to live forever.

• Mortality is the condition of being mortal, or susceptible to death; the opposite of immortality.

We show the binary opposition through the characters in the film. The Main Character Being Human (Mortal) And the doll in which has a supernatural sprit in it (immortal).The struggle shows that when something is immortal it is tougher to either control or win against.

Revolver EntertainmentRevolver Entertainment is a marketing-lead, all rights film distribution company. Founded in 1997, the company has operations in both London and Los Angeles.

Distributed Films such as; Anuvahood Shank Black Death Kidulthood Dead Man Running Exit Through The Gift Shop

We Would Choose Revolver Entertainment because; Revolver Entertainment is one of the UK &

Eire’s leading ‘All Rights’ distribution companies

Distributed many well known films on various budgets.
