My Sweet Apocalypse: Wk 15


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Welcome to Week 15 of My Sweet Apocalypse!

I’m going by weeks because I’m keeping track of the days. I’m at generation 3 with generation 4 on the way; alphabetically named, too. =]

Recap- Angel Sweet was my Founder Sim. She was tough and made it through the Extreme, Adult start Apocalypse. She lifted Oceanography and married Clarence Phillippine. He was a social Sim at level 2 in Culinary.

He lifted Education… they had two kids, Babette and Bairn Sweet.

Babette became heir when she got Virgil to fall in love with her and move in. She lifted Medical even though she was Fortune/Romance Sim she didn’t do too bad with their two sets of twins- Corin & Crewe and Chaya & Chika.

This is Chaya, the 3rd generation heir, and her husband, whom I call Devin. He’s from Uni, where she graduated. She’s a Knowledge/Family Sim and he’s a pretend Family Sim. Since he likes to learn so much I gave him

Knowledge as his second aspiration.

They’re expecting their first child. :D

Chaya lifted Music and is still in the job so they have Artist suppressed. I thought it’d be fun to have a few paintings of my Sims around the house.

I’ll have to have someone redo the picture of Angel and Clarence; it’s too pixilated in game. =[

Chaya’s twin sister, Chika, lifted Culinary. I keep the stove outside hoping it’ll be easier to lock the other Sims away if it every catches on fire.

Science, Oceanography, and Music lifts lets them have the solar panels- they get money now- and the telescope.

Yay! I see I can start tossing the stored food. That food is so old… O.O

“I think that’s one of my Uncles girlfriends. He’s got about 4 and none know about his wife.” –Chaya

Yeah, I haven’t played the spares as much as I thought I would. Kinda feel bad about it… but only kinda.

“Do you have any beer? I’d kill for a cold one.”


~The Science female- Hi!~

I haven’t seen her before and I was readying Candi’s Uglacy… so she made me smile.

~You can do it, Devin!~

“Do what?” -Devin

Yay! It’s bathroom baby time. XD

“Hurry up, Babs. We’re getting a grandchild!”

“I just have to tuck this side in and we can go see.”

“Dad, can you hold him for me?”

“Hey Boy! Your wife is having your babies. Wake you butt up.” –Virgil

Twins… wee. XD

It’s boy girl twins. I haven’t had that combination in a long time.

I named them Dora and Dorian. =D

“Move so I can hold my grandbaby.”

“Move so I can cheer for our new grandbabies.”

They have to cluster bump in the crowded house. XD

Devin goes to work in Intelligence; he’s at level 7 now.

Here is where I turned seasons back on and it’s fall now. They’ll have winter snow in a few days. XD

Woot- More money: Babette brings home 50k in donations.

My Sims aren’t very active. I blame Clarence and his two active traits. All his kids have been lazy. =[

At least they like their kids. Babette is going to feed and cuddle the babies until I make her stop.

Level 8 Promotion

~What would you like to do now?~

“I think I need a few more skills.” –Devin

Of course you do.

~Do you see anything?~

“There’s a star cluster over there.” –Virgil

I don’t care who gets abducted, just as long as it happens.

I read there won’t be an abduction if there’s a ghost haunting or a burglar.

They might as well have another baby. Since twins are a family thing now, the house will be nice and full. XD

“I’ll pay you. Just tell me how much it’ll take for you to rub my feet.” –Chaya XD

“It’ll cost something else.” –Devin

Yay! Baby chimes.

Nope, they don’t have to invite Roberto, he just comes over anyway.

LOL- yes, she still has a crush on Roberto. Just ignore them, Devin. She’s only saying goodbye. O.o

“Hey Dad in law, keep an eye on them.” –Devin

“Hm, hmm. I’ll see you later, Chaya.” –Roberto

It’s the twin birthday time! Who’s first…

It’s Dorian and yay- he’s adorable.

Dora is up next…

Aww, she has her aunt Chika’s hair. =D

Dorian didn’t make it to the potty…

“No look at me.”

He was very uncooperative.

And so cute. (Toddler Spam!)

Virgil was in grandpa heaven. His panel was full of toddler teaching wants. =D

Yay! Level 9 Promotion

Devin does have wants to potty train his kids. That’sweet… or he wants them to be clean and easily managed.

A ghost was haunting: No need to use the telescope.

“Me Bottle 2?”

Aw, poor Chaya. Morning sickness time.

~No one forgot you, they’re just been a little busy~ XD

Picture spam- They’re a cute Sim couple. XD

Toddler training time.

“Where’s my game disk?” –Virgil

Virgil’s mad because he wants to train his grandkids but I’m not letting him. Mom and dad have the time.

“Grandparents used to be respected.” –Virgil XD

Dora seems to always be tired and crying. She’s a cutie but come one… someone put her to bed. =[

Haha! Frozen stove and pot but it’s hot soup. XD

“BOO!” –Babette

“Gandma scare me.” –Dorian

It was so cute. XD

“Sing with grandma, Dora…. You can sing!” –Babette

“…..” –Dora

I guess she only knows how to cry. XD

No ghosts tonight, but it was cold - XD

Grandparents double teaming the kids with song time, though Dora still won’t sing. O.o

“Ha! That wasn’t so hard.” –Devin

Devin and his skilling- Go to work and earn that final promotion.

“Wait for me, Dev.” –Chaya

Chaya has to work or we’ll lose the Artist suppression. =]

~Okay, Virgil. You don’t have to talk to your grandkids about Bairn’s girlfriends~ XD

~Crewe! How’s everyone at your house?~

It seems they’re still on about Bairn and Marsha. Marsha’s a happy mom… I swear. XD

Alright secondary family Sim, Chaya, move out of the way so Devin can shine! =D

Devin lifted Intelligence- I can use Ask (find job info), give gifts (get rid of 1tile objects), and let non-friends into the house! They don’t have to be in love with a Sim to invite to move them in…can accept jobs and friend

numbers; redeem the Popularity perks; Buy better objects for the house! So much goodness with the Intell lift.

Time to write her story; each generation is writing at least one book. I don’t know if she brought one back from Uni.

Oh, my Freaking Goodness! It might be glitched but ‘They’re Here!’ XD

“Mommie.” –Devin

~Woot- Who’s the Sim? You are- You’re the Sim!~

“Daddy!” –Dorian

D’aww =[

“….” –Dora


Grandpa sits with the tots, they slowly forget their dad’s been abducted.

“Damn thing’s too loud.” –Virgil

Devin is home and his father in law is the one to welcome him home. m =D

… I heard the chime…. Meaning-

Chaya’s not carrying twins so Devin will be having a little alien bundle of joy. Yay XD

Life is back to normal. Devin didn’t cry long and he did get a want to teach his little girl to walk. Nice =D

“Good work, Dora.” –Devin


“Boy, she’s giving birth. Now isn’t the time to think about how hawt my daughter is.” –Virgil

Little Dorita is born. XD

Yes, if she had a boy he would have been Doritos. I’m so creative and all that- not! XD

“No need to stand around. I didn’t have twins.” –Chaya

“No twins? We feel cheated.” –Babette

Yay! Daddy is showing signs. XD

“Huggles” –Dorian

Virgil didn’t want to go to bed. They had such an exciting day…

Roberto dropped by at grow-up time for the twins.

I didn’t get a picture but he’s in Construction… that’s a good job. =D

~Hey! Babette’s a pretty Sim for her age.~ =[

They didn’t talk much. She’s cute but she’s so quiet.

He wants to use the telescope and 1st bump

(I’ve been messing with Skin tones. I hope I can find one I like with the genetics; they sound great)

They’re not close. They’re going to work on it if I have anything to say.

“I guess we could play catch.”

“How does it feel to be pregnant?”

“What do you mean pregnant? I’ve only gained a little weight.”

Aw- she had a want to cuddle little Dorita. =D

“I’m high up in the Military.” –Kennedy Cox

I’m going to try and remember to ask all the Sims who walk by… but I’ll forget. I always do. XD

“Dorian, I’ve got a book I want to read to you.”

“But dad, I’m not a little kid any more. I want to play chess with Dora.”

“But I really want to read to you.”

“Pull my finger!” –Dora

“No way, I know that trick.” Dad’s friend

OMGoodness- she has a sense of humor. XD

“What if my friend finds out I was abducted?” –Devin

~I think he knows~

Birthday time for Dorita!

I forgot and let Babette make a cake earlier. XD

Aw! She’s got Custom hair but I don’t know which one yet. Light brown with black eyebrow?… she’s unique.

“Say Grandpa…. Grrr-aaannnd-paw.” –Virgil


~The heck you say. You have 3 kids and you want another? You’re the family Sim, Devin is really the Knowledge~

D’awww =[

~Dora, it’s 3am… why are you downstairs?”

“I woke up.” –Dora

I have no idea what woke her- maybe a ‘move’ action was queued when she went to bed.

It’s Monday morning so she’ll be tired after school. =[

I made The Sweet Family Tree =]

~End of Week 15~

Next they’ll have an alien birth, birthdays, and probably two deaths. The elder’s meters are filling fast. =[

Thanks so much for reading ~ Happy Simming! <3