Spell defense TR Fast & Furious


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Spell Defense TR “Fast & Furious”

The Throne Room

The Cards

High Combat Speed ( Fast) with a focus on High Battle stats & Spellpower ( Furious) for Defending.

I saw this Original TR in a Battle Report and reversed Engineered from there.

Throne Stats: defender Spellcaster Range: 584.5%

Range Debuff: -736% Spellcaster Range Debuff: -351.5%

Attack: 3256%

Spellcaster Attack: 5192% Attack Debuff: -1834%

Siege Attack Debuff: -472% Spellcaster Attack Debuff: -705%

Defense: 11878%

Horsed Defense: 1195% Spellcaster Defense: 2127%

Defense Debuff: -2030%

Horsed Life: 233% Spellcaster Life: 3284%

Combat Speed: 12313%

Spellcaster Combat Speed: 1883% Combat Speed Debuff: -467%

Accuracy: 9.88%

Spellcaster Spell Power: 10604%

Spellcaster Spell Power Debuff: -7591.5%

However the difference is , I put an emphasis on LIFE & LIFE debuff as well but players with higher cards can

go higher on different stats depending on cards. I am sure we can come up with variations, with Range or

Range Debuff or higher SpellPower. We could well end up with 7 variations on this Preset and like the movie

it’s easy to name ( )

The Defending Troops Troops Fought Survived Killed

Militiaman 10,000 10,000 Scout 4,375,000 2,964,435 (1,410,565)

Pikeman 10,000 10,000 Swordsman 10,000 10,000

Archer 50,000 50,000 Cavalry 4,870,000 4,870,000

Heavy Cavalry 910,000 910,000 Ballista 1 1

Battering Ram 10,000 10,000 Catapult 50,000 50,000

Executioner 35,000 35,000 Siege Wall 10,000 0 (10,000) Flame Archer 25,000 25,000

Hussar 35,000 35,000 Halberdier 1 1

Heavy Onager 1 1 Saboteur 10,000 10,000

Shield Sorcerer 150,000 150,000 Soul Stealer 2,500 2,500

Plague Doctor 2,500 2,500 Toxic Conjurer 100,000 100,000

Defensive Tower 1 1 Crossbows 2,850 2,850

Trap 5,200 0 (5,200)

The Reports

The Reports

Any Spellcaster may be added including Souls Stealers, if you have them.

You can change the TR around, it is to give you guidance, from where you can alter, tweak, enhance

it, it is not a foolproof.

Sac Hcav or executioners

Sac Shields or Souls

Toxics turn out to be tank busters IF they come in Range

: Sharing is knowledge, and a lot of players are not sharing. Yes it gives you and edge, or

advantage, but it leaves also many people clueless. The objective of these tutorials, is to teach, learn, educate

players so ALL players have a better under understanding of the game. The more players participate, the

better the overall experience is for all players. More attacking and defending means “lively” domains full of

