Five Ways to Lower your Carbon Footprint in your Home


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Five Ways to Lower Your Carbon Footprint in Your Home

Eat Less Meat Raising livestock increases the level of

methane gas and other gases that contribute to climate change.

Eat more plants or consider eating more local foods, reducing the amount of travel time and distance of your food.

Grow a Garden Even simpler. Instead of buying your

fruits and vegetables from the grocery store where they may have traveled a great distance, grow your own.

It’s healthier and reduces the total carbon footprint of your food.

If you can’t grow your own food, consider signing up for a CSA or buying from a local farmer.

Get a Bike Climate scientists like Mark Nechodom

know that automobiles contribute significantly to total carbon emissions.

If you live close enough to your job or your local grocery store, consider biking instead.

If this is impossible, consider using public transportation or carpooling.

Use More Energy Efficient Appliances and HVAC System This could be based off your own income

and savings. You can reduce your carbon footprint just

by changing the lightbulbs you use. Major changes include purchasing

EnergyStar appliances or upgrading HVAC systems to use energy more efficiently.

You can also save in energy costs from making these upgrades.

Change Your Habits Take shorter showers Compost your waste Open curtains to use natural sunlight for

heat Seal any cracks in your windows or doors

to prevent energy loss Install an automatic thermostat Turn off the television and other

electronics when not in use.