Where Food Comes From - Overview

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Do you know where your food comes from? Learn more about who we are and what we do!

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Discovering the power of

Where Food Comes From®

Where Food Comes From, Inc.

Who are we?

19 Years in the Food Verification and Certification business

Three Main Auditing Divisions –

IMI Global www.imiglobal.com

International Certification Services www.ics-intl.com

Validus Verification Services www.validusservices.com

Where Food Comes From®product labeling program www.wherefoodcomesfrom.com

Third-party Verification

Claims are authenticated by an unbiased, independent third-party

Determine what is most important to your customer, and verify those traits

Transparency in production practices equals trust in your products

Meet & exceed customer expectations with a third-party to tell your story for you

Source (Identification & Traceability)

No Added Hormones

USDA NeverEver3 Natural

Grass-Fed Beef

Global Animal Partnership 5-Step Animal Welfare Rating™ (GAP)

Food Alliance Certification

Gluten-Free Certification

USDA Organic (USDA NOP), International Organic Standards

Non-GMO Project Verification

Product Attributes We are Currently Verifying/Certifying


American Humane™ Certified

National Chicken Council audits

National Turkey Federation audits

Whole Foods® Egg Laying Hens Standards

United Egg Producers Certified

Safe Feed/Safe Food Program (SF/SF)

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Safe Quality Food (SQF)

On-Farm Security Audits

Good Environmental Livestock Production Practices (GELPPs)

Worker Care Audits

& more, including custom private brand programs

Product Attributes We are Currently Verifying/Certifying

USDA Process Verified Program

Audited, approved and accredited by the United States Department

of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) to

conduct independent audits of food producers, processors, retailers, etc., to approved

process verified points

USDA Oversight Third-party is annually audited by USDA to assure

compliance Listed as official USDA PVP program New points, changes must be reviewed and approved by


Verification & Traceability

Animal identification is maintained throughout the production cycle.


Knowing the source of

food is the first, critical

step in validating all

claims that might be

made. Without

knowing the source,

claims such as all

natural, no antibiotics

administered or

humanely raised and

handled can not be


If transparency is your goal, traceability is your


-Transparency and Traceability Essentials Guide, New Hope 360.com


What Consumers Are Saying

October 2013 Consumer Perception Survey by SMG

Nationwide grocery consumer survey to address

U.S. consumer concerns and perceptions about

current food production practices

Questions were asked to ascertain consumer

concerns when shopping for meat, produce,

dairy and eggs

Goal was to develop a better understanding of

how third party verification of food production

practices appeals to the U.S. grocery shopper

Knowing the country of origin were one of the top concerns across all product categories: Meat, Produce, Dairy and Eggs.

Over 50% of consumers said it is important for them to know about the use of hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, genetic modification, and the humane treatment of animals for the meat they buy.

About 2/3 of consumers say the idea of third-party source verification is Appealing or Very Appealing. Appeal was highest for Meat, Dairy and Eggs, and then Produce.

About 50% of consumers say they would be willing to pay more for third-party verification.

Helping them buy safer products and healthier products are the main reasons consumers would request third-party verification.

Consumer Perception Survey

Why now?

Consumers want to purchase products fromproducers and companies

that share their same values.

“Over 50% stated this has become increasingly important to them.”

Key is Communication

Verification is the first step, but it is all about communicating your efforts to the consumer and providing transparency… even when it comes to the difficult stuff


Consumers benefit by knowing where food comes from

Third party verified Third party verified



USDA verifies program compliance


Independent third party audits programs for

consistency and accuracy


Customers can discover the stories behind their food in an instant…

By verifying the source of origin of a particular

product and carrying that information all the

way through the food production cycle, Where

Food Comes From® is able to electronically link

it to a particular QR code series. As a result,

consumers can instantly know the source of

their steak or broccoli simply by scanning the

code on the package, linking them directly to a

mobile website dedicated to that specific


The Simple Power of Transparency



Multi-Faceted Approach
