3 dangerous foods for diabetics



Discusses 3 of the most dangerous foods for diabetics. Doesn't matter if you are type 1 or type 2 diabetic these foods listed should be avoided at all cost. They can damage your organs and destroy your health. Find out what these 3 foods are so you can start improving your diabetes and health today. http://bloodsugarblueprint.com for additional information on diabetes and how you can better manage and reverse it.

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3 Of The MOST Dangerous Foods

For Diabetics

©bloodsugarblueprint.com 2012

Choosing the right foods when you are diabetic is often an ongoing struggle.

You have to think about “How will this affect my blood sugar level?”

“How much of this can I have?”

“Is this good for me?”

Along with many other questions that come to mind...

You probably already know that refined, processed carbohydrates are not great choices of foods to pick when you are

planning a meal/snack.

Today we want to take some of the guesswork out of your diabetic diet.

We are going to focus on the 3 of the most dangerous foods

for diabetics.

These foods not only cause your blood sugar levels to rise but a result in

plethora of health problems if consumed for a long period of time...

#1 Fruit

A lot of fruit that are produced nowadays are larger and sweeter than in the past

(new farming methods and fertilizers) due to the large global demand of our ever-

growing population

As a result the concentration of fructose in these fruits is higher than

fruits in the wild.

Fructose is a monosaccharide, aka simple sugar. It is processed differently than other sugars.

Fructose is processed in the liver and then converted to very low-density

lipoprotein (VLDL), which contains high amounts of triglycerides and cholesterol.

Having a high VLDL level means you may have an increased risk of

coronary artery disease, which can lead to a heart attack.

Higher amounts and large VLDL particles are also associated with an

increased risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

Along with increased VLDL production, fructose can lead to

inflammation, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, abdominal obesity,

oxidative stress, renal damage, and increased production of uric acid


It also contributes to fatty deposits on the liver similar to

effects of alcohol.

Let me stress, eating SMALL amounts of whole fruits is perfectly fine if you are

diabetic (2-3s servings a week),

the best fruits are small berries and coconut due to their high antioxidant, nutrient, and bioflavonoid content.

But you MUST avoid any products that contain High-Fructose Corn Syrup

#2 Dairy

Pasteurized milk products (majority of products in grocery stores) have caused

more health problems than we humans care to think about.

In fact, pasteurized milk products are the

#1 allergic food in the U.S.

Today’s cow’s milk contains 50-60 plus hormones, along with allergens,

pain killer drugs, and antibiotics.

Valuable enzymes, vitamins (A, C, B6, B12), and amino acids are


Also, that vitamin D that you “need” from milk is a synthetic replacement (known to be toxic to the liver), an


Remember all those commercials promoting milk for weight loss?

Well, the truth is: the sugar found in milk, lactose actually promotes the body to

store fat.

Here is a list of other related health issues associated with dairy products:

•Diarrhea, Cramps,Bloating

•Gastrointestinal bleeding

•Respiratory congestion

•Heart disease

•Ear infections in children

•Breast, prostate and colon cancer

•Impaired immune system

•Autoimmune disease

•Neurological impairment (autism and schizophrenia)

Alternatives, you may be thinking?

Almond & coconut milk are good choices. They contain higher amounts of vitamin D and

calcium than cow’s milk.

You can also get vitamin D and calcium from plant sources like dark leafy greens and

spinach, broccoli, and wild salmon.

Another option is raw milk, which has gained popularity over the years. It contains all the vitamins, enzymes and nutrients that are

eliminated during the pasteurization process in regular cow’s milk.

I know you might be thinking, “Isn’t raw milk dangerous?”

The fact is there have been 116 cases of food illness linked to raw milk from 1996-2006,

which is a tiny fraction of the 76 million cases of food-borne illness each year in the U.S.

#3 Diet Soda

Just because the word “diet” is in front of soda doesn’t mean it is healthy for you.

Not only do diet sodas hurt your waistline, they are linked to major health problems.

In fact, consuming diet soda can actually lead to weight gain.

A 2005 University of Texas Health Science Center study found a 57.1% risk of obesity

for those drinking more than two daily servings of diet pop.

Aspartame, which is commonly found in most diet beverages, can raise blood sugar


Another study found that daily diet soda was linked to a 44-percent higher chance of heart

attack or stroke.

A 2009 Nurses' Health Study of 3,256 women found a 30% drop in level of kidney

function for participants who drank 2 or more servings of diet pop daily. 

Other studies with sucralose (aka Splenda) found in Coke Zero, Pepsi One, and Diet

Coke, show a decrease in healthy gut bacteria and increased risk of

gastrointestinal ulcers.

This can also lead to malabsorption of nutrients and medications, which can lead to

a whole new set of problems.

Here is a list of other associated problems with diet sodas:

•Increased appetite

•Irritation of eyes, nose, mouth, throat

•Respiratory distress

•Gastrointestinal tract issues-diarrhea, cramping, ulcers, bleeding

•Renal damage

•Neurological problems- vertigo, seizures, brain damage, ADD/ADHD, headaches

Some of this information may come as a shock to you but all of it is fact.

Avoiding these foods will not only allow you to manage your diabetes better and improve

your health, but also reduce the risk of other health problems.

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