5 End-of-Life-Celebration Trends: Boomers Go Out With A Bang – Infographic



The baby boomer generation has popularized funerals that are less about mourning and more about celebrating a life well lived. Funerals are much more likely to be a celebration of life than an occasion for mourning. More than half of the population (54%) would rather have a celebratory send-off than a simple church service, and almost half (48%) opt for their funeral to reflect their favorite music or football theme. There has been a major cultural shift in how funerals are executed. Requests over the last five years included: fireworks, live jazz at the graveside, as well as champagne and balloons – today anything goes! Read more: http://blog.passare.com/2013/08/30/5-end-of-life-celebration-trends-boomers-go-out-with-a-bang-infographic/ | Passare.com Blog

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