5 things to increase patient experience



5 things you must do to increase patient experience and satisfaction

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5Things you must do to

Make your patients be your sales team ! Dr Vijay Raaghavan

Engagement Manager, Medium Healthcare Consulting , India

1* No conditions apply

It is true empathy that matters.

No matter what you say, it is what you do that matters


2* Think that you are the patient

It is not that a patient loves to stay at your hospital.Your ability to send him back to his routine life at the earliest and your ability to think on behalf of him will help him come back to you for his next episode of care requirements.


3Stop thinking that a patient is your “cash cow”.Instead, think of reducing his cost burden. This will not only help you do more top line but also add

“trustworthiness” to your bottom line.

THINK : How can I reduce his cost of treatment ?

4It is more important to be in the business of treating patients and least important to be in the business of business

Money making is an art and it happens as a default when you earn customers.

Spend time with your patients and this investment will generate enough wealth for three generations to come

Stop worrying about tomorrow’s revenueThink about today’s investment !

5Most often , almost all care givers take things for granted when they see someone with a gown and a patient tag.

Stop stereotyping, Think a little beyond.Think – if you were him, How do you feel?What would you expect?More than all – how would you like to be treated ?

Stop thinking that he is patient # 111

0And Finally

Stop thinking hard about this presentation

Do it and see for yourself the difference

Dr Vijay RaaghavanEngagement Manager, Medium Healthcare Consulting , India

