Cochlear Implant Evanston IL



Call Today(847) 453-3643Visit Our Websitewww.Hearing-Aids-Evanston-IL.comA cochlear implant is a surgically implanted prosthesis that can restore some hearing to those with profound hearing loss or deafness.

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Cochlear Implants

A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted prosthesis that can restore some hearing to those with profound hearing

loss or deafness.

Individuals who have inner ear hearing loss, called sensorineural, that cannot benefit from traditional hearing aids may be a

candidate for implantation.

In normal hearing persons, the cochlea serves to transmit electrical sound

signals to the hearing nerve.

In persons with sensorineural hearing loss, the cochlea is damaged. If the damage is

extensive, implantation may be warranted.

These implants are not hearing aids, but similarly do not restore normal hearing. For

many, only awareness of sound will be achieved.

Sound awareness can also be helpful for safety purposes, providing awareness of

alarms, sirens, or other loud warning signals.

Talk to your hearing healthcare professional today if you think you, a friend, or loved one may be a candidate for cochlear implants.

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