Endocrine and nervous system




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Endocrine, Nerves and You

What is the Endocrine system?

-The Endocrine system is comprised of various glands that secrete hormones into the blood stream which in turn affect tissues cells with receptors for the specific hormone.-This process helps regulate, growth, response to stress, water and mineral balance, and metabolism.

What are the structures of the Endocrine system?

• The Endocrine system is comprised of:– Pineal gland(body)– Hypothalamus– Thyroid– Parathyroid– Pituitary gland– Adrenal glands– Pancreas– Testes– Ovaries

HormonesPineal gland(body)

• Melatonin


• Thyrotropin-releasing hormone• Dopamine• Growth hormone-releasing hormone• Somatostatin• Gonadotropin-releasing hormone• Oxytocin• Vasopressin (Antidiuretic hormone)


• Anterior– Growth Hormone(somatotropin)– Thyroid-stimulating Hormone(thyrotropin)– Adrenocorticotropic hormone(corticotropin)– Follicle-stimulating hormone– Luteinizing hormone– Prolactin– Melanocytic-stimulating hormone

HormonesPituitary cont.

• Posterior– Oxytocin– Vasopressin(Antidiuretic hormone)


• Triiodothyroxine(T3) • Tetraiodothyronine(Thyroxine/T4)• Calcitonin


• Parathyroid Hormone


• Cortex– Glucocorticoids(primarily Cortisol)– Mineralcorticoids(primarily Aldosterone)– Androgens(DHEA and Testosterone)

Medulla– Epinephrine(Adrenaline)– Norepinephrine(Noradrenaline)– Dopamine– Enkephalin


• Insulin• Glucagon• Somatostatin• Pancreatic Polypeptide


• Androgens(primarily Testosterone)• Estradiol• Inhibin


• Progesterone• Androstenedione• Estrogens(primarily Estradiol)• Inhibin

The Nervous System

Central Nervous System(CNS)

• Comprised of the Brain and Spinal Cord• The functional unit of the CNS is the Neuron• Neurons release neurotransmitters from the

Axon to receiving Dendrites at the synaptic gap.• The Brain is essential in awareness, movements,

sensations, thoughts, speech, and memory awareness, movements, sensations, thoughts, speech, and memory (some reflexes occur via the spinal cord pathways without brain involvement)

How do they interact????


• The Hypothalamus connects these two systems via the Pituitary gland by secreting Neurohormones that stimulate or inhibit the release of Pituitary hormones

• Pituitary hormones stimulate the release of other hormones from other endocrine structures

• Reproductive hormones affect the development of the nervous system.

• Hormones provide feedback to the brain to affect neural processing.

