Positive Self Talk



Want to be the best you can be? You've got to think it to win it! Contact John Ellsworth, Master Mental Game Coach and Sports Psychology Consultant. ProtexSports.com

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John Ellsworth, M.A.

Sports Psychology Consultant


Positive Self Talk – What is it?

• The internal dialog we have going on every day.

– 60,000 thoughts / day

– Quality of dialog separates the good performer from the peak performer

• It can either be helpful or harmful.– Five ways we self-talk about performance

• I think I can…

• I hope I can…

• I believe I can…

• I know I can…

• I will make this happen


Positive Self Talk – What is it?

• Is both instructional, and motivational.

– Executing skills & strategies…

– Mental toughness, focus, & confidence…

– Keeping on track to achieve goals…

• How does it affect you?– The subconscious is the control center

for all movement.

– Constantly being programmed by thoughts, words, emotions we to tell it.

– Good input = in Good output


Asset or Liability:Self-Talk can be an asset or a liability

• Helps the athlete to remain in the

present - it’s an asset

• Takes the athlete to dwell on the past,

focus on unhealthy beliefs, or the

future outcomes - it is a liability.

• Which is it for you?


Asset or Liability:Self-Talk can be an asset or a liability

• Is your self-talk an asset

or a liability?

– Take a mini self – assessment.

– Hear, see, and feel the self-dialog

in your last performance.


Negative Self-Talk – DISRUPTS

AUTOMATICITY of performance

Evaluates performance & engages the mind in derogatory self-labeling, & rating.

Holding these patterns reinforces behavior to confirm these perceptions. Self-Fulfilling!

Affects immediate performance, self-esteem.


Negative Self-Talk – DISRUPTS

AUTOMATICITY of performance

Self-Esteem & Confidence begins and ends with self-talk.

Self-Talk feeds the mind with data & feelings about performance.

We gain Confidence - via task success. Positive Self-Talk strengthens the mind with “power” food.

Best Performances - happen when?


Negative Self-Talk – DISRUPTS

AUTOMATICITY of performance

If the goal is poor performance - negative

talk works every time.

If goal = Success – immerse yourself on

the immediate “task” at hand.

Incorporate performance enhancing

process thoughts. Amazing things

will happen!!


Planned Self-Talk – can enhance



Goal: Reduce conscious control & promote automatic execution of the skill. (More) focus on desired feeling(s).

Skill Learning – Self-talk is frequent & focused on technique, mechanics, & execution.

Mastery - Self-talk becomes shorter, less frequent, & shifts focus away from mechanics. Focusing on strategies, optimal feelings, & images is key consistent success.

Key reminders – like “cue words” create images

– See it - hear it - feel it - !


Planned Self-Talk – can enhance



• Objective: Focus on success/achievement rather than physical mechanics/technique of the task.

• Confidence first, then Trust without conscious thought process on mechanics.


Different Types of

Self Talk – There are 7

1. Self -Talk for Changing Bad Habits

2. Self -Talk for Attention Control

3. Self -Talk for Creating Affect or Mood

4. Self -Talk for Changing Affect or Mood

5. Self - Talk for Controlling Effort

6. Self – Talk for Building Self- Efficacy

7. Self-Talk for Increasing Adoption & Maintenance of Exercise Behavior


Identifying Self-Talk

• Retrospection - looking back and contrasting good versus poor performances

• Imagery – rehearse / review past performances & note patterns in self-talk

• Self -Talk Log – track self-talk (Self-Talk Monitoring System)


Techniques for

Controlling Self-Talk

1. Thought Stoppage – awareness & use of trigger to STOP the thought

2. Countering – identify & build a case against the statements. Internal dialog that uses facts & reasons to refute the underlying belief.

“No that’s not right, who says I can’t?


Techniques for

Controlling Self-Talk

3. Reframing – Alternative frames of reference or different point of view. Acknowledge & use situation to ones best advantage.

Negative: “I’m not feeling confident about my chances….

Reframe: “ I’m looking forward to the challenge…

Negative: “I’m feeling tense & anxious about the event today”

Reframe: “I’m feeling excited and ready to rock and roll”

Reframe: “I’m feeling like I have the butterflies flying in formation”


Techniques for

Controlling Self-Talk

4. Affirmations - Positive Self-

Talk Statements– Refocus the mind – “cue words”

– Repeat powerful words that get the attention

of your internal computer (subconscious).

– Great preventive strategy - keeps the mind

positive - No time for negative to creep in.

– Examples: Power & Speed, Perfect

Rhythm, Glide & Stride, Smooth Delivery


Formula for Self-Talk Success

5. What Next?

– Training is a process. The destination will be there. Enjoy the journey!

– The extra edge to reaching peak performance results = mental strength!

– Homework assignment: Create three positive affirmations for each event.

– It’s all about “how you say it”. The mind will do what we tell it.

“The mind controls the body, and the mind is unlimited” ~ Craig Townsend
