Well Being Componentsfor Healthy Perspectives



This presentation was created for people to examine and improve their own well beings...

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Well Being Components for Healthy Perspectives

That Create Overall Wellness

By Irvin Engle6/1/02


Measuring Focal Points as A.P.P.L.I.E.D to everyday life Measures of stress with the acronym

A.P.P.L.I.E.D Focal Points • 1. Activity (recreation, exercise)• 2. Personal (self,actualization)• 3. Priorities (beliefs, religion)• 4. Learning (studying, new ideas)• 5. Interaction (with others, relationships)• 6. Entertainment (leisure time)• 7. Diet (eating habits)


Goals and Objectives

Identify stressors that are overwhelming with the acronym F.A.D.E. Them out of the picture by:

Finding a relief process analyzing situational incidence

Avoiding stress unwanted related scenarios Defining precursors and causes of stress one

wants eliminated Eliminating unnecessary stressors


Everyday stressors

Everyone has stress in their life on a daily basis

Certain stress is necessary while some is in excess


What kind of stress is necessary or not necessary? Stress has been a continual problem for

most people Stress can be alleviated systematically Certain stress is necessary as a warning

system Stress can be harmful when it makes

one’s life unmanageable


Determining where stress comes from is the key to relief Once the stressor is identified one can go on to

change or eliminate its origin Getting a focus on ones area of stress is the first

step. Direct C.A.R.E. is the acronym for: 1. Communication 2. Alteration 3 Rectification 4. Evaluation

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Good A.P.P.L.I.E.D. C.A.R.E. Can Help One F.A.D.E. StressFrom Their Lifestyle Creating Overall Wellness Eliminating unwanted stressors in one’s life will

help create a safer healthier environment Good C.A.R.E. Techniques will help to maintain

overall wellness in one’s lifestyle Identify action items and F.A.D.E. Out unwanted

stress Go Back To My Home Page http://student.ccbcmd.edu/~iengle
