A Simple Solution to Improve Your Smile


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A Simple Solution to Improve Your Smile

A Simple Solution to Improve Your Smile

Porcelain veneers can help make your smile more attractive if you have stains, chips, gaps, a misshapen tooth, or another minor issue. Dr. Ala Din typically completes this popular cosmetic dentistry procedure in just two sessions. If youre tired of not showing your full smile or using over-the-counter remedies that dont work, be sure to ask him about porcelain veneers.

The Process of Receiving Porcelain Veneers

If Dr. Din decides that youre a good candidate for this procedure, the first thing he does is clean your teeth and temporarily remove other restorations. In some cases, he may need to remove a small amount of tooth enamel to ensure that the veneer fits properly. This allows for a completely natural appearance

after the procedure and is typically less than one-eighth of a millimeter of tooth enamel. Following these two steps, Dr. Din takes an impression of the tooth to receive the veneer. He sends this to our dental lab for the technicians to make your final restoration. We can provide you with a temporary veneer in the meantime if you are interested.

We will contact you to come in for a second appointment after the laboratory returns your new porcelain veneer. Dr. Din places a dental bonding agent on your tooth at this time. He then shapes and polishes the wafer-thin veneer before placing it over the sticky substance on the treated tooth. The last step is to shine a curing light on the veneer to reduce the time required for it to harden in place.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Din Today

Whether youre looking to lose teeth stains or disguise another type of blemish with your teeth, porcelain veneers are a simple way to improve your aesthetics. Please contact our dental office today to set up a time to discuss this cosmetic dentistry procedure in more detail with Dr. Din. He will also complete an oral exam at that time.

