Dr. Yusuf Mosuro Explains How Meditation Can Help Pain Sufferers


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Dr. Yusuf Mosuro Explains How Meditation Can Help Pain Sufferers

Numerous research studies point to the fact that meditation can reduce chronic pain for patients who have not had success with other approaches, Dr. Yusuf Mosuro points out. He says that various types of daily meditation tend to help reduce stress, a key culprit in the pain paradigm.

Meditation has been shown to increase the body’s tolerance for chronic pain, boost self-esteem, cut anxiety levels, help deal with depression and sometimes eliminate the need for certain medications, Dr. Yusuf Mosuro notes. People who regularly suffer from headaches, chest pain, stomach problems, and low-back pain have turned to meditation to, in many cases, successfully deal with their challenges.

One of the best things about meditation, according to Dr. Yusuf Mosuro, is that it involves no drugs, costs nothing, and can be safely done just about anywhere. Patients who use meditation on a daily basis often report that their pain has lessened considerably within just a few weeks of starting a program.

Meditation is “non-invasive” because it merely consists of sitting quietly and focusing the mind on either a word or phrase, or perhaps a serene place. Positive thoughts that follow a meditation session seem to last for at least several hours and in some cases many days.

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