Embedding children and young peoples participation in healthcare, pop up uni, 2pm, 2 september 2015


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Tears, Pizza, Teamwork, Action – Embedding

Children and Young People’s Participation in Healthcare

Louca-Mai Brady, PHD researcher University West of England

Emily Roberts, Barnardos HYPE service Bristol and South Gloucestershire

Maria Hennessey, Head of Nursing & Clinical Governance North Bristol NHS Trust

Dawn Ravenhill, professional lead for Physiotherapy North Bristol NHS Trust

Tears – 2009 a clash of cultures

Tears - new innovative partnerships are hard and take time to get right

“At the beginning there was confusion and anxiety about Barnardo’s as our new

partner. I felt threatened by the idea of service user “participation” I thought it

would undermine me as a clinician”

“We were a new team getting our heads around what working

with an NHS Trust involved….unprepared for the level of

resistance, lack of shared understanding and low staff morale”

Pizza – Maslow’s hierarchy of need

Pizza and beyond

“[It’s] about people being really

genuinely interested in you as a

person as well as your views about

participation, because I feel like I couldn’t really trust that somebody

was really interested in my views

about a service if I didn’t feel like they were interested in me as a

person” (young person).

“[It’s about] recognising that [some

children and young] people needed support to be included, that this

couldn’t happen by itself and people

needed to be empowered and feel empowered… so it is about building

people’s capacity to be included”

Teamwork – shared vision “[Participation is] a

collaborative effort…

everybody’s job…not

just the responsibility

of one particular

person or one

particular service…we

all should be doing it”

Teamwork – 2012, ambitions to embed participation

“We know that we do

[participation] but we

need to demonstrate

that we do it and we

need to find a way of

making sure that

everybody does it in a

similar way”

Teamwork – action research

Teamwork – professional’s thoughts

Participation needs leadership,

dedicated time energy, support, timescales and


Participation is energising for staff Keep sharing good practice to develop

role models for other services

Bigger picture vision supports cohesion between services

Teamwork – young people, what was it like?

Action(s) • Strategy

• Letter

• Framework -

• Film

Actions – Physiotherapy case example

• Gone from the fringes of participation to a growing understanding of the importance of parent’s and children and young people’s

• As professional lead I have made this a service priority and physios, after

initial trepidation have responded

• Set up a parent’s group from scratch and already feeling the impact

of this after two meetings

Physio parent’s group second meeting What we had done:

• Template for parents/young person of professionals names, contact numbers.

• Changed the timing of sending out the feedback questionnaire;

• Occupational Therapy service adopted our questionnaire

What We Discussed:

• Equity of physiotherapy service if the family and child move area

• Parents experience of being discharged from Maternity Hospital with a

child who has had several fits & not given contacts in the community

• Agreement to help write the parent/child friendly Core Offer

Actions - Clinical Governance

‘What goes on in there?’
