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  1. 1. MINDFULNESS EXERCISE By: Emiliza S. Cornejo
  2. 2. What is Mindfulness? It is about bringing ones complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to- moment basis, without judgment (Smith, 2013). Learning how to do it is easy, and the basic practices can be introduced and taught in minutes.
  3. 3. Meditation Allows you to let go and be present in the moment Takes practice Can lead to lower levels of stress and anxiety and a greater level of personal connectedness
  4. 4. Basic Meditation
  5. 5. Deep breathing
  6. 6. Deep breathing techniques Inhale for 5 counts, then exhale for 5 counts Instead of counting, pick a Positive word like love or happiness to help set a pace
  7. 7. Guided imagery
  8. 8. Yoga & Tai Chi
  9. 9. Creative outlets Explore your creative side. This is a great way to express your emotions in a healthy manner. Your level of talent is not important. What is important is youre having fun while learning about yourself!
  10. 10. Writing
  11. 11. Art
  12. 12. Music
  13. 13. Dance
  14. 14. Create A Sanctuary
  15. 15. Mindfulness at a glance is paying attention to the present moment with intention, while letting go of judgment Helps improve concentration Helps reduce stress Improve our over-all health
  16. 16. Links to mindfulness exercises mindfulness-exercises-you-can-try-today/ simple-mindfulness-exercises/ http://www.the-guided-meditation-
  17. 17. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an e-mail at:
  18. 18. References: National Alliance on Mental Illness (n.d.). Mindfulness. Retrieved from: mindfulness Smith, L. (2013). The golden heart of soft skills. Training Journal. Retrieved from: re/golden-heart-soft-skills