SMRC Motivational Messages


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Specialist Mobility Rehabilitation Centre

SMRC Preston Rehabilitation Gym

Exercise routines shaped around you

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It’s Ok

If you are not on full power to-day

Best Practice

A structured process . . .to make sure things happen right . . .on each and every occasion

Chill Out

It’s the SMRC law

How Is Your Health To-day?

If you are up for it . . . go for it

If not . . . sit down, relax, let’s talk





You are never a loser . . .until you quit trying


Adversity is the mother of progress


It is a mistake to look too far ahead . . . only one link of the chain of destiny . . .

can be handled at a time. 

Your Future

“Like” the dreams of the future . . . better than the history of the past


Dreams seldom materialize on their own


Effort only fully releases its reward . . .after a person refuses to quit


Nothing is impossible . . . the word itself says ‘I’m possible

Goal Setting

To change ones life . . . start immediately. . . do it with positivity . . . no exceptions

Performance v Target

A positive mindset helps achieve your KPIs. . . how is your mindset to-day?

SMRC Gym Rules

Your life has two rules . . . (1) Never quit (2) Always remember rule (1)

Oxygen Efficiency

Tense muscles . . . are greedy muscles

It is madness not to exercise and eat right . . . and expect to feel on full power



Make sure the only limitations you have. . . are the ones you place on yourself


The person who moves mountains . . .begins by moving small stones


drops of positivity cause ripples . . .which spread a long way

Dare To Soar

your attitude always determines . . .your altitude in life


There are only 3 choices in life1. Give up2. Give in3. or give it all you’ve got

SMRC Fitness Processes

fuel your engines of wellbeing


I may not be there yet . . . but . . . I am closer than yesterday


if you are not riding the wave of change . . . you will find yourself beneath it

Team Effort

the team at the top of the mountain . . .didn’t fall there


motivators are like eagles . . . they don’t flock . . . you find them one at a time


always use the word impossible . . .with the greatest of caution


the best way to predict a successful future is . . . to let SMRC Preston Rehabilitation Gym

create it for you


if an eagle chases two rabbits . . .both escape


is the secret to success . . .pass it on


the race not always goes to the swift . . .but those who keep on running

SMRC 5 Laws Of Wellbeing

1. Eat well.

2. Sleep well.

3. Exercise according to your personalised program.

4. Take good care of your stump.

5. If something is wrong, talk to us immediately.

Definition of Self Motivation

Wanting to do something for yourself

Definition of Self Esteem

Feeling good about yourself

strong ambitious fit & well

positive happy motivated

SMRC Preston Rehabilitation Gym

SMRC Preston Gym helping you get the balance right

Exercise & eat right= lose weight No exercise & eat

the wrong stuff = gain weight

SMRC Preston Rehabilitation Gym

Specialist Mobility Rehabilitation Centre

Exercise routines shaped around you

SMRC Preston Rehabilitation Gym
