DW 2015: Ivar Steen-Johnsen Nordic Screens


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The new generation setting the media industry agenda

COO Ivar Steen-Johnsen, Nordic Screens MCN with YouTuberS Henrik Hildre, Baibai & Huginn and Hvard Nordlie Mathiesen, ALACHO

Digital Winners

Oct 22 2015

Digital Winners 2015

How to build trust today with your future customers


Digital Winners 2015

TubeCon Helsinki August 2015.

Fans cheering their YouTube-stars.

Fandom is core at YouTube. YouTubers are the new pop stars. Huge influencers, weather they are gamers, beauty video bloggers, humorist, mucicialns, sports enthusiasts.


Digital Winners 2015

What is a Multi Channel network. From the talents perspective this is it:


22 millioner visninger/mnd. 280 kanaler. Ett r+

Digital Winners 2015


Daily trafic development Nordic Screens MCN

Digital Winners 2015

Nordic Screens now reaching 1 million views every day.

Nordic OPEN rapidly growing. Already more 750 channels in Norway and Denmark, publishing about 100 new videos every day.

In one year we have built a network delivering about the same number of daily streams as VGTV and TV 2 and three times the size of Dagbladet. But we have to admit we are only half has big as NRK

SOURCE: NIP http://tnslistene.no/?list_id=11&list_type=3&week=39&year=2015&report=day&metric=avrch_000


Kilde: TNS Forbruker & Media 15/2 tlf

Digital Winners 2015

If we look at Daily coverage, YouTube is now the second largest commercial TV operation in Norway after TV 2. it is larger than TV Norge, TV 3, VGTV and NRK nett-TV

Kilde: TNS Forbruker & Media 15/2 tlf

Digital Winners 2015

Here we see how the different age groups are using TV.

72 percent men, 28 percent women

Digital Winners 2015

The demografics leaving TV are spending time on YouTube.


Digital Winners 2015

HENRIK HILDE, Baibai & Huginn:

How he and Jonas work. How often they publish, WHAT they publish

How the grew from 0 to 30 000 subscribers in one year.

How they relate to their audience.

What his take is on: Will they turn to newspaper when they have grown up?


Digital Winners 2015

Hvard Nordlie Mathiesen

Gamer and entertainer!


Digital Winners 2015

Omegle is a LIVE service. Baibai & Huginn told their fans they would be on at a spesific time.


Nordic Screens business overview



Partnering with Ad/Media agencies.

Build and manage YouTube-channels for businesses.

One stop shop for


Production / Studio



Marketing YT / Adwords


Cooperations with influencers


Rights control

Network of YouTube Channels

Build a excellent talent base.

Represent channels / trafic towards advertisers and sponsors

Digital Winners 2015





Baibai & Huginn

Stina Blogg

Culinary Circus

Digital Winners 2015

We are often asked how we make money.

Of course there is advertising in front of the videos on YouTube. But most of that income goes directly to the channel owner.

But influencer marketing is growing rapidly these days, and we have many good examples on how our YouTubers make their fans aware of products, or influence them on how to think.


ADVICE NO 1 : Get started

Digital Winners 2015

Hva er riktig timing?

Ja, noe skjer. Men kan vi ikke vente?

Vr anbefaling er komme i gang. Det blir ikke lettere etter hvert.


ADVICE NO 2 : Make a strategy and think long term

Digital Winners 2015

En 14 dagers kampanje i oktober holder ikke.

Det er ndvendig tenke. Og det er ndvendig lage en langsiktig plan.

Som reklamekjpere er dere vant til bestille en kampanje og f den levert. Som innholdsaktrer m dere tenke i nye baner.


ADVICE 3: How can video help your business?

Digital Winners 2015

Auguste &Louis Lumiere - Brothers

50 sec film of the steam train arriving from Marseille La Ciotat.

the Lumire Brothers' mother Josphine and Louis' daughter Suzanne on the platform.

Betalene publikum

Frste gang !

Front row ducking, felt the train arrived into the room. It is unedited. It is just a clip from real life.

There STILL are noe stronger way of communicating than via moving pictures.


ADVICE 4: Brands need an Editor in Chief and a video strategy



Technical platforms

Networks & Advisors

Digital Winners 2015

YouTube -


Egne nettsider


Kanskje Twitter



Mass Medium




End points

The young (that are leaving TV) are with us at YouTube

YouTube is authentic, there is no filter.

Video is the preferred way of communictaion

LIVE is growing

Engagement is Global and local

Perhaps time to think: How could I benefit from using the global broadcasting platform?

Digital Winners 2015


Digital Winners 2015