SEO ON Page Optimization


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The SEO consists of two main parts. • ON Page Optimization • OFF Page Optimization

ON page optimization includes the process of preparing website pages search engine friendly.

Mainly the ON page optimization is doing in the HEAD and BODY section of the page.

The Header part consists of the title, meta description etc.

The Body part consists the header tags like h1,h2,h3 etc.


The tag should be placed within the header tag of the HTML document. The title should be unique for each page on the site.

The contents of the title tag will usually appear in the first line of the Results. Give the title with the keywords as a descriptive one.

The character limit is 60. So consider one thing that the character limit also depends on the pixel rate Of each letter. So try to limit the character between 50 – 55.

If the limit exceeds, the title in the search result will not be shown Completely instead a (…) will.

Words in the title are bolded if they appear in the user's search query. This can help users recognize if the page is likely to be relevant to their search.

Create unique title tags for each page. Never give the same for every page.


The meta description of a page will give a summary of the page to the Google and other search engines.

The Google may use this description as a snippet for the web pages. But Its not sure that this will definitely shown as a snippet.

In the case of not giving this meta tag, the Google will select a appropriate Content form the page to show as a snippet.

The meta tag have character limit of 170 characters. Due to pixelRate of each letter , cannot use complete space. So 160 is good toUse as the character limit

In the case of blogs, again we need to reduce the character limit Because the blogs will automatically add date with the content.So that we need to reduce character limit to 150.

If the character limit exceeds, the snippet may show the remainingNumber of character as (…).

This is the format of a meta description.

<meta name=“ description” content=“write the description here” />


The meta keywords will help to add appropriate keywords that we aim to list. But this tag is not consider by most of the search engines.

Due to the presence of this tag, the competitors will come to know about The keywords that we are trying. So better don’t use the tag.


This meta tag will help to use the same content in two or more places.

The presence of same content in the same or different web site willconfuse the search engine which one to show.

<link rel="canonical" href=“actual link that contain data" />

The link we have to give there is the original url that contain the data


A Robots.txt file will tell the bots to crawl or not. This Robots.txt fileShould be upload in the root directory of the website.

By the use of Robots.txt file both the bots and users cannot see thePages that restrict.

Still Google appoints spy bots for crawling such areas to check whetherThe activities happening there are safe or not.

We can write “allow” in the robots.txt, if any pages are remain not catch

Eg: user-agent: * disallow: /admin allow: /about us

Another method is also we can adopt, adding noindex to the robots metaTag. <meta name=“robots” content=“noindex,nofollow”/>

Beware of rel=“nofollow” for links

The rel=“nofollow” will tell the Google that certain links in your site Shouldn’t be followed.

This is practiced because comment spamming will pass the page’s Reputation to that link.


Give a perfect label to the image that we upload to our web site.Give the same to the alt tag of the image also.

By giving a suitable name by considering the image can only give result in the image search by the user.

There will be no user who will search our targeted keywords to search For an image.

<img src= “image name” alt=“suited word”/>


These are the links that point from one page on a domain to different page on the same domain.

The internal links will build the site architecture.

The url structure of a web site is very important. The internal links Will help to build a structured url.

The structured url will help the bots to crawl pages without anyInterruption.


 The site map can be of two types. The XML and HTML. The XML site maps are not for users but for the search engine to understand the pages in the website. The HTML sitemaps are more useful for users to find out the content in the webpage. It also helps the Google bots to analyze the website.

 The site map will help the bots to make the crawling easier. Its only possible to add 500 URL's in a single site map. is a website that help to make the site map and can download as xml or html site maps.


This will help the user to know where they are currently in the Website.

Websites like Amazon are still using the breadcrumbs.


There are chances of taking place of broken links. This can be solved Using the 301 and 302 redirection.

The 301 redirection will redirect the broken link permanently. So thatThe gathered power by the old page will be transferred to the newPage.

The 302 redirection will redirect the users only temporarily. Which Means the gathered power will remain in the old page itself.

For giving redirection we need to upload the redirection file to theHtaccess location.

“ redirect_301/old url/new url”“ redirect_302/old url/new url”


This tool is used to remove the non quality links from our website.

We can review the back links to our website using the webmaster Tools.

The non quality links can be removed by uploading a document thatContains the list of those urls .

Upload this document to the disavow section of the Google webmaster Tools.



Social signals have both a direct and indirect impact on organic search Rankings

Direct impact from:

Number of people that like your brand on Facebook. Number of Facebook shares Number of Twitter followers Number of tweets mentioning your brand name or including a link to your website. Number of people that “have you in their circles” (Google+)

Indirect impact from:

Increased inbound links due to improved online visibility Increased positive reviews (in Google Local , Yelp, etc.) due to happier customers. Decreased bounce rate, higher time on site, and more repeat visitors to your website


The site speed is a signal used by Google to rank pages according to Their algorithm.

In a slower website, The search engines can crawl only fewer pages

Methods to speed up a website: Enable compression like Gzip Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML Reduce redirects Leverage browser caching Improve server response time Optimize images Use a content distribution network


Grow natural links that should from a quality web site

The URL structure has to be short and descriptive and also help to categorize the web site.

Using of keywords purposefully in between contents will empower SEO.

The website have to be a https one that reduces chances of getting hacked

The website should be responsive in order to make the browsing in other devices compatible.

Authorization It is the process of making Google know about the ownership belongsTo whom. This can be done by adding the site url in Google+ and edit this link in our website by adding rel=“author”

