The digital edge of experience



We all have one common fantasy, from the people around us and the devices we use.

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User experience is

all about the user

What about the


Take a deep breath

Let’s go back

To the beginning


Interaction between different

biological species

The fetus is

in full biological


NO Hunger

NO Thirst

NO Cold

NO Heat

It is our Garden of Eden

But it’s gone

Instead we’ve gotten something else


A deep emotional relationship between parent and child

Avoidingpoints of friction

The key to good parenting:

And being at the right place at the

right time

The fog is clearing away…

Less points of friction

=Better experience

30 years later…

We all have onecommon fantasy

The symbiotic fantasy

We fantasize that others will be able to understand us completely

With no need to talk

at all

The human experience


The environment will predict our needs and satisfy them, completely.

The ideal – zero frictions, our lost paradise.


Our surroundings and especially our loved ones, can do this only very partially.

The only way we can come close to fulfilling this ideal – communication.

How deep is our emotional relationship to digital devices?

Accidently typed the wrong language

Just fell, and doesn’t even know it

Check it out, predicting the future isn’t that hard:

You will make the same mistakes you make today


Google now tries

to give you what you need,

before you ask for it

My daughter was born a month

ago, but we’re already out of

the hospital so I don’t really

need that information.

This is great, thanks!

Avoiding points of friction by


Context design

The prediction bar

Procrastinationis a huge friction

Avoiding it would be


Our expectations from digital devices


Digital products will predict our needs and satisfy them fully.

The ideal – perfect artificial intelligence.


Our computers, tablets and smartphones are really trying, but there’s still a lot of room for improvement.

How can we improve?

Meeting user expectations

Avoiding points of friction

Considering context

True for digital products and humans as well!

