How To Become A True Leader by Rob Wengrzyn



West's Department Chair for Business, Rob Wengrzyn, presents an informal but intriguing discussion about what it takes to be a true leader and why good managers are not necessarily good at leading.

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  • 1. HOW TO BECOME A TRUE LEADER Presented by: Rob Wengrzyn
  • 2. Quote Being a leader is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are one, you probably are not Margaret Thatcher Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 3. Start With the Basics Managers have __________, leaders have___________. Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 4. Quote You manage things; you lead people. Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 5. What qualities does a leader need? Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 6. Forbes Magazine Says Honesty Ability to Delegate Communication Sense of Humor Confidence Commitment Positive Attitude Creativity Intuition Ability to Inspire Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 7. Quote Leaders arent born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And thats the price well have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal. Vince Lombardi Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 8. Leadership Style Do we talk more about leadership styles Than leadership theory? Does not the theory drive the style? Or, by accepting a style we are adhering to a theory? Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 9. Leadership Style Bureaucratic Leadership Follow rules rigorously, and ensure that their people follow procedures precisely. Charismatic Leadership Resembles transformational leadership: both types of leaders inspire and motivate their team members. The difference lies in their intent. Transformational leaders want to transform their teams and organizations, while leaders who rely on charisma often focus on themselves and their own ambitions, and they may not want to change anything Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 10. Leadership Theory Servant Leadership Regardless of level, who leads simply by meeting the needs of the team. Transactional Leadership Starts with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader when they accept a job. The "transaction" usually involves the organization paying team members in return for their effort and compliance on a short-term task. The leader has a right to "punish" team members if their work doesn't meet an appropriate standard. Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 11. Quote A competent leader can get efficient service from poor troops, while on the contrary an incapable leader can demoralize the best of troops. John J Pershing Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 12. Leadership Theory Lewin's Leadership Styles Autocratic Democratic Laaiszee Faire The Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid Published in 1964 It highlights the best leadership style to use, based on your concern for your people and your concern for production/tasks. Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 13. Leadership Theory The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory Argues that you need to use different leadership styles depending on the maturity of your team members. Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 14. Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 15. Leadership Theory Path-Goal Theory What your team members want and need Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 16. Leadership Theory Six Emotional Leadership Styles Visionary Coaching Affiliative (close connection) Democratic Pacesetting Commanding. It also shows how each style can affect the emotions of your team members. Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 17. Leadership Theory Flamholtz and Randle's Leadership Style Matrix Shows you the best leadership style to use How capable people are of working autonomously How creative or "programmable" the task is. Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 18. Leadership Theory Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 19. Quote What you do has far greater impact than what you say. Stephen Covey Complete Sales Strategies 2012
  • 20. Thank You Rob Wengrzyn Complete Sales Strategies Complete Sales Strategies 2012
