Teen health


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Health is very important to us.

Healthy habits, including

eating and being physically

active, can help us feel good,

look good, and do your best in

school, work, or sports.

Us teenagers should eat

healthy food like vegetables

and fruits. Teenagers always

think that they are fat or that

they have big stomach and

then they don‘t eat anything

or they go on diet. But that‘s

not a good excuse.

Junk food is bad for our

healthy. We should avoid junk

food, because it‘s not healthy

and it has lots of fat and sugar.

We shouldn‘t spend lots of time in front of computer.

We should exercise and play something, like football. If

we exercise our body will be healthier and fitter.

Smoking is bad for teenagers. Most people

start smoking when they are in their teens. It‘s hard

to give up smoking. So don‘t start smoking in the

first place.

One of the most important ways to take care of our skin is to

protect it from the sun. Then we have to wear sunscreen,

sunglasses and hat. We should avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun's rays

are strongest.

We should wear shoes that fit

properly. Because if we will

wear high-heels we will get a

foot pain and problems in the


Take care of your body. If you won‘t take care of it your body

will have problems when you will be older. Also don‘t spend lots of

time in front of computer. Go somewhere with your friends or go for a walk instead of taking a

