35 Blogging Tips for Beginner Bloggers


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35 Blogging Tips for Beginner Bloggers

Jane Sheeba

#1. Have a blogging purpose in mind

#2. Devise a blogging action plan

#3. Set everything right so you’ll stick to your action plan

#4. Have a content strategy that aligns with your blogging goals

#5. Use the right tools to get things done

#6. Outsource mind-numbing tasks

#7. Be determined to create high quality content

#8. Stay consistent with whatever you do

#9. You must embrace SEO

#10. Network right from the beginning

#11. Start building an email list, right from the start

#12. Design a clean blog

#13. Have conversion elements in place

#14. Answer readers’ questions

#15. Keep yourself in the loop by reading other blogs in the niche

#16. Be patient. Be persistent

#17. The important pages on your site have to be complete, and up-to-date

#18. Use your own voice. Never imitate others

#19. Have a means to measure the results

#20. Have a means to capture blog post ideas

#21. Reach out to readers outside your blog

#22. Format your content properly so it is easy for your readers to consume

#23. Help readers to share your content

#24. Create evergreen, pillar content quite often

#25. Make time for blogging, no matter what

#26. Be honest. Don’t fake anything

#27. Be a prolific writer

#28. Use a variety of content forms

#29. Make sure your site is properly set up

#30. Don’t EVER indulge in black hat SEO techniques. Ever.

#31. Make navigation easy and straightforward

#32. Use simple language

#33. Work on your website’s loading speed

#34. Don’t forget to make your site responsive

#35. Know what it takes to succeed with blogging (and develop the mindset)

For more information on each tip, click this link:

