5 Tips For A Successful PPC Landing Page


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Include a clear, specific call to action.

No “learn more.” No “For more information …” Make your offer specific and tangible. Information offers (white papers, ebooks,

information kits) often work best for PPC because they appeal to prospects across a broad segment of the selling cycle.

TIP 01

Sell the offer.

Once you’ve decided on the right offer, sell it. Remember, it’s not the company you’re selling, or the product, it’s that white paper or

video or webinar the prospect gets when he or she fills out the form. If the offer is a video, show screen shots. If it’s a white paper, include excerpts, Amazon-type page previews, even

reader reviews. The more detail, the better.

TIP 02

Write a headline that reflects the ad copy.

Effective PPC campaigns start with effective, action-oriented ad copy that’s relevant to the search term. They end with an engaging, easy to navigate landing page that’s relevant to the

ad copy. The goal is one seamless user experience in which every step validates and rewards the prospect’s information

needs. Avoid disconnects by keeping your message consistent.

TIP 03

Keep the registration form short, and above the fold.

If you have a robust, systematic lead nurturing program in place (of course you do) there’s no need to capture every morsel of

information from the prospect at first touch. Every required field you add to your registration form lowers your conversion rate

accordingly. Ask for the minimum information possible, and keep the form high on the page where the reader can see it (and act)


TIP 04

Don’t skimp on selling copy.

PPC landing pages are different in this respect from say, an email landing page, because the reader barely knows anything yet about

your company or the offer. Be sure to include sufficient selling copy to a) adequately sell the offer, b) address any anticipated

concerns or objections, and c) help ensure a high quality score by offering what Google calls “relevant and original content” – i.e.

content related to the offer in the ad.

TIP 05

Spear Marketing Group is a full-service demand generation agency that helps B2B technology companies generate, nurture, and

convert leads to revenue. Our services include email marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), content syndication, lead nurturing, digital advertising, social media, and content

development. For more information, visit us on the Web at www.spearmarketing.com

Additional resources:

White Paper: Top 10 B2B Paid Search Mistakes

White Paper: Effective Lead Generation Offers for High-Technology Companies

White Paper: Tips for Successful Ads on Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook
