Applying SEO & Startup Tactics to Book Marketing


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Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish |

Applying SEO & Startup Tactics to

Book Marketing

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Why Does Search Matter to Authors?

More recent data is hard to come by, but it’s

probable that 50%+ of book sales happen

online, and many offline purchases are

influenced by online exposure.

Via DBW/Bowker

Via a Survey I Conducted On Twitter

Via SimilarWeb

In ecommerce, search is the traffic referral leader

TheStartup Marketing Model

Identify Right Customers

Right Customer

Via Sarah C. Andersen

Who are they?

What social networks do they use?

Where do they goon the web?

Via Followerwonk

Who are their influencers?

Not Into Tools?

Can’t Find Your Audience on Social?

Have Conversations!

So… What kinda sites do you dogs visit?

Target the Right Audiencein the Right Places

Your Audienceis Already

Spending Time at These Places:

Via SimilarWeb’s Top Sites

You Can Leverage thatAttention by Contributing to…

Massive Networks Like Facebook

Via TheFinancialBrand Via SearchEngineLand

Although we’ve seen organic reach dipping for years, there’s been a resurgence thanks to

audience optimization

Influencer Networks Like Twitter


Visual Networks Like Instagram

Via Iconosquare

Professional Networks Like LinkedIn

We’ve seen a recent rise in engagement and CTR on LinkedIn for the right

kinds of content

An Important Note on Social Networks--

Signal:Noise Ratio is Critical to Reach

Because this post didn’t do well, Facebook won’t show my next few

posts to as many users

Video Sites Like YouTube

Via Moz’s YouTube Channel

Online Communities Like Reddit


Q+A Sites Like Quora

Via Quora’s Mystery Novels Topic

Niche Communities Like


Comment Sections Like AVC


Publishers that Accept Guest Contributions Like Good Housekeeping

Via Good Housekeeping

Targeting Your Audiencewith Paid Advertising

Half of All Mobile Ad Clicks are Accidental

Via SearchEngineLand

But, Ads are Getting Far More Sophisticated

Via Sovrn

And even though we don’t think they influence us, they do

Via Harvard Business Review

The Key to Ad Buying is ROI

$0.25 / Click X 200 Visits $50 Total Ad Spend=

200 Visits X 5 Sales = 2.5% Conversion Rate

$50 ÷  5 Sales = $10 Cost of Acquiring a Customer (CAC)

You want this figure to be less than you make per sale

Facebook Ads

Google AdWords

Google Shopping Ads

Retargeting (Google, AdRoll)

More on Whiteboard Friday

e.g. I visited Squarespace while building this slide deck, and now their ads follow me around

the web like a lost puppy dog

Pinterest Ads

Google Display Ads

Custom/Small Ad Publishers

Via Hark! A Vagrant

Sponsored Content (Outbrain, Taboola)

If You Have Email Addresses,You Can Also Use:

Facebook Custom Audiences

Via Facebook

Google AdWords’ Customer Match

Via SearchEngineLand

Newsletters & Book Announcements

Via Dan Ariely (author of Predictably Irrational)

Good, Free Mailing List Options:

Mailchimp:Free to 2,000 subscribers or 12,000 emails/month, great deliverability

Newsletter for WP:Requires a bit of installation, but free to unlimited numbers of subscribers

Benchmark Email:Free to 2,000 subscribers or 14,000 emails/month, easy UI

Attract an Audienceto Your Platform

Is your publishing platform holding you back?

Sometimes, content isn’t the problem.

SEO-friendly access for crawlers and searchers

Great user experience on every device

Compelling reasons to subscribe, share, & return

Freedom from features that would annoy or dissuade visitors

Content that’s consistently interesting, useful, and/or engaging to a distinct audience

Does My Publishing Platform Provide:

Platforms to Consider Include:

Wordpress:Free, extensible, powerful, has lots of plugins & developers

Wix:Easy templates, good support, strong designs, inexpensive

Squarespace:Solid templates, easy to manage, inexpensive,

Good Comparison of Options:

Via ArtBizBlog

I’m a Big Fan of Jane Friedman’s Advice on Author


Via JaneFriedman

How do you build a platform that consistently attracts your


Publish web content


Grow networkIncrease ability to rank in

search engines

Increase brand recognition

Learn & iterate on amplification tactics

Earn ongoing search traffic

Content Can Mean Many Things


Via NomadList





For Most Writers,

It Means Written Content

Blog Posts



Via Moz’s Beginner’s Guide to SEO

Maybe a Little Bit of Promotion

Via Neil Gaiman

But (if you want to build a marketing flywheel)

that can’t be your entire platform

Via Rachael King

I loved Rachael’s site, but there’s no flywheel happening, just promotion of her books and


Content Forms the Backbone of What Gets Distributed on the Web

Via Buzzsumo

It’s What Gets Shared on Facebook

Via Rand’s Facebook Page

What Ranks in Google

What Makes for Conversations on Twitter

Via Medium

What’s Shared Over Email

Via A Smart Bear

What’s Posted on LinkedIn, Google+, Snapchat, and Instagram

It’s Often the Same Effort to Make

Content No One Sees,

As Content Thousands Do

Who will help amplify thisand why?

Start With a Great Answer to the Question:

This is not a right answer:

Museum goers will love this.

And maybe museum curators, too.

Via MattKelm

This is a right answer:I did an analysis of all

the recent major museum thefts

Carolyn & Shelley have already expressed interest in

seeing the finished piece

SEO Best Practices

Earn Ongoing Traffic by Leveraging

Wordpress is a Great Shortcut

Via Wordpress

Google Search Console Can

Highlight Many Problems

Via Google Search Console

Moz, ScreamingFrog, or Can Also Be Useful for Crawl Issues

Via Moz Pro, Screaming Frog Crawler, and

Keywords Still Matter

And Google is Smart About Matching Concepts & Topics to Keywords

Titles and Headlines?Still Important.

Page titles come from the HTML code, and (usually) appear as the headline of

the piece.

The Search Snippet? Still Important.Does the title match what

searchers want?Does the URL seem


Does your site sound trustworthy or sketchy?

Is your result fresh? Do searchers want a newer


Does the description create curiosity & entice

a click?

Do you get the brand dropdown?

Meta Keywords? Useless.

Via Google’s Webmaster Central Blog

Keyword Stuffing? Will Only Hurt You.

No one wants to click on a page like that

(and Google penalizes these types of pages)

Links Still Matter

Via Moz’s 2015 Ranking Factors

Link-based ranking factors

Stumped?Check Out 100s of Techniques on the

Moz Blog

Via Link Building on Moz

User Satisfaction Matters

If Google observes many searchers clicking this result, visiting the page, then bouncing back to the search results and,


Clicking this page, and seeming satisfied with those results…

It’s very likely that, over time, KirkusReviews will outrank WaPo here.

Make the Back Button Your Enemy

NPR’s clean design, well-respected brand, options for listening or reading,

solid visuals, and quality writing compel me to want to stay.

If only they’d used good keywords in their title, they’d probably be on page 1

DO NOT Split Up Your Content & Promotional Sites

Tragically, Rachael is likely costing herself valuable branding and lots of lost search traffic by having two separate sites.

Via and

Consider Which Page You Want Ranking for Your Book

IMO, Kate Beaton has this right. Get your own site ranking at the top, rather than

Amazon, because then you control the user experience (and can use an Amazon affiliate link to get greater revenue from your sales)

You Control Much of This Through How You/Your Publisher Choose to Link in Press & Bios

More About SEO:

Prefer text + visuals?See Moz’s Beginner’s Guide to SEO

Prefer video?See Skillshare’s SEO that Matters class

Use Data to Learn What Works vs. Doesn’t

Google Analytics

Looking at “site content” (under “behavior”) can show you which

pages are attracting and engaging visitors, and which ones aren’t.


A popular alternative to Google Analytics, many

site owners appreciate the simpler, more intuitive

reports despite fewer bells & whistles.

Via Jetpack Stats

I track all my content that I share to get a sense of what

works, and where it performs best

A Neat Hack You Can Do with Bit.lyJust add a + to the end of any bitly URL:



Buzzsumo is invaluable for seeing content on any topic or from any site that’s

performed well on social networks

Via Buzzsumo Pro

ConvertingVisitors to Buyers

We need to identify the traits that separate customers who’ll buy, love, and amplify our books from those who won’t.

My Favorite Process:

From Conversion Rate Experts’ case study


And Shakalaka.

Haven’t heard of the book

Heard of it, but didn’t buy

Bought, read, & loved the book

What do you think the book is about?

How’d you hear about the book?

What first made you interested?

What would make you more likely to check it out?

What are your biggest objections to purchase?

What objections did you have to buying?

What would have made you change your mind?

What objections did you have and how did you

overcome them?

What did you love most about it?

Can we share your story as a testimonial?

Create Messages and Sales Pages that Overcome Your Target Audience’s


Benefits that speak to Nir’s audience

Authorities that Nir’s audience knows, likes, and trusts

Multiple ways to get the book, even for non-readers

Via Nir Eyal

Use These Messages on Your Amazon and Publisher Pages, Too!

Via Hooked on Amazon

The same messages and editorial reviews work here, too

Retain, Delight, & Grow Amplification

How do you know what to create?

Or where to invest?

What do you hate doing?

Via Tech Noir

What do you love to


Via Dsgnblog

What skill, talent, or creation can set you apart from the crowd?

Via Rand’s Blog

One of my strengths is an ability to be

contrarian, and to create homemade

graphics that convey those opinions

Improving the flywheel is an iterative learning process

No one starts out great at this.

This is Geraldine’s Blog:

Geraldine started the website in 2009

For 2 years, she rarely broke 100 visits/day

She had a few successes

But traffic fell back down after these viral spikes

In Jan. 2012, she was featured on Time’s “Best Blogs” list. Readers came by the thousands, and many stuck.

These days, she consistently breaks 100K visits/month(even when she took time off to write her book).

Thanks to the audience she built and the flywheel of her blog’s content & distribution channels, Geraldine’s got a great

opportunity to publish and market her work.

Failure + Learningx Time = Success

Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish |
