Simplify and Conquer: Content marketing jargon made easy



As you jump into the world of content marketing, you’ll come across a lot of jargon. But how will you learn it all? Don’t worry, they won’t be making you dizzy for long as we've compiled a list of the 20 most used jargon words in content marketing with some explanations as to what they mean, and why you need them. Click, enjoy, share and let us know what your most hated jargon word is! +44 (0) 207 517 2200 You can also subscribe to our weekly newsletter to be kept up to date with the latest in content marketing:

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Simplify and Conquer: Content marketing jargon made easy


Responsive Design When your website is compatible with your reader’s laptop, tablet or phone, It makes your website accessible at all times and helps eliminate scrolling problem.


Inbound By using the power of social media, emails and

newsletters to share your content, you can throw away traditional methods of interruption

calls and the hard sell, and It helps drive traffic to your site.


Blog Blogging is great for all stages of the buyer’s journey. Writing about topics your readers want to learn about is one of the best things you can do in terms of content.


CTA CTAs should be everywhere, whether they advertise a

newsletter, ebook or research paper the content should always be shared, after all, why create

content that isn’t seen.


Landing Page

Once the CTA has been clicked, you should be taken to a landing page where your download will be. Landing pages are helpful, simple and easy to navigate.


Thankyou Page

The thankyou page is arguably the most important. It comes after the landing page to

thank the downloader for visiting, and sometimes give out something extra.



If you’re on Twitter as a marketer (which you should be) then hashtags are essential. You should be putting

hashtags in all of your social updates to expand your reach and audience.



Infographics are a great way to create interesting and creative content that is also highly shareable. Infographics are also Evergreen so it can be used all year round.



Using Keywords makes it easy for the Google

spiders to crawl through your website, and also helps the reader find

what they’re looking for.


Buyer’s Journey

The typical B2B buyer goes through about 60 per cent of the decision-making process

before speaking to a salesperson. There’s a metaphorical funnel to categorise your

customers into whether they want to learn, are thinking of buying, or are ready to buy.



These are semi-fictional characters based on customer data. You should use personas as your guideline to creating content, work out what they would like, where they are likely to share it etc.



Quality is always more important than quantity. The higher the quality of content, the more

satisfied your customers will be and the more they will trust you.


Crowdsourcing It is now easier than ever for individuals to collectively contribute, whether it is for an idea, a product review or solving a problem. Businesses can use this idea of

crowdsourcing to help create content that their audience is already looking for online.


Meta Description Meta Descriptions are the

little box of text that explains what content is

on a website. A brief description about your site or article is shown to give a taste of what’s to come. It also helps Google crawl

through your page.


Drip Campaign One of the most loved tactics by marketers,

drip campaigns are an easy way to share

snippets of content to your subscribers to keep

them coming back.



Aligning sales and marketing makes it easier to distribute

information between the two



Newsletter Newsletters can be used

to share all types of content, as well as any news your company has about the industry. They

can also be fun by adding GIF’s + they don't always have to be plain,

bland and corporate either!


Brand Awareness

Building your brand awareness is a

necessity. You want your company to be at the forefront of a customer’s mind.


Brand Guidelines

Sticking to your brand guidelines is crucial

for brand consistency as your identifier will be your chosen fonts,

colours and logos.


FAQ FAQs can be a great way for

you to engage with your customers, as well as some content ideas. It gives them a chance to ask you about valuable information they need, and you’ll gain trust from your knowledge of the

