Stop missing out on 99% of your website traffic


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You’re Missing Out on 99% of Your Website Visitors (Here’s How to Get Them to Come Back and Buy)

99% of first time visitors are not ready to buy

But, we as marketers often only focus on the 1% of people ready to buy

You need to pay attention to the 99% who aren’t ready to buy

You need to pay attention to the 99% who aren’t ready to buy by creating conversions before the checkout

What is a conversion before the checkout & why is it important?

Any conversion on your website prior to the purchase

It creates a beneficial exchange for both you and your prospective customer

You provide something of value to the prospective customer  

You provide something of value to the prospective customer, such as a discount or content  

And in return, receive contact information or preferences

Allowing you to nurture prospective customers into a sale

So what are ecommerce companies doing today to create conversions

before the checkout?

Relying on 3 specific conversion opportunities

1. Sign up to receive our newsletter

1. Sign up to receive our newsletter

2. Subscribe to our blog

1. Sign up to receive our newsletter

2. Subscribe to our blog

3. Add to cart

But these 3 opportunities aren’t enough

So what else can you do?

You can create how it works content


Highlighting different products or services based on visitors’ preferences

For example…

If you have a subscription box service, you can show customers what their boxes might look like based on their preferences

This allows you to gather key information about your visitors

This allows you to gather key information about your visitors & deliver more tailored content

You can provide a buying guide 2.

This helps provide prospective customers with more information on larger or more complicated products such as appliances

In turn, capturing information on your prospective customers

And making you the authority on the subject matter

There are so many different pre-transactional conversion

opportunities, what will you come up with?

Discover more conversion opportunities (with real world examples):

Download the ebook now

Now that you have some ideas, you need to execute this pre-transactional conversion strategy

So how do you do that?

Create a conversion path

Call to Action

Landing Page


Thank You Page

Follow Up

Once you’ve executed this conversion path and received their information, what’s next?

You will want to follow up…

Allowing you to nurture them into a sale

There are many ways to do so, but here’s the most important one to consider

Segment your database

Don’t send the same email to everyone on your list

One size doesn’t fit all

Consider making segments based on what people have expressed interest in

People will be more likely to engage with this relevant content

And move further along in the sales process

Here’s a recap

Not all first time visitors are ready to buy, in fact most aren’t

Offer these visitors pre-transactional conversion opportunities

You provide them valuable content in exchange for their information and preferences

Then use these preferences to further nurture them into a sale

Remember: Don’t forget about the 99% that are not ready to buy!

Learn more about creating conversions before the checkout:

Download the ebook now
