The secret formula of online content addiction for brands



Your customers are addicted to online content; so why aren't you? A presentation to explain how brands can publish engaging digital content that will keep your customers addicted to your brand.

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  • 1. Content addiction for brands Martin Talks @Talksy

2. Content addiction for brands Martin Talks @Talksy 3. We are addicted to content 4. What happens in an Internet minute? 5. We are drowning in content 6. But look at it from the customers viewpoint: lots of choice. 7. Some brands and agencies are obsessed with beautifully crafted content. 8. we shall decide your level of #fail Storytelling in a Cheezburger world 9. In Europe and US, consumers would not care if 92% of brands disappeared. 10. 80% of brand buyers know little or nothing about the brands they are buying 11. 0.5% = proportion of fans talking about a brand on Facebook 12. 72% of Pepsi drinkers also drink Coca- Cola 13. Formula for digital content value Entertaining experiences Participation Utility Relevance to me + + 14. Entertainment 15. Participation 16. Utility 17. Relevance 18. Formula for digital content value Entertaining experiences Participation Utility Relevance to me + + 19. Curated content 20. Curated Curated Created 21. What to do? 22. 1. Know your audience 2. Audit your content and map 3rd party content 3. Content UX and SEO 4. Content calendar 5. Promote content 6. Measure and iterate 23. Thinkdifferently to Think like a journalist to Write like a screenplay to Plan like a radio station 24. Calculated content 25. Fernando Machado, global brand development vice- president, Dove Skin, "I didnt make the call on developing this based on ROI, it was based on community. 26. Formula for digital content value Entertaining experiences Participation Utility Relevance to me + + 27. Your customers will be addicted to your content @Talksy
