Using Google+ to Increase Your Small Business Sales


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Using Google+ to Increase Your Small Business Sales

343 Million Active Users More Users Than Twitter #2 Social Site


Google+ Basics: Building a Community

“Circles” allow you to segment your contacts into groups like “colleagues”, “friends”, “clients”, etc.

Share what you like by “+1”-ing posts, links, photos, videos, and more.

You can “Hangout” with friends and customers via an innovative video chat system

Join a community (or create your own) to connect with people who share your interests.



Google+ Basics: Finding Customers

Get Involved – Start by creating a Google+ business page and posting regularly.

Share coupons, promotions, and new product information as well as interesting content no directly related to your brand like blog posts, photos, inspiring quotes, and surveys.

Ask current customers to follow your page and recommend you to their friends

Get involved with Google+ community pages. Find communities that are related to your business and post useful content. Follow people in the community and comment on what they post.

Use calls to action to ask followers to visit your website, take advantage of a sale, or anything else.


Google+ Basics: Finding Customers

Google+ can Have a big influence on organic rankings in Google search. This is important because good rankings make it easier for potential customers to find you.

Regular interaction on Google+ (+1’s, comments, posts on your business page, etc.) lets Google know that your brand is relevant to searchers.

Google+ posts are crawled and indexed almost immediately. If your posts are optimized correctly, they can rank for specific keywords and help your website rank, as well.

In some cases, Google may display a “rich snippet” next to pages that are integrated with Google+. Your followers are also likely to see your posts in their search results.


Google+ Basics: Measuring Results

The only way to improve your Google+ results is to track and measure them. Pick a starting point and measure how you grow form month to month. Experiment with posting schedules and topics to see what gives you the

best response. Find new communities to get involved with and post to them. Keep track of visitors to your website and calls that come from your Google+

page. You can use Google’s Tag Manger to keep track of specific campaigns.


Financing for Small Businesses

RapidAdvance offers flexible funding solutions for small businesses to help get their Google+ and digital marketing efforts up and running.

Our process is fast and simple—you can get a free quote right away and get funding in as little as 7 days!