Visual Hacks To Optimize Your Landscaping Website For Local Search


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Good Luck Optimizing Your Website!


Make your videos easily accessible to locals7

Write relevant meta description for visual web pages6

ALT-text is Key to Image/Infographic Search 5

Visual Hacks to Optimize Your Landscaping Website

for Local Search

Local Search Facts

40% of all online users search by location

18% of local searches lead to sales

80% users focus on organic results not paid

94% of users only look at Google’s first page

Know that search engines have become smarter, so excessive use of keywords is a waste of time. You need a new plan to entice the spider to rank your page high in the organic SERPs. Most

customers seek the internet for landscape designing and maintenance services and products in their locality. If you are a local landscaping business, it’s a good idea to gain exposure and increase sales

by optimizing your website for local search. How can you do this?

Core of Your Digital Presence

Four Focus Points

Website Blog Social Media

We will talk about your website. *You must have one!*

Content Organization User-experience Technicalities

Visual Hacks To Optimize Your Website

Use relevant images catered towards your:1

Quality landscape design images work 2

Organize content with Schema for Search Engines3

The Image file size matters 4

Business Niche

Which image represents your company?


Which image best depicts Hawaii?

Reduce image size, but retain its clarity

Schema will help structure data on your landscaping website

Schema gives meaning to your data to help search engines recognize your content

Html code <pink tulip flower/>

• Users can assess the image loading time• Google, Yahoo, Bing sort images by size • Avoid heavy image files for faster page loading• Make responsive images for portable device• Use PNG 8 images for landscape maintenance products

• Helps listing on text-only browsers like Lynx or WannaBe• Write ALT="description text" for images in web coding• For local recognition: add region, state, city, town name• Use simple words in alt text for better optimization• Put model or serial number for landscaping products/equipment

Your landscaping Website

Big image of Landscape design

ALT= “softscapes for New Yorkers” ALT= “mowing services in Rhode Island”

• Your web pages with visual content needs apt metadata

• Use long-tail keywords to describe a web page

• Make suitable titles with trending and popular keywords

You search:




landscaping ideas

yard landscaping

front landscaping

landscaping design

landscaping companies

rock landscaping








You get:

“Creative landscaping ideas for houses by the beach”“Top 50 landscape designs in America”“DIY yard landscaping ideas for Californians”

Landscaping Garden landscaping ideas

Backyard ideas Easy home backyard design ideas

Landscape Urban landscape ideas

Your title ideas: