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Доповідь команди Nravo Kids на Lviv IT Arena 2014. Про позитиви і негативи використання планшету дітьми дошкільного віку. А також про те, як зробити продукт, що приноситиме користь, а не шкоду.

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  • 1. IT .. ?

2. : 3. ..One friend claims her child's firstword was not "Mum" or "Dad"but "iPad"... 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXV-yaFmQNk 5. , , 6. From before birth to age 4, an infant's brain growsexplosively. In fact, your child's brain has reached 90% ofits adult size before kindergarten.This period of great growth providesan ideal window of opportunity forlearning......The difficulty for parents is that the dangers of tabletuse for children if dangers exist are as yetunidentified. Research is in its infancy......It is hard to find an expert who thinks thatmonitored and considered tablet use is harmful... 7. , , ,, !( V) , , 8. - , 40% , 37 % , 17 % . 9. , ? ... 10. - - 11. Nravo Kids 12. , , I did it! 13. 14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmTpgSMJ96c 15. Nravo Kidshttp://nravokids.com
