Atmosphere 2014: Cheffing a department - Andrzej Grzesik



One dev dept in ebay went chef. World achieved peace, everything is easier than making pancakes and.. Oh, wait, it wasn't like this. I'd love to give you a story of bringing in Chef to a part of an organisation. A new part, full of developers, full of hormones, wanting to lead in the new pack. How and why it happened and mostly - what went wrong and what lessons we have learnt. Andrzej Grzesik - I like programming. I do it a lot, mostly on the JVM, usually writing fancy backends for big, distributed systems. I also display a particular affection to continuous delivery.. UI, unless quickly hacked, is not my play ;-) I believe that most problems we deal with are people problems, so I mix and match tools with technologies to achieve my goals, make people happy and achieve world peace :-) I believe in software quality, and organize GeeCON, Polish JUG, Krakow Software Craftsmanship, Cracow Hadoop User Group. In my free time, I read paper books and cycle, a lot!

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cheffing a department

Andrzej Grzesik

cheffing a departmentone dev at a time

Andrzej Grzesik

Andrzej Grzesik!





dev going deeper


my opinions are my own

I hate computers


#atmospheretweet please


nie ma, że nie ma mema

a bit of background

new devsnext to existing org

what did we do?

started to use chef


we wanted kickass people

ok, not really

we needed a prod quickly

and things were broken*and we didn’t have time nor nerves

infrastructure as code

bash scales well

bash scales well

protein scales wellit’s just 25 years to breed and train a new techie!

goal: automated infra

So, chef


why not *

what does it look like?


easy to read easy to version with concise DSL

package "haproxy" do! action :install!end!!

template "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg" do! source "haproxy.cfg.erb"! owner "root"! group "root"! mode 0644! notifies :restart, "service[haproxy]"!end!!

service "haproxy" do! supports :restart => true! action [:enable, :start]!end!

put resources together into recipes organise recipes into roles apply roles to machines

there is a lot of this on github

developers doing infra

problems?“what could possibly go wrong”

it wasn’t easy

it isn’t easy


soform follows function

simplicity is key

a tiny problem

polyglots ftw

server or solo?

why NOT chef server?


dual executionbiggest problem


let them do mistakes

let them do mistakestough

do food

do food

phoenix patterndisposable servers

phoenix patterndon’t fix boxes, bake new

‘breaking’ loginhelps ;-)

what now?

QA/QE to the rescue

mobile first?

mobile first!


people are complicated


• keep it simple

• do things

• ???

• profit

