Get Them Engaged! At Their New Hire Orientation Presentation


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At Their New Hire Orientation Presentation

4 Helpful Ways

“Six months later, those who went through the employee-centered orientation were up

to 32% less likely to have quit than those who sat through a typical company-focused

onboarding process.”

Silveman, R.E. (2013, May 28). Companies Try to Make the First Day for New Hires More Fun. The Wall Street Journal, Retrieved from

Make it fun!

From the start.

Tell them how to get


Make it fun!

Play some lively music as they


Make it fun!

Use a Flip ChartSheet on the wall

for Sign In.

Make it fun!

Feed them something.

Make it fun!


And helping them have some fun will help them want to be here.

They would rather be somewhere else.

Be considerate of every single


Go around the room. Ask each person about them.

Pay attention, interact, move quickly and be extremely sensitive to those who just want to move on.

Consider: Some of your team members will find

traveling to an offsite orientation to be a

costly effort as related to their personal

situation.A bit of quiet awareness, consideration and compassion goes a very long way.

Be “chill”.

They don’t think you will be.

And to be so will be valuable beyond imagination.

Manage your presentation with precision.

Start on time.Waiting on the stragglers

punishes those who made it on time.

Breaks on time at50 Minutes.

(Fire up the music again.)

Let them know where they can find lunch. So they can

spend some time away

from “work” (you).



Run a superb presentation.

Do notunderestimate the preparation and knowledge needed



so present all computer application demonstrations


Static Screen Shots are Boring,

Design the presentation to divide the signing of

forms into discrete chunks.


That video where the CEO talks about himself?

Chunk that thing up too.Make the Company Story

The “Benefits” Chunk

A video about industry leading benefits…

Sign any paper forms for benefits…

Demonstrate online tools live…

Distribute “cheat sheet” style paper handout…

Build company value, interact, use humor, assist…


Make sure to connect all the chunks with an interesting narrative.

And close the circle to finish.

Thanks for considering these few ideas.

Please share this presentation.

Let’s give the new team members a great start!

Tom Newell