Listing on Social Media



Todd Carpenter's presentation slides from the 2012 Multiple Listing Issues and Policies Committee/Multiple Listing Service Forum at the REALTORS® Conference & Expo asks the question, "Do IDX listings belong on Social Media?"

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Listing On Social Media

Todd Carpenter, Sr. Manager of Industry Engagement@tcar on Twitter |

So many people…

1,000,000,000Active monthly Facebook users

And everyone is talking to everyone…

The question you’ve been trying to answer…

How can we structure our IDX policyto allow for display on social media.

The question you’ve been trying to answer…

How can we structure our IDX policyto allow for display on social media.

The question you might want to answer first…

Do IDX listings belong on social media?

Just My Opinion…

Nobody buys ANYTHING on Facebook.

Do you shop for anything on Facebook?

“I asked my daughter, who is a freshman in college, she responded: No. And no."- Jim Duncan

“Never even crossed my mind....”- Jay Thompson

“the only time I would go to to buy something is for Facebook ads”- Katie Lance

“The closest I came to buying something was an ad for a new record for a band I liked. And then I researched/bought it on iTunes.”- Nobu Hata

Sears practically invented mail order…

You can furnish your whole house at Ikea…

Can you apply for a loan on BoA’s page?

Trading stocks on Facebook? Not with Chuck.

32 million likes… no lattes

Seems like selling on Facebook would be easy.

Book a flight on Delta’s page? Not any more.

People don’t trust Facebook storefronts

And then there’s those dang privacy notifications…

It’s not you… it’s Facebook

Hurricane Sandy Coverage

Sandy Gangnam Style

Political graffiti on Facebook

Biggest Olympic story on Facebook

Just My Opinion…

People use Google to find things.People use Facebook to find people.

Just My Opinion…

Listings are things.REALTORS® are people.

If you were going to buy a book..

If you were going to buy music…

If you were going to buy a car…

If you were going to buy a house…


We’re all a bit biased…


What NAR’s 2012 PHBS says…

Brands give F-Commerce an “F”

“Essentially, F-commerce only gets an “F” because brands used Facebook as yet another digital catalog for selling products and not as a platform for activating new experiences based on the nature and the psychology of the relationships that define the network.”

-Brian Solis, Social Media Consultant

You can succeed on Facebook

How Facebook ranks stuff

Facebook has their own agenda…

How the Tech Savvy YPN’ers do it

Hey, I could be wrong…

Thank You.

Todd Carpenter, Sr. Manager of Industry Engagement@tcar on Twitter |
