A Piratical Legacy Chapter 16 - Buccaneer Family Ties


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Chapter 16 – Buccaneer Family Ties

Hello dear readers and welcome back to A Piratical Legacy. This isn't a regular legacy chapter, per se. Consider it more of a combination of filler and family tree. With Jack's help, maybe I can help you make some sense of how the family has changed and grown over four generations. "Aye, th' whole thing be confusin', love. Me kids, me grandkids, me great-grandkids! 'Tis enough to drive an honest pirate bonkers, savvy?" Since when are you an honest pirate? "If 't drives an honest mate starkers, imagine 'ow far off o' the deep end it'd make a scurvy pirate such as meself, love."

A Piratical Legacy was founded by-- "Excuse me, love, but this be me family and me tale. Ye can listen, aye?" Be my guest, Jack. "Captain Jack." Captain Jack.

"Arr! Weel, I washed up on this hunk o' rock after me crew mutinied against me and threw me off o' the Pearl. Th' natives were strange but friendly, mate, and made me their Chief. In return, I was expected to found a line o' rulers for 'em. I accepted since me ship was gone and I was landlocked. Th' women were beautiful and the rum flowed freely, mate, so 'twas no hardship. Savvy?" The rum flowed especially freely when you forgot you'd hidden it in the couch and then jumped on the cushions. "Aye... those were sad days, love."

"Anyway, I met a beautiful wench an' we got married, savvy? Elise be her name, and she was a washed up, shipwrecked citizen o' the island like meself. Her 'ome port was fair Paris, and she agreed to be me wife if we could send our children to Paris t' get educated."

"Speakin' o children, we had two soon after we were married, mate. Th' one to port wasn't one o' ours -- she be one o' the tribespeople native to th' island. The middle child be me oldest girl, Elisabeth. A bonny lass was she, an' she wanted to be a French lady like 'er mother was. But me second girlie, Mary, was a lass after me own 'eart. A pirate's life was all she desired, savvy?" Yo ho.

"And 'ow can I be forgettin' me youngest lass, Celeste. She was a 'surprise' when I was old an' grey, and grew up with me grandkids, mate." She also speaks in nothing but verse. "Arr... she be a bonny lass, love, but weird be 'er middle name."

"Well, soon enough me life was over an' th' Grim Reaper 'imself showed up to escort me to Davy Jones' locker. I went with 'im for th' rum, but I promised I'd be back, and back I came!"

"Before me corpse was cold in th' ground, I'd found meself a home in Mary's old stuffed bear, so's I could watch over me family til the end o' time." Thank you, Jack. You've made things extremely... lively... for the family. "Arr... it be me pleasure, love." I'm sure it has been. Mind if I pick up the narrative here? You saw most of it from a bear's eye view, and it gets a bit... convoluted. "Aye, go right ahead, mate. But I'll be jumpin' in if I thinks ye missed something, savvy?" Savvy.

Jack's oldest daughter, Elisabeth, was very excited to go to fair Paris for her university education. While she was there, she met Shannon Toyonaga. Something about his blue hair just caught her fancy and, while she dated a few other men briefly, it wasn't long until she decided Shannon was the one for her. "Aye, an' me lassie made a good choice, love." That she did, Jack. That she did.

Elisabeth and Shannon got married right out of university and moved to a modest home right across the street from the Buccaneer home. Elisabeth took Shannon's last name of Toyonaga, being an old-fashioned kind of gal.

Elisabeth and Shannon had only one child, a daughter they named Antoinette. Everyone called her Toni, though.

Toni went to university with her cousins (we'll get to them in a few minutes), and that was where she met Publius Numantius Scipio, an immigrant Sim from Blite27's Ten Caesars Legacy. "Bleedin' freeloaders. Why's he wearing a skirt?"

After graduating, Toni and Publius got married privately at home. "Arr, this be boring. Get on with it!" Hush, Jack. "Captain!" Captain Jack. Sorry, I'm out of practice.

They would go on to have a very happy and fruitful marriage because Shannon's lifetime want was to have six grandchildren. Toni and Publius were happy to oblige them. Toni and Publius' children were: Hadrian, Cestus, Benjamin, Scipio, Septimus, and Octavia. With the exception of Benjamin (who we will discuss later), Toni and Publius' children, -in-laws, and grandchildren follow.

Hadrian, the eldest child of Toni and Publius, married Ray, a simself and moderator at www.boolprop.com.

Seeing as how I don't like to boolprop pregnancies for the most part, I boolpropped an alternate form of pregnancy for the two of them. Lucky Hadrian got to be the pregnant one.

Aren't they a happy family? Ray and Hadrian have only one child so far, named Green. "That's green? That be more olive mixed with aquamarine, mate." I'm sure that a tough, flea-bitten pirate shouldn't know those words, Captain Jack. "Ye marries a Frenchwoman, ye learns a fair bit about the color wheel, love." For clarification, the lineage is: Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Hadrian --> Green

Cestus dated Tracy Carr, the cow mascot, throughout university. Once they'd both graduated, they moved into a two-bedroom apartment in a small townhouse complex. They got along with their neighbors (simselves, mostly) fairly well, but as they are both family sims they were eager to start a family. "I could really go for a steak right now." That's disgusting, Captain. "Pirate."

Cestus and Tracy have had two children so far: a girl named Jersey (the toddler) and a boy named Holstein (the infant). "Ye should be ashamed of yerself, goddess." For clarification, the lineage is: Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Cestus --> Jersey and Holstein

Skipping over Cestus' twin brother Benjamin, we find ourselves at Scipio. Scipio moved back home after university and married his university girlfriend, Tara McAuley.

So far, Scipio and Tara have been very happy together. They have two children: Justina (the older) and Scipia (the younger). "Arr! Where be all these Romans coming from? I don't want no peacock-egg-swilling imperialists polluting me island! I hears they increase the death rate by a factor o'ten!" Only if they're Julia Caesar, Captain.

"Or t' other three." Or them, yes. But they're not installed in this neighborhood. For clarification, the lineage is: Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Scipio --> Justina and Scipia

Toni and Publius' youngest two children are still in university, acting as placeholder at Lam Plaza dormitory. Here we see Septimus, who looks a LOT like his oldest brother Hadrian. "Ye knows, in my day people had sensible hair."

And this is Septimus' twin sister, Octavia. Seeing as how she's the only girl out of all of Publius' and Toni's children, she has been very spoiled. "Aye, that she 'as, love. But she's a pretty lass, methinks, and won't be spoiled for a bit o' ... err ... spoilin.'"

We'll skip over Jack and Elise's middle child, Mary, for the moment, and focus instead on their youngest daughter, Celeste. Celeste was born after Jack became an elder, and only two days before Elise did. While she was a surprise (to them -- not to me. I thought it would be funny to foist another child on them so late in life because I'm sadistic like that), she was very much loved. Celeste met her boyfriend Alan Curtin on the internet and kept her relationship with him a secret until they were ready to meet face-to-face. With them, it truly was love at first sight. Alan soon picked up the nickname "Other-Alan" because Mary also married a man named Alan.

Celeste and Other-Alan got married the first time in a big, blow-out wedding that crashed my computer. This is the picture from the first wedding. The second time around, they were married privately at home.

Celeste and Other-Alan have proved to be fairly important players in the Sim Spade adventures, which also take place on Pirate Island. Thus, they have both been granted immortality. Celeste and Other-Alan started a family right away. Actually, they ended up starting a double family right away. That's because they didn't just have twins... they had two sets of twins within two hours! Right after Celeste got pregnant, Other-Alan decided it would be a good idea to go stargazing and he got abducted.

I thought it would be funny and sadistic to have three toddlers at once so I had Alan eat cheesecake... Celeste didn't eat any, but she ended up having twins as well! Celeste and Other-Alan had two boys: William and Blake. Other-Alan had two alien girls: Sadism and Irony. Sadism and Irony will be discussed later as they both married cousins.

William started dating his distantly related cousin Autumn Thayer when they lived in dorm together. While neither of them was terribly faithful to the other thanks to autonomous romantic interactions, they did love each other first and foremost and got married in a small, private ceremony soon after graduating.

So far William and Autumn have had only one child, a girl they named Emily. For clarification, the lineage is: Jack --> Celeste --> William --> Emily Emily's matriarchal lineage is: Jack --> Mary --> Jack Jr. --> Autumn --> Emily

William's twin, Blake, married dormie Aurora Taylor, again in a private ceremony. "She reminds me o' somewench..." She slapped you once. "Oh, aye. Not sure I deserved that."

Blake and Aurora have had only one child, Borealis, and aren't likely to have any more as Aurora is too focused on her career to be worried about child-rearing. While Blake is a stay-at-home dad and enjoys it, I don't think he'd want to have any more children either. However, only time will tell! For clarification, Borealis' ancestry is: Jack --> Celeste --> Blake --> Borealis And that's it for Celeste's branch of the family tree! (So far, at least!) "Good. Even I'm havin' trouble keepin' track o' them, savvy?"

And now we move on Jack and Elise's middle child, Mary. Mary was the legacy heiress, which means she was the one who had to move back to the Legacy estate and have lots of babies. Mary didn't mind this, though, as she was a family sim. Mary dated and proposed to the coolest dormie ever while at university in Paris. His name was Alan Goss, and he ended up being one of the best-loved characters in my Legacy.

Alan and Mary got married on the front lawn of the Buccaneer family estate. Alan, wonderful though dim sim that he was, even dressed as a pirate for the ceremony. "Arr, I knew he was right for me little girl." Right after getting married, Mary and Alan had four children.

However, it's important to note that Alan soon became very best friends with Shannon, his brother-in-law (Elisabeth's husband). The two of them were inseparable. Shannon literally came home with Alan about eighty percent of the time after work. As they got older, they spent even more time together, and spent their retirement fishing in the pond outside a remodeled legacy manor. I still miss both of them :( "I doesn't. They keep goin' on day after bleedin' day. 'Right you are' this and 'that's the truth' that. Afterlife's supposed to be eternal rest, ain't it, not eternal annoyance?" Quiet, you. "Captain you."

Anyway, the oldest of Mary and Alan's children was Edward, though everyone called him Eddie. He was a very, very strange sim as he stated that his lifelong desire was to become a tiger. "I gots strange grandchildren." You gots pretty strange children too. They come by it honestly. "Ye dares imply that any of me family be honest? Avast!"

Next came Jack Jr. Jack is probably everyone's favorite Legacy character out of all the ones I've bred. He was adorable as a toddler... and scary. From before he could talk, he was running a very successful crime ring on Pirate Island. "Arr, a lad after me own heart!"

Jack's twin sister, Anne, was very different from Jack. She had no head for convoluted problems of supply, demand, and extortion. No, she was consumed with the idea of being a cheerleader and would follow that philosophy for much of her young life.

Lastly, the baby of the family: Ivy Buccaneer. Sweet and innocent as a child, she would grow up to become one of the greatest romancers in Sim history. She ended up as the third generation legacy heiress and thus will be visited last.

Let's start with Eddie, shall we? Eddie turned out to be one of the most gorgeous sims I've ever seen, with finely chiseled features. He was quite the nerd so he wasn't very heavily pursued by girls in high school... with the exception of Tosha Ajjanagadde.

Their relationship continued through university and they got engaged fairly soon. Eddie was still dedicated to his dream of becoming a tiger, and Tosha was more than happy to help him with his research. "That suit be disturbing... and yet, I can't take me eyes off it, mate." Be glad it's still missing the tail. "Yarr!"

They got married right out of university and soon discovered the key to manipulating their genome and merging in feline DNA. First Tosha... "Ooh, savvy!" Don't interrupt!

... and then Eddie transformed, much to my delight. They may have had to do the research, but I'm the one who had to put it into practice in SimPE.

Anyway, Eddie and Tosha have been very happy together. They had two children: Nala (a girl) and Simba (a boy). Nala inherited the tiger genes (with a little help from me) but only expressed them when she became a teenager. Simba, however, has shown no sign of tiger genes at all.

Nala started dating her distantly related cousin Benjamin Toyonaga (son of Toni and Publius, as mentioned earlier) back when they were in university. They got married after graduation and invited their closest family and friends to the wedding: that is, their fellow Arravast House members and significant others, their parents, and the legacy matriarch and patriarch. Since Nala and Benjamin are Arravast members, let's examine their life together in a little more detail, shall we?

But first, let's talk about Simba. Nala's younger brother, Simba was a very eager member of the wedding party. He's still at university, acting as placeholder for Arr!avast! House, so it will be a while before we see whether he's got some recessive tiger genes or not. "Ye sure I'm related to that? He don't look like he's got much personality." Give the boy time, Captain Jack.

"Wow, this is some spread," April said appreciatively as the bridal party dug into the wedding cake. "'scuse me, you done with me for now?" Yes, Captain. "I'll go have a chat with Commodore Bear then. Later, mate." "No kidding," Roche nodded, his dreads swinging. "Marie will want the name of your baker, I'm sure."

"So do I!" April grinned. "My wedding is coming up pretty soon too, don't forget!" "Geez, guys, doesn't all this make you feel old?" Benjamin complained. "Next thing you'll be talking about having kids!" He shuddered a bit. "I'll laugh if you get Nala knocked up tonight," Roche snickered. Benjamin gulped.

And what do you know? It seems that he did. Truthfully, both Nala and Benjamin were very excited.

Tosha was having a bit of trouble adjusting to the fact that she was soon to be a grandmother, so she decided to relive her youth by doing a bit of spying on some of her neighbors. Perhaps she considered it payback, considering everyone in town seems to spy on her. Anyway, her choice of targets wasn't very good. ZOTZ!

"That wasn't very nice, goddess." Who says I'm nice?

The day after Tosha's ill-advised espionage, it was time for a double birthday. First Eddie grew up. Really, there's not much difference between young Eddie and old Eddie except for the hair color - and I think the white looks rather dashing with the tiger skin. And, because Eddie is clueless about fashion... he kept the outfit.

Tosha celebrated her birthday a few hours later and exhibited slightly better taste in clothing. For that, I may even forgive the spying. She looks pretty good too, but face one usually elderifies nicely.

The thought of her parents growing old made Nala rather introspective and I constantly caught her rubbing her belly with that soft expression on her face. It was strange, because Nala's one of the meanest sims on Pirate Island (she's an aggressive tiger!) yet she's very gentle and reserved when pregnant. Oh, and something makes me think that the outfit she's wearing, which is a Maxian outfit, was originally meant to be maternity wear. I'm just sayin'.

It wasn't long, however, before the day arrived. Nala and Benjamin were pretty excited - they were the first among their group to become parents and everyone else from Arravast waited with anticipation. Eddie and Tosha were also extremely curious to see whether or not the tiger genetics would be passed on to their grandchild.

And they most definitely were! Little Rani had her grandfather's skintone and her father's eyes and hair. "Aww, she's cute for a freak." I thought you were going off to possess the bear. "Came back for me hat."

Eddie especially doted on her, though I think he spent as much time checking on her DNA profile as he did feeding and cuddling her. "With as much trouble as Simba had with the tiger genetics, goddess, we can't be too careful!" You make a very good point, Eddie.

Time passed quickly and little Rani grew up into a toddler shortly after the household moved into a new, bigger home.

"I'm so glad we've got a bigger place, dad... I'm pregnant again!" "Wow, that's fantastic, Nala! Do you think this next one will be a white tiger like you and your mother?" Eddie was ever the scientist. "We'll just have to wait and see," Nala said fondly.

And that's where we'll leave this happy family - with a picture of a second trimester Nala, and Benjamin holding little Rani. For clarification, Rani's ancestry is: Jack --> Mary --> Eddie --> Nala --> Rani

Jack Jr. was the second of Mary and Alan's children. By the time he was a teenager his criminal career was going strong and he was looking for some romance in his spare time. One day, he brought cheerleader Meadow Thayer home from school with him... and the rest is history.

Meadow went to university with Jack and co., and the two of them dated through university. Jack finally proposed in their senior year.

Jack and Meadow were eager to start married life together, especially since they'd been keeping things 'Squeaky Clean' throughout their dating and engaged relationship. So they bought a house together and got married as soon as it was ready for them. I don't know that I would have chosen to get married in the bathroom, myself, but they certainly didn't seem to mind. "Arr! Seems silly t' me to be gettin' married in yer finest finery in th' head, love. Me grandson needed t' work on his sense o' style for a wee bit, savvy?" Are you dissing the man-purse, Captain? "Me, love? Me lips be sealed."

In the years since, Jack and Meadow have led a very happy life together. They've had a total of six children: Autumn (who married William Curtin, as we saw earlier), April & Aspen (twins), Alder, Aster & Ash (also twins). We'll get to the kids in a minute, but first let's see how the two of them are enjoying the start of their years of childfree immortality.

"Yes, I would like to procure the services of a maid, please." "Your request has been approved. We will see you tomorrow at ten o'clock, Mr. Thayer." "What a strange conversation. Still, my dear wife need not clean the house any longer now that we are able to afford maid service. I am sure she will be thankful for the respite." You've been able to afford anything you like for years. You're a Don, for my sake!

Uhh... Jack? That's not the maid.

"Um, my dearest puddingpuff?" Jack's voice was tentative, which made Meadow a bit uneasy. "Yes, dear?" "I was going to hire a maid to take care of the house so you can enjoy your retirement and freedom from the rearing of our wonderful children," Jack began. "Oh, Jack!" Meadow cried. "How thoughtful of you!"

"Ah, yes," Jack swallowed. "About that. It appears that instead of calling the maid service I accidentally called... the adoption service." "WHAT?!?" "His name is Andrew." And on that lovely note, let's visit Jack's other children, starting with April since Autumn has already been visited.

April dated her bodyguard, Ben (aka Blite27, writer of the Ten Caesars Legacy) all through university. After she graduated, Jack built them an enormous house and they threw a huge wedding party. Jack very much had a hand in arranging their relationship surreptitiously. "Mr. B" was one of his crime organization's most trusted lieutenants ('minions'), and Jack wanted him to become an official member of the family.

April is one of the Arravast members, so we'll be spending a bit of time with her and Ben as they start their family. As I mentioned earlier, they had a HUGE wedding ceremony, with something like twenty guests. Amazingly, the lot didn't even lag. Why did they end up with so many guests? Well, the Arravast members and their SOs had to be invited. Then the Spade cast had to be invited. And finally the Simselves had to be invited because Ben is one. Notice how nobody was really paying attention to the cake cutting. April is actually the nicest sim I have in my game with 10 nice points, but she's also got 8 or 9 playful and is extremely outgoing. I think that's where the cake-mashing comes from.

I took close to a hundred shots of the wedding and obviously had to pare them down quite a bit. So why did I keep this one? Well, Jack is obviously gleeful and giddy with excitement at the thought of his baby getting married to one of his closest confidantes. Meadow, on the other hand... looks less than thrilled at another reminder of just how old she is, despite the fact that she also loves family member weddings. Oh, and Aaroc (Elfin Legacy, Aaroc's Space Oddity, both on hold) trying to hug Orikes (Pseudo Legacy) just makes me laugh. No, that's not ACR doing icky things with simselves. It's just simselves being funny.

"So tell me, Pao, how do you like married life?" "When you've got the right one, it's fantastic. But I expect you won't be up for much minion-ing for the next little while. Too busy with your family, I expect." "Hey, you'll have grandkids to play with too, Pao. You won't have time for minioning either!"

"That is true. Still... it feels kind of like the end of an era, my friend." "Once you're a minion, Mr. P., you're a minion for life." "Right you are, Mr. B. Right you are." "A'right, mate. Don't go there. Once be quite enough, savvy?"

Some simselves are better behaved than others in public settings. Professor Butters-Marius (guilty of the Squeaky Clean legacy) and her Roman husband, Flavius Marius (a Ten Caesars creation) are constantly stalking each other whenever they're on the lot together. De (fireflower314, Pierce Legacy and Morgan Legacy) is content to approve of their PDAs and eat her wedding cake. "More immigrants! Arr! Me island be overrun, mate!"

They all bring in money. "Arr, well in that case. Say, that wench in purple be a looker." Stop ogling the living, Captain. "Pirate."

Time passed and the newlyweds settled into life together. After considerable trying, April was finally pregnant (seriously, it took about three days via ACR). Ben, meanwhile, had taken a break from minion-ing just as Pao had predicted and was trying to get into the Athletic career to fulfill his lifetime want.

Despite what this picture says, he actually made a pretty good father. I tend to let my sims run on free will most of the time (especially since installing ACR) and Ben was constantly holding (and overfeeding) his and April's daughter, Moll -- even when what she most wanted was a diaper change.

Jack and Meadow were over often, but I think the fact that they were grandparents kind of freaked the Godfather out a bit. He spent most of his time at the bar whenever they were over. "Aye, Jack be a lad after me own heart, mate. Always lookin' for th' rum! Arr!" He won't find it there. It's still in the couch.

Meadow, on the other hand, would head straight for Moll's crib the instant they arrived and wouldn't put her down until they left. I guess she really, really likes being a grandmother.

The entire family was present for Moll's birthday, along with Arravast. Her features are a definite mix of both her parents. "Why do me girl descendents always be growin' up in the same hair?" Dunno. Omniscience doesn't extend to core game programming.

Once Moll was able to talk, Jack suddenly developed an interest in her. Or it might have been because Ben and April sold the bar. "Arr! The beer! The gin! The rum!" The rum's in the couch, Jack. "Why's the rum gone?"

It isn't. "But why's the rum gone?" Are you done quoting yourself? "... 's." In any case, Jack and Moll were friends before the end of her party.

A few days later, after several unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy, April finally felt the effects of morning sickness once again. She was thrilled! Another baby on the way!

And that's where we'll leave this happy family for the time being. We'll definitely see them again, though. Just for edification purposes: Jack --> Mary --> Jack Jr. --> April --> Moll "All them arrows be making me nervous." They're all pointed away from you. "They could be boomerang arrows o'doom, goddess." ... you're weird.

April's twin, Aspen, was also dating a simself. He and Denise (avidreader2466, Puritanical Green Thumb) got married on the front walk of Denise's townhouse. Her neighbors, rubbersushi and thepiepers5, were the only witnesses.

Denise and Aspen wanted to start a family right away. Unfortunately, they were plagued by a bout of infertility, and it was several days before they managed to conceive.

Once Denise did get pregnant, though, she was absolutely miserable. She had the hardest pregnancy of any sims of this generation. Aspen was understandably concerned.

And, of course, he had to be away for his first day of work as a Deep Sea Diver on the day when Denise went into labor.

Still, she was speaking to him again by the time the photographer (me) came by to take their family portrait later that night! They had a baby boy, and Denise gave him a properly puritanical old-fashioned name: Peregrin. They would like to have another child, but they're getting on in years and will likely have even more trouble getting pregnant with another child than they did with their first. Because I know you want to be edified... "I don't." Shush. Anyway, the lineage is: Jack --> Mary --> Jack Jr. --> Aspen --> Peregrin

Jack and Meadow's fourth child, Alder, moved in with his college booty call, Sadism Curtin. Sadism, as you may or may not remember, is one of Other-Alan's alien twins. While both Alder and Sadism are pretty committed to each other, neither is showing much inclination to get married.

That hasn't stopped them from starting a family, though. They currently have a little boy named One, and Sadism is pregnant again. One's patriarchal ancestry: Jack --> Mary --> Jack Jr. --> Alder --> One One's matriarchal ancestry: Other-Alan --> Sadism --> One

Aster, Jack and Meadow's youngest daughter, is currently placeholding at Casteroff Dormitory. She's one of the prettiest girls of generation four.

Her twin brother, Ash (the one who, you may remember, formed an attachment to Sim Spade's hat), is also placeholding at Casteroff. Together, the two of them are getting up to all kinds of trouble as they're both Pleasure sims.

Mary and Alan's third child, Anne, didn't really find true love until college, and she didn't recognize it at first when she did find it. Anne was a romance sim who swung in both directions and certainly wasn't ready to settle for just one person. However, she was tricked into drinking a love potion by Meadow Thayer and Marla Biggs. Marla was Meadow's best friend when they were in school and was head-over-heels in love with Anne. Meadow was mortal enemies with Anne and thought it would be funny.

Whatever the cause of their relationship, Anne and Marla both converted to the Way of Cheese and were married. They have been extremely happy, if surrounded by the miasma of fermented milk curd, ever since. "Possessing their bear be a real hardship, savvy? I've never been keen on gorgonzola."

Neither of them much fancied the idea of getting pregnant, so they adopted a little boy named Wedge. Named for cheese, not for Star Wars. Just making that clear.

Wedge dated Irony Curtin (the second of Other-Alan's alien twins) in college. While they both played the field a bit despite being engaged, they still only really loved each other and happily married once they were finished school. "She has no nose, mate." She's an alien. What do you expect? "More immigrants! Avast!" It's not quite the same. "Arr."

Not long after getting married, they had twin boys: Gavin and Tycho. Irony is holding Gavin and Wedge is holding Tycho. Currently, Wedge is working in Jack's organization as junior lieutenant and is hoping to work his way up to number two man in the organization. The twins' patriarchal lineage: Jack --> Mary --> Anne --> Wedge --> Gavin & Tycho Their matriarchal line: Other-Alan --> Irony --> Gavin & Tycho

And now ... we come to Ivy. Or rather, Queen Ivy. Queen being short for "Galactic Overlord Queen of the Cosmos". Ivy had delusions of monarchial grandeur, and an insatiable appetite for woohoo. As Queen, she took it upon herself to build a harem. Most of the members aren't important, for they are many. Professor Blake Sartor, however, has the distinction of being the very first of Ivy's initiates.

Count Stuart Hanby and Ivy were engaged shortly after meeting. "Bleedin' bloodsucker. He keeps dripping blood on the carpet in the astral waiting room."

Ivy met Cale Kosmokos the same night she met Count Stuart, and pocketed his phone number in addition to the Count's.

And Ivy also romanced Pao, the mailman, while she was at university. There was one other significant concubine of Ivy's, Anthony Greaves, but she never actually woohooed with him.

The day Ivy moved back to Pirate Island, she invited Cale Kosmokos to visit her. She wound up pregnant from that brief encounter.

After night fell that same day, Count Stuart arrived on Pirate Island for their marriage ceremony.

However, his life on Pirate Island was short. Ivy, extremely tired due to being in the first trimester of pregnancy, decided that the best place to sleep was in Count Stuart's coffin and, well, you can guess what happened from there.

A very pregnant Ivy was determined to be married before her child was born, though, so she proposed to Professor Blake by mail. He accepted and arrived on the island just in time for a small wedding ceremony.

Unfortunately, he ate too much at the wedding banquet and got a cramp when he went swimming. Twice widowed Ivy was beginning to despair. Her child was born later that day. "And this be before the Curse? Oy." Stuff happens. "Methinks ye enjoys it, mate." Who, me? *stifles laughter* No, never. It's really very sad. *snicker* Yep. Tragic.

A few days later, Ivy was on her way to work when she realized that Pao, her old mailman in Paris, had apparently moved to Pirate Island. He had appreciated his induction into her harem and accepted when Ivy proposed to him. They got married in their underwear later that night in an intimate ceremony of just the two of them.

Ivy and Pao have led a very happy life together since that time and have since grown old and grey. They have two children, as Pao raised Ivy's first child as his own. Bartholomew (Bart), on the right, is the older of the children. His father is Cale Kosmokos, and he did actually grow into a bit of a hunk in spite of the early threat of his nose. Roche is Pao and Ivy's son. Again, just to clarify: Jack --> Mary --> Ivy (Cale) --> Bart Jack --> Mary --> Ivy (Pao) --> Roche Roche is the generation four heir to the legacy and we'll be joining both boys' stories again in the next chapter. Until then, let's take a little sideways jaunt to...

My sim-family! Those of you who have been reading my Legacy for a while will know that Hercules (the blue one) is the son of my simself and simHubby. He and Elphaba Uglacy (love child of Gage Uglacy and Marina, aka smoothiequeen87, writer of the Fitzhugh Legacy) have been best friends since they were children, dated throughout their teen years, and got engaged practically as soon as they moved to Paris for school. Neither of them were particularly faithful to each other while at university, and I took them to task for the matter several times. I even had to Zotz! Elphaba when I caught her and Roche woohooing in the hot tub. Still, they do love each other and ended up together after all.

"Augh, me eyes! They burn with ugly!" Oh, come on, Captain. I sometimes think she's kind of cute, even though she does look disconcertingly like Billie Piper at times. "I weren't referring to the wench." Hey! "A ha, can't zotz me! Already dead, savvy?" Grr. Oh, well, you've got a point. Herc does look strange.

The wedding was well attended by their friends and family, although most of us spent the occasion whacking each other with pillows in the kitchen. Deities can do what they like. Hmmph.

Herc proved to be much too nice, delicately spooning the cake into Elphaba's chasm of a mouth. If she'd been the one to cut the cake, he'd have worn it! (Which is probably why he did the cutting, come to think of it...)

I did show up to the wedding wearing a white wedding dress because I'm extremely passive-aggressive like that. Elphaba tried to smooth over our relationship by offering me her bouquet as a peace offering, but I was having none of it. Hussy cheated on my boy.

"Well, I tried giving it to her, mom. She just shook her head, though. Do you want it?" Marina was glad to have the keepsake of her oldest child's wedding, in any case.

Even Gage showed up for the wedding. He's not exactly a commitment kind of guy, but he loves his daughter and they have a great relationship.

Elphaba and I tried again to get some sort of positive relationship going, but it just wasn't happening. Somehow I ended up lecturing her again. I don't remember the precise words of my little speech, but I do know that something was said about future Zotz!ing if any of her children weren't blue. She didn't take the implication kindly and we left on bad terms. Still, she and Herc had a roofraiser of a party despite the hissy fit I threw.

And some time later, Elphaba did indeed give birth to a blue-skinned child. Baby Hera was so obviously my son's daughter that 'Faba and I began to patch things up from then on. I doubt we'll ever be best friends, but we can be civil to each other--at least as long as she never cheats on my son again! To be fair, I'll kill Herc if he ever cheats on 'Faba again, too.

Anyway, relationships had been patched enough for me to be invited to Hera's birthday party.

And I'll leave you here with this lovely picture of Hera as a toddler. She definitely has features from both of her parents. We'll see how she looks as she gets older! "Arr! Weel, she has no inherited 'er mother's mouth, love. Ye ought t' be thankful for that, methinks!" No kidding. I hope you enjoyed the family tree/update! Tune in soon as Bart marries De and Roche marries his Marie -- there's a lot of things happening on Pirate Island and a lot of turmoil remaining from Roche's defeat of the family curse. I promise the aftermath will be interesting!
