The Foxglove Legacy - Chapter 4


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The F


ve L



r 4

Welcome back! Last time, Dominic was abducted by aliens and flirted

with Elise Todd. Evangeline gave birth to a girl named Holly Blue, who is now a toddler.


“I can see.” “WHAT DO I DO???”


“Oh dear, well. Now you know how I feel.”

“Thanks for helping... OW!”

After a painful to watch birth, Dominic was holding a baby girl

with green skin and black eyes and hair in his hands. He named her Madeline.

“Hello! Aren‟t you the cutest?” cooed Evangeline.

“Finally, some attention!” thought Holly Blue.

“Hey there sweetie, you have a new sister!” “Yayyy!” she said, but didn‟t really

mean it.

The next morning, Dominic was back at work, leaving Evangeline

with Holly Blue and Madeline. “You be a good girl for mummy, ok?”


And indeed, Holly Blue was very well behaved that day (for once).

The ground was soon covered in a thick layer of snow – winter was


Although she wasn‟t officially her daughter, Evangeline treated

Madeline like she was. “*gurgle*” “Hehe, who‟s a good girl?”

Evangeline didn‟t spend all her time indoors though, she loved

building snowmen! She heard her husband‟s carpool and went over to greet him.

“How was work, honey?” “Awkward. I had to explain why I

was off for three days...”

“Never mind...” said Evangeline, and reached forward to kiss him.

Meanwhile, a man named Charlie had taken over building the


And Melissa Fancey had taken a liking to Holly Blue.

And Holly Blue liked her too.

“Hello, Holly!” “Dada‟s home!”

Evangeline had been getting to know Charlie, and he was a nice

guy. He would make a nice husband for one of the girls.

“I has hand! Hand gwives me attentwon.”

Evangeline was outside when she felt that familiar feeling in her


“BABY‟S COMING!” “I can see.”

“Aw man, Dominic! You‟re blocking my view!” “What is mummy doing?”

“HELLPPPP!” “What am I supposed to do?”

“Dominic, you‟re a rubbish huband!” “Look, something more


“AHHHH!” “Come on woman, push!”

“Dominic, calm down...” “....”

Evangeline popped out a baby girl who they named Lauren. Lauren

had green eyes and brown hair... And unusually pale skin...

“Look at her, Dom. Her skin... It‟s so pale...” said Evangeline,

handing Lauren to him.

“You‟re right, it is.” “I‟ll phone the hospital...”

“Hello? My daughter... She‟s just been born and her skin... It‟s so

pale.” “It’s a rare condition, but shouldn’t affect her life too much.

Try not to let her go out in the sun, she will burn easily and probably get skin cancer. You’ll

need to drop by the pharmacist and pick up a special sun-screen.”

“She‟s going to be ok,” said Evangeline.

Soon after, Dominic learned that throwing toddlers around isn‟t

always the best idea. “Bleurgh.” “Aww, Holly!”

“It‟s time for your birthday now anyway, so you can‟t be sick on me

anymore!” “Hehe.”

Unfortunately, the family only had $3, so they couldn‟t afford a cake.


“PROPER hands! No mittens!” said Holly Blue happily.

A few sim-minutes later, it was also time for Madeline to

transition into a toddler.

She was rather quite, but like Holly Blue, inherited her father‟s


Holly Blue was still tickled a lot by her parents.

“Wee, splashety-splash!” giggled Holly, as she jumped in a puddle

outside the house.

“Neeawww!” Ah, the joys of being young.

“Whoosh!” “Hol, it‟s time for bed. Put the

plane in the bed and... Er... Well, there is no bed so just... Go inside.”

Having not done too well at teaching Holly Blue to speak,

Dominic took on the task of teaching Madeline to walk instead.

“Now, at school tomorrow, try and be nice to everyone and be well

behaved.” “Sure, whatever.”

But Holly Blue wasn‟t that nervous about school.

Because everyone else was at work or school (apart from little

Lauren), Dominic had nothing to do but try and teach Madeline to talk.

“Say „Daddy is awesome‟.” “Daddy is a bad man.” “Right...”

What is it with sims obsessions with knocking over the Foxglove‟s

bin!? And anyway, this child should be at school!

Holly Blue had a good day at school, despite not getting brilliant


“Do you want some help with that?” asked Evangeline.

“No thanks, mum. Cool people don‟t get their parents to help with homework,” replied Holly Blue.

“Actually, they don’t do their homework at all...” she added quietly.

The family soon had just enough money to buy an easel so money

could be made more easily.

It wasn‟t long before it was time for Lauren to grow up into a


She was the only one of the three children with her mum‟s nose, and

even though her china-white skin made her look a bit ghostly, she was very cute.

Holly Blue was proving to be a responsible big sister.

“No, Lauren! You can‟t go outside, it‟s bad for you. Good girl.”

“Lauren, say „mama‟.” “Nu-u.”

“Lauren, don‟t be uncooperative, please!”

Lauren looking in the other direction, completely uninterested....

I leave you here with a picture of Evangeline and Madeline.

Bye! :)