The Night Legacy Chapter 2




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Welcome back to the Night Legacy! The legacy where the names are related to the night and the

points don’t matter!

We begin with Jessica popping with her first baby bump.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!”


Baby bump number 2!

“I can’t believe I’m the pregnant one this time!”

Hey! Lila needs to promotions!

“This sucks!”

Life isn’t fair, Jessica!

“I’ll just stand in this doorway. Nothing could go wrong here!”

Of course not. 1...2...3...and...

Right on cue.

“Oh, Plumbob, I’m giving birth through a wooden door!”

Yep, that looks painful.

“This is your fault!”

Free will is on.


Your life sucks, Jess.

“Oh, hey, a baby!”

Yep. And you’re still in a door.

“Shut up.”

This is Orion Legacy, named after the constellation. He has black hair, purple eyes, and a custom

skintone that frequently pops up in my genetics. I have a love/hate relationship with it, so I don’t

know if I should get rid of it or not. Only time will tell if he has the ears.

And Jessica is still a good mom.

Finally, the Music career showed up in the paper and Jessica is well on her way to becoming a

Rock God!

“Aw, yeah!”

Allegra found out about Jessica’s peeping as well.

“Seriously, I am going to call the cops!”

Not liking being pushed any more than her wife, Jessica retaliated.

“I know where you live. Now, get out.”

Time for Luna to become a child! Jessica tries to block her from the camera.

“Time to grow up, honey!”

But Lila has her beat.

“Did I miss it?”


“Mommy, I’m all growed up!”

Almost. You have to get through the week of being a child. A slow, slow week. Now, let’s see

what your everyday clothes look like.

No. I am now digging those clothes at all.

“I don’t like pink!”

Not that shade of pink anyway. Let’s find something more appropriate.

This is where we would see Luna’s new clothes. But as you can see, Lila and Jessica have

teamed up in order to block her from the camera.

“Mommy, Mom, I changed clothes!”

“That’s nice, honey!”


A+ parenting there. From what little you can see, I’m keeping with the tomboy thing. I think it

suits her a lot better than the hot pink dress.

Time for Orion’s birthday! Not that it really matters because he’s not eligible for heir, but what

would a legacy be without spares? Let’s see what we’ve got!

Child endangerment and...!

Well, he looks pretty cute. No elf ears, though. This is the point I decided that I would make this

a matriarchal legacy. I want to keep the elf ears and I liked the idea. So, yeah. Thanks, Orion!

With a makeover, he’s still cute. The lips are the biggest problem I have with this skin. I don’t

know what it is. But Orion is cute. I’m sure he won’t be any problem whatsoever...


So, Lila and Jessica both have work around the same time and can’t watch the kids, so I caved

and hired a nanny. Yeah. A nanny.

“Where’s the children? Allow me to ignore them, sit around, waste my employers’ food, and still

get paid.”

Supernanny, she is not.

Time for a third baby! I got a picture of the conception this time! Let’s see if we can get another


Lila seemed to take a cue from Jessica because this pregnancy turned out really vomity.

“Ugh. I thought Jessica was kidding.”

Nope. This is the joy of carrying a child.

“Just shut up.”

“So, one of my coworkers and I were tailing this guy and he went into a Simbucks and—Oh!”

“Something wrong, dear?”

“Oh, nothing. Just a baby bump.”

“Ah. Neat. What were you saying?”

Jessica continues to be a good mom, tucking in Luna as she sleeps.

“Goodnight, Luna.”

You’re a good mom, Jessica.


And Orion reveals his true nature. I usually have no problem with toddlers and spares, but I hate

this kid. It’s worse when he becomes a kid, but I do not like this kid at all. He is a waste of space.


*narrows eyes*

“Happy happy wabbit.”

Are you hunting them? Should I be vewy vewy quiet?

“Bad voice!”

*closes eyes and takes deep breath* I don’t hate you yet. You’re not evil yet. Not evil yet. Okay,

I’m good.

Being the Knowledge Sim that she is, Lila wants Luna to go to private school. So, we called up

the Headmaster.

“Hello, sir. Welcome to our home! Would you like a tour?”

“Why, yes! What a delightful child! Off to a good start!”

I’m terrible with headmasters. Let’s see how this goes.

The tour could have been better. He didn’t like the bathroom or the kids’ room, but the main

room and the master bedroom went over well. There isn’t much to show yet.

I tried to grow Orion up so that if Luna got in, he could get in too. I didn’t realize that the

Headmaster would get up from dinner and go to watch the birthday of a child he doesn’t know.

Still, he liked the food okay. Now, for the worst part. Schmoozing. DUN DUN DUN!

“So, I work for the SCIA and I could use my connections to have your house blown up, so please

let our kids in.”


Yeah, I left the schmoozing to Jessica.

“So, I could get you tickets to see Celine Dion when she comes into town.”

“Oh, Jessica, you are a doll!”

“So, you’ll let our kids in?”

“Not on your life. This is a terrible home and you are terrible people. Good day!”

Yeah. We failed pretty horribly.

Horribly disappointed that her children failed to get into private school, Lila got another baby


“Well, there’s always the next one...”

That’s the spirit!

I love when Sims do this automatically. It’s so rare in my game.

“Hi, little baby. I’m your big sister. This place is mine. Got it?”


Lila took that rejection really hard.

“How could he not let them in? They’re perfect candidates! I’m blowing up his house!”

Remington looks scared out of his mind.

“Just keep working. Just keep working.”

To distract her from her plans to blow up the house of an innocent man (and because she needs a

promotion), I sent Lila walking off to work.

“My back hurts.”

Deal with it.

Success! She got a promotion!

“My back still hurts, by the way.”

And? What am I supposed to do about it?

“Make it stop.”

See your wife about a backrub.

“Welcome home, Mommy! I missed you so much!”

“Aw, thank you, lightning bug!”

Luna always runs to give her parents a hug when they get home from work. Does Orion do that?


“Oh, Plumbob, no! Not this again!”

Yay! The new baby is coming! Let’s see what we’ve got!


“Glad that’s over.”

Unfortunately, we have another boy. However, I named him Regulus after the star and after one

of my favorite Harry Potter characters, Regulus Black. Yes, he never actually appears in the

books, but he’s one of my favorites. Don’t judge me!

Reg has purple eyes, black hair, and the mysterious custom skintone.

Allegra shows up so often, nobody’s surprised anymore.

“I hate you all!”

“Go home!”

“So, how ‘bout our new brother, huh? What do you think he’ll be like?”

“He’s not a girl, so as long as he goes cry too much, I’m fine.”

“I wonder how this will affect our family dynamic.”

“Probably not a lot.”

So, I wanted an alien child, so I used Lila’s Summon Aliens option and got her abducted. They

took for a while, did unthinkable things to her, and threw her out on the pavement. Her family’s

reactions are very telling.

Jessica: “The aliens took Lila!”

Luna: “Oh, the humanity!”

Orion: “ZOMG, A UFO!”


How do ya feel, Lila?

“That wasn’t as fun as I thought it’d be.”

Well, what do you expect from aliens? Vulcans?

“I didn’t expect that.”


Your wife is a burglar. Stealing shouldn’t surprise you.

“You’d think they’d have the common decency, though!”

These are the aliens that experimented on and probed you.

“It’s just rude!”


Jessica, having learned nothing from this situation, went to use the telescope. Then, while I

wasn’t looking, lightning hit the telescope and set it on fire. Luna and Jessica reacted like Sims

usually react.


Thankfully for them, the rain put the fire out.

“Oh, thank Plumbob.”


Yep, her first trimester from her pregnancy with Luna was definitely a fluke. Lila is experiencing

morning sickness from her alien pregnancy.

“Tell me this is the last time...”

Promise. I don’t want any more kids. This generation has enough. Jessica rolled a want for ten

kids. Hahahahaha! No.

So, I botched a chance card (I picked the talented band over the popular one) and Jessica lost her

job. Damn music industry!

“I’ll never be a Rock God at this rate!”

“I can’t believe you made me lose my job! This is, without a doubt, the worst thing you’ve ever


Hey! It’s not my fault that the music industry is crap!

“But I worked for the music industry! I would have chosen the crappy band if I knew it would

allow me to keep my job!”

It’s the principle of the thing! The good band deserved a chance! Now, go beg your boss for your

job back!

“Fine! But this isn’t over!”

“Hi, sir. Sorry about the whole band fiasco. Can I please have my job back?”

“No. Goodbye.”

“*hangs up* Well, that went well.”

I stand by my decision. Now, go get the paper and select the Music career again.

“I hate you.”

Get in line.

I tried to get Luna and Orion into private school again, but I failed even worse this time (Salmon

gets a 2? Really? Really?!). Lila...kinda broke.

“Pretty lights...”


“You are getting sleepy...your eyes are getting heavy...”

“Has the wall always been orange?”

That look on her face. Lila has left the building. Thankfully, the psychiatrist that is all in her

head was able to fix her. Moving on.

Time for birthdays! Luna first.

“Freedom, here I come!”


“Oh, yeah, I’m sexy.”

Oh, yes, you are! But you need a makeover. To the mirror with you!

Oh, very nice! She has a lot of Jessica in her, but definitely some Lila. I kind of wish she had

Lila’s nose, but she’s still very pretty. I like that hair on her, but I should really find one that

shows off her ears. She’s a Knowledge/Pleasure Sim with dreams of becoming a Mad Scientist.

“Stand back! I’m going to try SCIENCE!”

Yeah, yeah, Dr. Insano, just go Tinker. It’s your destined hobby.


But before you do, let’s see what Regulus looks like, shall we?

“Why do I have to do this?”

Because you’re a teenager. You are designated babysitter until Orion grows up and you go to


“That wasn’t part of the deal!”

I have altered the deal! Pray I don’t alter it further!

The usual child endangerment and...!

...He looks way too much like Orion. This will not do. Mirror!

New hair, new clothes, and he’s pretty cute. His face is a little weird, but he’s cute. And he has

the elf ears! I already like him more than Orion.

I think this is a good place to end off. What gender will the alien baby be? Will Regulus be like

Orion or will he actually get on my good side? How much a brat is Orion? Find out in the next

installment of the Night Legacy!

See ya then!