The Ultimate Bucket List: Things to Do Once in a Lifetime



Some people are so obsessed with making money or working that they completely forget to live their lives. We believe that one should cherish and live life to the fullest. Here is a collection of things to do once in a lifetime. The complete Bucket List can be found here: The list of things to do once in a lifetime can actually go on forever, as every person out there has his or her own bucket list and his or her personal wishes and secret desires. Why 300, you may ask? Why not 1000, we can ask you back, as life is full of opportunities to do whatever you wish, to follow your dreams and challenge your inner self. Feel free to add your own items to the bucket list. Let's make it grow together! What would you like to do from the items listed in the presentation?

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“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch

the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” – Mark Twain

Life isn’t a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, latte in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming ‘Woo-hoo, WHAT A RIDE’!


Want to skip ahead?

Here’s what we’re going to cover

- Go Wild! Travel, Experience, Try, Feel! - Learn, Evolve, Challenge Yourself! - The Loony Bin; Go Crazy! Really Crazy


You can desert surf in South Africa, Peru, Australia, New Zealand and U.S.A, but to actually surf a Volcano, you will need to go to Nicaragua, Hawaii, Costa Rica or Guatemala among others!

Look the Devil in the Eyes

Some people believe that meeting both the God and the Devil and set up a bungee thrilling adventure in Pucon, Chile, where you can bungee jump from the chopper, coming within 700 feet of the actual pool of molten lava


Behold, the mighty Comic Con! You can let the geek inner self of yours manifest in any possible way and have the time of its life by taking part in cosplay competitions and win!

Watch the Wild Horses Roam

Inspirational Quote

“Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to

do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.” Michael Landon Jr.

You can see the herds of Mustangs and noble wild horses in the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, eastern California portions of the Mojave Desert, South Dakota and other parks and reservations in the U.S.

Take a Swing at the End of

the World

In Baños, Ecuador, there is this volcano, Tungurahua and a tree house with a swing. Not for the non-adventurous, but for those whose bucket list includes the feeling like being stranded at the end of the world, La Casa del Árbol and its swing may very well become one of those things to do at least once in a lifetime.

Knock on the Door of Hell The Door to Hell is a natural gas field in Derweze (also spelled Darvaza, meaning “gate”), Ahal Province, Turkmenistan. The smell of sulfur and the panorama might make one to reconsider their life choices.

See the Loy Krathong

The Light Festival in Thailand is held every year on the full moon of the twelfth month in the Thai Lunar Calendar. For the history of the festival and more details on the events going on.

Attend Mardi Gras, New Orleans

Well, attending the world’s best and most interesting festivals is among the things to do once in a lifetime, but Mardi Gras is special from so many points of view, we can’t even begin to describe them.

Visit Batman’s Cave

In Los Angeles, California, there are the Bronson Caves, a place of magic for movie producers and directors, as they are perfect to film there hundreds of horror and adventure movies, including Batman scenes and The Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

See the Perpetual Water Whirlpool

Often remembered as one of the Earth’s landscapes that can kill you, the Corryvreckan Maelstrom in Scotland can be safely approached in good weather and a skilled boatman. It is a natural powerful water vortex that can indeed kill whomever has the audacity of approaching it in unsettling climacteric conditions.

Follow Banksy’s Street Art

Banksy turned the streets and walls into art canvas and he is one of the most prominent names in the world of street artists. So following his graffiti wisdom on the streets of New York, even L.A or San Francisco, is an enlightening experience for those passionate about speaking truths in open spaces or just turning the city into a real gallery.



Let’s see what you can do for yourself with little effort, time and even money, that can fulfill you as a person and give you the feeling that life deserves to be lived at the fullest.

Learn, Evolve, Challenge Yourself!

Organize a Movie Marathon With Friends Learn a foreign language Volunteer for a Cause Fall in Love Sleep under the stars Sing at a karaoke party Revamp your place Learn horseback riding Make Friends with a Complete Stranger Become one with nature Start your own business Protest against something you believe in

Change Your Look Radically

Dye your hair, grow a beard, have a piercing or shave your head. Men and women everywhere state that a radical change of look in the direction that they wanted or felt it was good for them also made them feel free and having more self-esteem.

Write a Letter to the Old You

Tell the old version of you who you are, what you dream of, what you accomplished so far, what you aim to accomplish and what you think the future will be like. Save it somewhere safe for you to read at an older age for a drop of nostalgia or even a wake – up call.

Plant a Tree!

Make this world a better place, even if by planting one tree. Show the planet you care and your future children that you wanted them to love in a greener environment.

Mentor Somebody!

If you’re really good at something, mentor a child or a younger person and pass on your knowledge and your values, giving that person wings to fly on his or her own and develop their own talents.

Write nice messages on post-its

and spread them to strangers

There can be motivational quotes, pieces of uplifting poetry, small cute drawings with a positive message. If you’re shy about it, leave them under cars’ wipers or in people’s mail boxes. It will be your anonymous contribution to them having a good day.

Set up a treasure hunt for your

significant other

Come up with clues to spread all over the neighborhood or the city, gather some friends to help you and get your partner to treasure hunt until he or she ends up at the deadline. You can do this only for fun of it, but you can turn the mystery treasure into a marriage proposal, a romantic dinner for two, a love statement or a gift he or she wanted for a long time.

Throw a Masquerade Party

Halloween doesn’t count. Gather your friends or family members, dress up like your favorite characters, stars or icons and throw a thematic party with corespondent music and snacks. It may be New Year’s Eve, a birthday party, a celebration of any sort or just another Saturday night gathering.

Take an orphan child into care

for the holidays

Give an orphan a chance to feel the holiday’s spirit with

people who have warmth in their hearts and appreciate

everything that is good about their lives



Now… are you up to the best part?

“Time slips. Days pass. Years fade. Life ends. And what we came to do on earth must be done while there is time!”



Crash a party Wrap your head in aluminum foil and walk the streets telling people

“They’re coming” Answer with “Nobody talks about Fight Club” to any questions Celebrate Christmas in summer Slam the door in the face of technology for one day Break a serious conversation with a quote in latin Cross dress with your partner Go clubbing in your pijamas Recruit for the Dark Side Travel the subway/train as the Grim Reaper/Dementor/Sauron


Like the ones you see on the Internet and take them to the office.

Tell everybody your mommy made them for you ’cause you

were a good boy / girl. Share them with your colleagues, don’t

act like a spoiled brat!

Pick your PERSON!

Make a pact with the closest person to your heart that you will be

each others’ “persons”. It may mean anything from

emergencies to re-enacting the Hangover franchise

together. Make a blood oath.

Take a Sexy Photo-Shooting and

Send the Results to Your Partner

Surprise him / her with some hot pics (art not porn though,

those are no fun) and make sure the business remains only

between the two of you..

Photo Bomb a Stranger!

You have plenty of chances to get famous, even involuntarily. Well, maybe not famous, but at least you’ll have your fun.

Go Skinny Dipping!

If you and your friends are going to a beach club and you know you will eventually end up skinny dipping, well… re-enact some scenes from Jaws. It will scare the soul out of them and you will probably end up beaten up, but it’s worth the shot.

Well, if you read up to here, congratulations! Hope you at least had some fun with our impossible, doable, less doable or downright crazy ideas of things to do once in a lifetime. So the question is, do you have your own bucket list? Do you even have a piece of paper displaying at least 10 things you’d love to do before you die? Many people do, but not so many people actually act on their desires. Do you dare act on yours?


AUTHORS: Andreea Sterea

Ioana Sima @SimaIoana1

These were only a few examples of the 300 incredible things you should do at least once in your life. For the full article please visit

Share it around! Include things you’ve done, things you’re likely to do and things that you wish you do. Inspire people!

