Evaluation Question 1


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Evaluation Question 1:In what ways does your media product use, develop

or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Conventional Features of a Thriller Film

• Protagonist

• Antagonist

• Themes

• Setting

• Iconography

• Visual style

• Enigmas


The protagonist in our thriller is a detective which is a conventional type of character to be seen usually in thriller films such as ‘Prisoners’. He is researching information and looking for clues to lead him to finding the wanted murderer.


The antagonist in our thriller is the ‘wanted’ murderer. This is conventional for thrillers. His stance and facial expression makes him look menacing. The costume choice of dark and black clothes are also stereotypical of serial killers in thriller films.


The main theme is crime throughout the thriller. When the camera shows the extreme close ups of the words on the poster it seems the antagonist is perhaps repeating a murder or wanting revenge on the protagonist.


The conventional settings in thrillers are typically locations such as police stations, abandoned areas etc. Our action takes place in a library where the protagonist is doing detective work. This is not conventional of thrillers however, we chose this location as it suits with the role of the detective investigating. It is conventional in the fact that there does not seem to be anyone else in the library giving the sense of an eeriness and the feeling he is in a large empty library.


The iconography throughout the thriller is very conventional. Typically there are weapons in a conventional thriller and in ours we chose a knife which belongs to the antagonist.

Visual style

The thriller is in black and white which makes it have an overall feel that it is set in the past.


Will the detective find out who he is?

Will he die?

Why does he want to kill him>?

Why does the knife have blood on it?
