Fashionista 3.4



Chapter 3.4 of the Fashionista's lives

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Chapter 3.4

Yeah I know, it’s been like a whole year. Sorry. I went to college and life got busy but I really am planning on continuing this legacy. Especially this summer when I won’t have as much going on and I will need some way to entertain myself. Hopefully I can produce a few chapters before returning to school in the fall. Anyway if you are still reading at this point thank you and I’m sorry I suck! Hopefully my added plot twist, which I actually put quite a bit of thought into, will make this story more enjoyable and not just a boring predictable legacy! Also sorry about the lack of a cover photo for this chapter. I don’t currently have Photoshop installed on my laptop and didn’t really have the patience to make anything in another program. Anyway I will catch you up on the Fashionsitas….

Back at Alexander’s home, Kelly had given birth to a baby girl who they named Tory, after Tory Burch. Jasmin grew into a child

Both Tory and Jasmin (right) aged into beautiful teenagers, very similar in appearance.

Their cousins, Adam and Rick, had also aged into teens. Adam took after his father while Rick had more similar facial features to his mother.

Not long after the twins were born, Celine became pregnant again. She gave birth to a son named Jason, after Jason Wu.

All of Celine’s kids aged into teens.From left to right: Alice, Jason, Olivia

Meanwhile Chloe was on track to accomplishing her lifetime want. She had reached top rank with her grocery store and had purchased a café, a hair salon, and a car emporium which were on their way to the top.

Chloe's kids, Collette and Tommy, grew up lovely as well, taking on features from many different family members.

Christian’s daughters, Elie and Nina (right) grew up similar enough to pass as twins.

Vera’s second son, Andrew, was born and grew up much like his brother.

Being close in age, both of Vera’s sons loved to spend time playing together.

When I last left you Charlotte was still a child, however she and her brother, Michael, had both grown into the next stages of their lives.

Gela, Vincent, Toby, and Pamela all were aging and enjoying the simplicity of their lives.

Stats of every Generation 4 child since I didn’t actually put them in last time. Oops…

















Generation 3 Parent

















Cancer – 6/3/6/5/5

Gemini – 4/10/9/4/1

Virgo – 10/3/8/2/3

Sagittarius – 0/7/9/6/3

Taurus – 7/6/4/7/6

Aries – 6/9/7/7/3

Cancer – 6/2/7/7/3

Aries – 9/10/9/3/1

Scorpio – 7/6/9/6/1

Virgo – 8/1/9/2/6

Tarus – 8/8/2/9/4

Aries – 9/10/9/3/1

Sagittarius – 6/2/9/7/1

Capricorn – 8/3/2/10/10

Sagittarius – 1/6/10/8/4


Become a Rock God

Become a Mad Scientist

Become Criminal Mastermind

Become The Law

Have 6 Grandkids

Woohoo with 20 different Sims

Marry off 6 children

Raise 20 puppies or kittens

Become a Celeb Chef

Have 6 pets reach top career



Become Captain Hero

Own 5 top level businesses



Sara Shreeve

And we can’t forget about Adrianna and Ben! Arcadia’s children had grown up very different, but both aged beautifully.

Sara Shreeve

Okay now let’s get back to our story….

“I still haven’t found those missing pages.” Charlotte noted as her brother walked past her in the hallway. He stopped and approached his older sister.Ever since her father had read her grandmother’s book to her, all Charlotte could think about was the pages missing from the book. She had told Michael about them and the two had been searching all over the house for them for weeks. They hadn’t found anything.

“I was thinking about it,” Michael began “I think we may want to go back to the source, the actually novel.”

“Why would the location of the pages be in the book? That makes no sense!” Charlotte argued.

“Unless someone hid them on purpose and wanted them to be found eventually.” Michael stated as he walked away.

“I guess its worth a shot.” Charlotte muttered to herself as she pulled Chanel’s novel from the shelf in her parent’s room.

“Holy shit, Mike was right.” Charlotte noted with astonishment. Inside the novel written at the bottom of the page before the missing pages, was a word.All the note said was Apple tree. “That could mean the apple tree in the backyard…” Charlotte wondered.

That night Charlotte crept into the backyard with a shovel, being quiet enough not to wake the rest of the household. “My god we need a new gardener, look at all these weeds.”

Charlotte felt her shovel hit something that wasn’t dirt. She knelt down to see if her hunch had been correct.

“Wow, that was way too easy.” Charlotte smiled as she peered down at what she had found.

Sure enough, it was the missing pages.

“Alright, I put the missing pages back where they belong.” Charlotte began, staring down at her great-grandmother’s book.

“Well start reading then.” Michael said.

“Hey no need to be a sass, Mikey!” Charlotte teased.

“Hehe sorry, please read the story, oh lovely sister of mine.”

“Alright, let’s see where was I…oh right Chapter 4…”

It had not been long since Calista and Ryker had moved into their so called “Haunted House.” After months of renovations the house looked new both inside and out. Not only had the house changed, but the family inside was beginning to as well.

Calista sat up suddenly in her bed. She peered around the room, realizing she was alone. Ryker must have gotten up early, or was out late. Being Mr. Big, he was often out until the early hours of the morning. She had woken up from a nightmare, one that had taken place in her own home. She couldn’t shake off how real it had felt.

As the sun was rising, Calista decided practicing her spells would take her mind off her nightmares. She headed outside, hoping to perform spells on the trees or perhaps the eerie headstones that resided in her backyard.

Unknown to Calista, Ryker had actually gotten up early to sit and read in the backyard. Despite his love of parties and fun, Ryker had a side which loved the finer things in life, such as literature. Calista’s spell seemed to go horribly wrong. As the incantation left her mouth dark flies seemed to surround a spot in the yard. Only after hearing his screams did Calista quickly realize that the flies were surrounding her beloved, eating him alive.

And in a moment, everything had changed. Ryker was gone, and it seemed to be Calista’s own doing.

“What have I done?!” she sobbed, tears falling onto the engagement ring she had received only weeks before.

“There must be a way to reverse this. I have to find a spell, or what is the point in being a witch?!” Calista thought optimistically.However after hours of searching through her spellbook, it seemed that there was nothing Calista could do. She decided to call up her more skilled magical friends for a meeting.

“I just don’t understand how a spell could have gone so horribly wrong, I know you are a beginner but-”

“You think I did this on PURPOSE?!” Calista barked at Laci before she was able to finish her sentence.

“No, the odds of this occurring with your level of magic are extremely unlikely,” Laci reasoned “ It takes a great deal of power to kill another, an accidental killing by a witch with your power is next to impossible.”“There is another source involved.” The voice on the opposite end of the coach muttered.

The two arguing witches turned their heads to Asia Cho. “What are you thinking?”

“That house, there is a demon inside of it. You said you were having nightmares did you not?”“Well yes-” Calista began.“My theory is these nightmares are not in your head, they are real events that are occurring. There is only one person powerful enough to control you like this, someone who is constantly near you, someone who’s home you are currently residing in.”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand” Calista stated.“There is a reason all the witches fear your house, why we warned you about living there, and overall why we gave you your powers: a form of protection.“There is a creature, more evil than all the rest. He is rumored to be trapped in the House of Fallen Trees, your house. I believe he is the reason this has all happened.”

“The basement wasn’t a dream.” a sudden realization dawned over Calista. “What?! What basement?!” Asia questioned.“I thought it was a nightmare, I found a secret passage into a basement in my home. I- I found a spell book down there. All I remember is saying a name. The next thing I knew I woke up in my bedroom.”

“A name?! What NAME?!” Asia was almost screaming loud enough for the whole club to hear her. “I- I don’t remember!” Calista stuttered.“You realize what you have done!? You released him! You brought him back! This will bring danger to us all!”

“I’m sorry! I have already lost everything! I just want Ryker back!” Calista was basically pleading with Asia at this point.

“Oh you are going to get him back, but first, you are going to have to do exactly what he wants.”“I suppose it’s up to you to save us Calista.” Laci, who had been silent for a long time finally stated.“I was afraid of that.”

The following morning Calista was unsure of how she was going to save Ryker from the afterlife. She simply knew she had to go back to where all her recent troubles began. Not only for herself, but for everyone that mattered to her.

Calista hesitated, but eventually found the bravery to pull the Mysteriously Mysterious novel that resided on the bookshelf.

Just like her “dream”, the bookcase began to rotate, and Calista quickly stepped inside the dimly lit hallway that lay behind.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs a familiar voice greeted her.

“Ah, Calista, I figured you would be returning shortly. How’s the fiancé?” a deep voice laughed.

A man in a dark suit, with ghostly white skin, long jet black hair, and violet eyes had greeted Calista. This was the man from Calista’s nightmares, the rumored demon that lived in her home, or rather, the owner of the house she lived in. The sight of him brought back her former memories of the basement, and the name she read out of the spellbook she had found. It was his name, Mason.

“Let’s cut to the chase, how do I get Ryker back?” Calista questioned, surprising herself how brave she sounded.

“Well generally, a request like this is going to require a lot of effort on your part.” Mason stated as a creepy grin began to form on his face “I think that in order to gain your own happiness, you will need to make someone else suffer, or a lot of someones for that matter.”

“But-” Calsita began.“If you ever want to see your precious fiancé again you will do as I say.”Tears were forming in Calista’s eyes, she was not sure if she was ready or dark enough for such a task.“Read up on the dark arts, you will practice and find a way to satisfy what I desire. Find a way to make others suffer.”“But how will I know who to target?!” Calista questioned.

“I find curses to be a wonderful start.” his purple eyes gleamed in the flicker of the flames around him.“A Legacy has always been my preferred victims.”

That’s where I will leave you for now! The next chapter should be out fairly soon! Until next time.