Get ALL 3 types of your employees to engage as advocates!



How to identify the 3 types of Employee's. How to turn these groups into social media advocates!

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Get ALL 3 types of

your employees to

engage as advocates!

What on earth is an

Employee Advocate?

Anyone that shares their company’s message on their personal social channels, regardless of their job


Identifying the

3 types of employees … talk about generalisation!

1. Those that love their job

2. Those happy to plod along but might not have real interest

3. Those that aren’t too keen on their job

Who are they?

How do you get ALL employees to

engage as advocates?

Type 1: ‘We love our job!’

Probably already talking positively about their job with friends & family in parks and pubs

In most cases it is just through word of mouth, not on social channels

= not being used to their full potential

Make it easy for these employees to post to their personal social channels

They have the motivation but may simply lack content ideas. If companies provide this, the posts will follow!

Type 2: ‘It pays the bills’

Often overlooked

Often not aware of the true values and goals of their company

Can easily be turned into advocates

Give them a voice. Let them talk about their expertise, make it visible! … this content can be shared by other co-workers

They need to know they are a valued cog in the wheel! Share encouraging, exclusive content and help them become thought leaders

It can motivate the unmotivated and ultimately lead to a happier, more effective working environment … yes we said it

Type 3: ‘I’d rather be anywhere but here’

These are tricky & harder to motivate

May need to be inspired with extra love

A gamification leader board can measure how they engage The more co-workers engage, the higher up they go If they remain at the top for a certain amount of time then you can reward them It works!!

Recognition ..and maybe some goodies!

enterprise platform helps you maintain and transform

the outlook of your employees.

Realise the potential of employees as social media advocates!

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