Smart Social



Boost Your Online Visibility Through Social Media

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Smart Social: Boost Your Online Visibility Through Social Media

Presented By Tanya Phathanathong @misstrendchaser

Is Social Media a Fad?

Are you social?

Social Media Literacy

“Social media literacy is having the proficiency to communicate appropriately, responsibly & to evaluate conversions critically within the realm of socially-

based technologies.”


Social Media Ecosystems continue to transform how we interact & consume content

How To Boost Your Online Visibility Through Social Media

Four Approaches To Consider

Impression Management

Establish different social media accounts or blogs to manage different personas and topics & share them respectively with your targeted audience

Reputation Management

Monitor through search or other tools, manage or maintain your online personal or business brand to reflect the set of values that you believe

Social Media Management

Select the platforms that are best suited to your objectives & then commit

Information Management

Establish your social routines as well as adopt tools to help manage the flood of content streams encountered on a daily basis

-Richard Edelman #2014AcademicSummit

“Marketing Communications has it backwards. Communications

Marketing stresses relevant story telling, stakeholder

engagement, trust and above all, shared value.”

Q & A