Social media marketing trends for 2014


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Created By Cygnis Media :

future of social media

• I have to say that in the last six several weeks, my whole feeling of how highly effective social media is, and where it's going, has absolutely amplified, and modified, and has become – I've been amazed as to how much factors have modified. It was unbelievable to find that Facebook or myspace would get in touch me with whole years of individuals I lengthy believed were missing to me. I never believed I would ever see, or listen to from individuals, who resided in some unexplained previous, in some places of the mind. And there they are, and we've become friends.

• And that's a little mind-blowing. But what's significantly mind-blowing is that some parents in Egypt would name their kid Facebook or myspace because the energy of Facebook or myspace, and the power of public networking, would be such that an whole area would be taken by the power of individuals interacting to each other to requirement social change.

• So I think the social media trend that has taken position in this season will rush forth a essentially new purchase of connections between individuals. And it's extremely interesting. It's just evidence that what you take for provided can be modified in a day, and in an immediate, when the right set of conditions comes together. And those conditions keep arriving together and arriving together. And our lifestyles keep continuing to move ahead and drastically modifying as the technological innovation changes.




• With its 1.18 billion customers, of which near to 58% are effective everyday, with a normal of 20 minutes per day, Facebook is certainly not vanishing in the near future. Outside growing marketplaces where development is still occurring, Facebook or myspace has achieved a certain level, with even some reduces within the young years, in particular the 13-17 teens. For brands, in particular small & method companies (SMB), it’s getting progressively challenging to expert the system and obtain a vivid group without investing some initiatives and assigning significant initiatives, both in money. (Read: 4 Key Components of Your Facebook or myspace Marketing)

• One thing is for sure, though: 2014 should be the season of Tweets. There fact that it will become a group company will toss the 7 year-old system into the focus, and with it comes group analysis. Many witnesses will want to better comprehend the system, which should in convert turn many hidden customers to come back and give the system another try. A research by Pew Internet & United states performed a few months ago discovered that more and more youngsters were moving deliver from Facebook or myspace to Tweets and Instagram, in great part “because there is less drama”. It’s also simpler to fly under father and mother's radars and have a more discreet strategy on Tweets.


• The terms “Snapchat” and “Marketing” are usually not found in the same phrase, but this may very well change in the long run. If you are not acquainted with Snapchat, it’s the hot and stylish mobile program that delivers out information (text, picture or brief video), known as “snaps”, that auto-destruct after a brief time of your energy and effort, between 1 to 10 a few moments based on how the click was set up. As of Apr 2013, its 5 thousand effective customers were posting over 150 thousand images per day! There simple fact that pictures get removed from the server after their time period describes why so many people are adopting this new app. Its ephemeral element differences with comfort problems that are destroying other systems, with a “spur of the moment” side that can become an opportunity for manufacturers.


• yes. Google+… A few months ago, a research released on emarketer discovered that Google+ had now over 540 million active users, making it number two globally after Facebook . I even inquired these discovering in Is Google+ Really the 2nd Most Well-known Public Network? even though I never have questioned the performance of the system itself. Yet, with latest changes in its look for criteria under rule name Google Hummingbird, and the progress of its popular Google Hangout performance as a full-blown, stand-alone program, Google is constantly on the force the package. Google+ continues to be at the very center of its technique.


• Even though websites such as AirBnB have now been around for over five decades, it’s secure to say 2013 was the season when the discussing economic system, or collaborative economic system, created big progress in the community plazza. In the last several decades, with user-generated material systems such as TripAdvisor or Howl, people have had the capability and energy that comes from skipping conventional programs to speech issues and reviews, be it good or bad. But now, one can truly notice how the collaborative economic system is truly a disruptor in the journey market, among others. New technological innovation now create it so much simpler for people to cope straight with other people, in what some also contact the peer-to-peer activity (P2P).


• Last but not least, videos should continue their upward ascent in the social media marketing toolbox hierarchy. In particular short videos. YouTube shows no sign of exhaustion, all the contrary in fact with its 100 hours of movie uploaded… every hour!! Yet for manufacturers, the best guarantees come from the rise of applications such as Grape vine, with its 6-seconds movie abilities, and Instagram, with its 15-seconds movie abilities complete with filtration and incorporation within Facebook.When I joined Social media Marketing World Event back in Apr, in San Paul, movie clips (along with weblogs & podcasts) were indeed already recognized as the hot promotion styles to look out for. And we are now seeing more and more companies accept these brief movie clips as quick, inexpensive and good ways to tell their brand story. Without a doubt, this is one trend we can expect to grow in 2014. If images tell a 1,000 words, movie clips can tell a million!

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Created By Web and Mobile Application Development Company CYGNIS MEDIA