trg LinkedIn



A guide to using LinkedIn as a trg employee.

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LinkedIn Facts

What you need to know about LinkedIn & why you should be involved

Of companies use

LinkedIn for

recruiting to find employees

80%Of companies use

LinkedIn for job

hunting to find potential employers

70%Of companies are using

LinkedIn for

marketinghave generated info with it


Executives from all

Companies are

LinkedIn members

#1referrals are the

most highly rated source of

candidate quality


Its all about the picture

A quality profile picture is the first step to creating a great LinkedIn profile

• LinkedIn is not Facebook, your profile picture should look professional

Including the trg logo is a great way of increasing brand awareness & your profile simultaneously

Will people connect with you?

Ways of connecting with others on LinkedIn

Develop your network and increases trg awareness

• Develop your network by asking for introductions

• Use LinkedIn Questions & Answers feature

• Use your LinkedIn URL in your email signature

• Link to your LinkedIn profile on your site

• Link to your LinkedIn profile on your Facebook or Twitter

You have a limit on the number of invitations you can send. Each person gets 3000 invitations for their lifetime on LinkedIn.

Asking to connect

Always send a more personal and detailed invite, never the default message

Dear Marc,

I noticed your profile and thought that we might have some interesting contacts to share in the future.

In the meantime I’d like to connect.

Yours Sincerely,

Elliot Harrison

Joining groups, following influencers & companies

Following influencers and companies is a great way of receiving the latest business news

• Joining groups allows you to meet people in the same industry as yourself and those of a like mind

• Individuals & companies often looking to do business with those who engage with them on LinkedIn

• Some groups require you to provide a reason to join them

We recommend everyone at trgjoin Transport & Logistics group

The dangers of LinkedIn for trg

Social networks are fantastic, but come with increasing risks for companies

Negative complaints about the company

Using user generated content

Ownership of company / brand social media content

Using data gathered from social networks

Copyright infringement and misuse of trademarks

Disclosure of confidential information

If you see a complaint on Facebook, twitter or LinkedIn. Notify Marketing immediately

and do not engage with the user.







The golden rule of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is not Facebook, it is a professional network of potential employers

• Use your Common Sense !

The future of trg & LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a key factor in enhancing the trg business identity......

• Encourage all trg staff to join LinkedIn

• Develop a trg LinkedIn community (For internal staff & colleagues)

• Develop a effective B2B Marketing strategy on LinkedIn