SE 20016 - programming languages landscape


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Ruslan Shevchenko

VertaMedia/ Researcher @rssh1


What tomorrow programming will be like.




Learning CurveExpressibility

















2000 - 202080 - 2000

2020 - 20XX

J* ??




1 Processor Unit

1 Memory Unit

1 Machine

N Different Processors (CPU, GPU, NTU, QTU)

N Different Storage Systems (Cache, Mem, SSD, ..)

N Different Machines

PL: Main Language Constructs: still execution flows

Memory Access Evolution:Fortran 57 : static memory allocation

Algol 60 : StackLisp 58: Garbage Collection

BCPL, C [70] - manual

ObjectiveC [88] — reference counting

Java [95] — Garbage collection become mainstream.

Rust [2010-15] — compile-time analysis become mainstream

C++ [..88] — manual + destructors

Algol 68: - Stack + manual + GC

Smalltalk [72-80] — GC (RC as GC optimization)

Objective C++

ML [70] - compile time analysis

Simula 67

// not all, not main

Memory Access Evolution:

Manual allocation: Risky, low-level

Garbage Collection: Generally Ok, but pauses: not for Real-time systems not for System-level programming

Type analysis [RUST]

subculture of sun.misc.Unsafe in java

RUST: ownership & lifecycleT - object of type T (owned by code in scope) &T - borrowed reference to type T (owned not by us) &’L T - reference to type T with Lifetime L mut T - mutable object of type T * T - row unsafe pointer

let y: & str { let email = retrieve_email(….. ) let domain = first_entry(email,”@“) y = domain } // not compiled, lifetime of y is in outer scope.

fn first_entry(value: &’a str, pattern: &’b str) -> &’a str

RUST: general

Next step in low-level system languages. Zero-cost abstraction + safety

more difficult to write in comparison with GC lang. fast and easy in Comparison with C [may-be C++]

Alternatives: advanced GC [go, D, Nim ]

Concurrency Models Evolution:Fortran 57 : one execution flow

PL/1 64 : Multitasking API1972: Actor Model

1988: Erlang [ Actor Model implementation]

1978: CSP Model

1983: Occam [1-st CSP Model Implementation]1980: Implicit parallelism in functional languages (80-1)

1977. Future [MultiLisp]

2007: Go (CSP become mainstream)2010: Akka in Scala (Actor Model become mainstream)2015: Pony [actors + ownership]

// not all, not main

Concurrency Models:

Callbacks: [manual], Futures [Semi-manual] hard to maintain

Actor-Model (Active Object) CSP Channels; Generators Async methods.

lightweight threads [coroutines, fibers .. ] execution flow ‘breaks’ thread boundaries.

Implicit parallelism hard to implement, not yet in mainstream

Actor Model:

// skip on demand

CSP Model:

// skip on demand

Async/Transform (by compiler/interpreter):

def method():Future[Int] = async { val x = retrieveX() val y = retrieveY() x+y }

def method():Future[Int] = async { val x = await(retrieveX()) val y = await(retrieveY()) x+y }

class methodAsync { var state: Int val promise: Promise[Int] var x, y def m():Unit = { state match { case 0 => x = retrieveX onSuccess{ state=1; m() } case 1 => y = retrieveY on Success { state = 2; m() } case 2 => promise.set(x+y) } }

Concurrency Models / current state

Problems: Data Races. Possible solutions:

immutability (functional programming) copy/move semantics [Go, Rust] static alias analysis [Rust, Pony]

Async IO interfaces.

Future: Heterogenous/Distributed case Implicit parallelism

RUST: race controlT <: std::marker::Send

— it is safe to send object to other thread — otherThread(t) is safe

T <: std::marker::Sync — it is safe to share object between threads — share = send reference —- otherThread(&t) is safe

{ let x = 1 thread::spawn {|| do_something(x) } } // error - lifetime of x

{ let x = 1 thread::spawn {move|| do_something(x) } } copy of original

Pony: Actors Type Analysis for data sharing.

Pony Type - type + capability — T iso - isolated — T val - value —- T ref - reference —- T box - rdonly —- T trn - transition (write part of the box) —- T tag — identity only

Destructive read/write

fut test(T iso a) { var ref x = a } // error -

fun test(T iso a){ var iso x = consume a // ok var iso y = a // error - a is consumed }

Distributed computations:

Thread boundaries + Network boundaries

Locality hierarchy


val lines = load(uri) val count = lines.flatMap(_.split(“ “)) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _)

Scala, count words:

// Same code, different execution

val lines = load(uri) val count = lines.flatMap(_.split(“ “)) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _)

Java, count words:

// Same code, different execution

@Override public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String line = (caseSensitive) ? value.toString() : value.toString().toLowerCase(); for (String pattern : patternsToSkip) { line = line.replaceAll(pattern, ""); } StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(line); while (itr.hasMoreTokens()) { word.set(itr.nextToken()); context.write(word, one); Counter counter = context.getCounter(CountersEnum.class.getName(), CountersEnum.INPUT_WORDS.toString()); counter.increment(1); } } }

public static class IntSumReducer extends Reducer<Text,IntWritable,Text,IntWritable> { private IntWritable result = new IntWritable();

public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int sum = 0; for (IntWritable val : values) { sum += val.get(); } result.set(sum); context.write(key, result); } }

@Override public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String line = (caseSensitive) ? value.toString() : value.toString().toLowerCase(); for (String pattern : patternsToSkip) { line = line.replaceAll(pattern, ""); } StringTokenizer itr = new StringTokenizer(line); while (itr.hasMoreTokens()) { word.set(itr.nextToken()); context.write(word, one); Counter counter = context.getCounter(CountersEnum.class.getName(), CountersEnum.INPUT_WORDS.toString()); counter.increment(1); } } }

public static class IntSumReducer extends Reducer<Text,IntWritable,Text,IntWritable> { private IntWritable result = new IntWritable();

public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context

Java, count words:

// Same code, different execution

Can we do better (?) - Yes [but not for free]- retargeting stream API (impl.effort) - via annotation processor - use byte-code rewriting (low-level)

Java, count words(2):

// Near same code, different execution

List{???}<String> lines = load(uri) int count = ->x.split(“ “)) .collect({Concurrent,Distributed}By(w->w, Collectors.mapping(w->1 Collectors.reducing(Integer::Sum)))

[distributed version is theoretically possible]

Ideas Language Extensibility: F: A=>B F: Expr[A] => Expr[B]

• Functional interpreters: Expr[A] build on top of L • well-known functional programming pattern

• Macros: Expr[A] == {program in A} • Lisp macroses [1960 … ] • Compiler plugins [X10], • Non-standard interpretation of arguments [R]

Reach enough type system, to express Expr[A] (inside language)

Language Extensibility: F: A=>B F: Expr[A] => Expr[B] Small example (functional compiler)trait GE[T]

Code( val fundefs: Map[String, String] val expr: String, )

trait GERunner { def loadValues(Map[String,Array[Double]]) def loadCode(GE[_]) def run() def retrieveValues(name:String):Array[Double] }

// GPU contains OpenCL or CUDA compiler // available via system API

case class GEArray(name:String) extends GE[Array[Double]] { def apply(i:GE[Int]): GE[Double] = GEArrayIndex(this,i) def update(i:GE[Int],x:GE[Double]): GE[Unit] = GEUpdate(this,i,x) def index = new { def map(f: GE[Int] => GE[Double]):GE[Array[Double]] = GEMap(this,f) def foreach[T](f:GE[Int] => GE[T]):GE[Unit] = GEForeach(this,f) } }

case class GEPlus(x: GE[Double], y: GE[Double]) extends GE[Double]

implicit class CEPlusSyntax(x:CE[Double]) extends AnyVal { def + (y:CE[Double]) = CEPlus(x,y) }

case class GEMap(a:GE[Array[Double]],f:GE[Int]=>GE[Double])

case class GEArrayIndex(a: GE[Array[Double]],i:GE[Int]) extends GE[Double]

case class GEConstant(x:T):GE[T] case class GEVar[T](name:String):GE[T]

val a = GEArray[Double](“a”) val b = GEArray[Double](“b”) val c = GEArray[Double](“c”)

for( i<- a.index) { c(i) = a(i) + b(i) }

a.index.foreach(i => c(i) = a(i)+b(i) )

a.index(i => GEArrayIndex(c,i).update(i, GEArrayIndex(a,i)+GEArrayIndex(b,i)))

GEForeach(i => (GEUpdate(c,i), GEPlus(GEArrayIndex(a,i),GEArrayIndex(b,i)))

trait GE[T]

case class GPUCode( val defs: Map[String,String] val expr: String )

class GEArrayIndex(x:GE[Array[Double]], i:GE[Int]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, ci) = (x.generate(),i.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr}[${cy.expr}]”) } }

GEArrayIndex(GEArrayVar(a),GEVar(i)) => “a[i]”

class GEIntVar(name:String) .. { def generate():GPUCode = GPUCode( defs = Map(name -> “int ${name};”) expr = name) }

trait GE[T]

case class GPUCode( val defs: Map[String,String] val expr: String )

class GEArrayIndex(x:GE[Array[Double]], i:GE[Int]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, ci) = (x.generate(),i.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr}[${cy.expr}]”) } }

GEPlus(GEArrayIndex(GEArrayVar(a),GEVar(i)), GEArrayIndex(GEArrayVar(b),GEVar(i)) => “a[i] + b[i]”

class GEPlus(x:GE[Double], y:GE[Double]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, cy) = (x.generate(),y.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr} + ${cy.expr})”) } }

trait GE[T]

case class GPUCode( val defs: Map[String,String] val expr: String )

class GEArrayIndex(x:GE[Array[Double]], i:GE[Int]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, ci) = (x.generate(),i.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr}[${cy.expr}]”) } }

c.update(i,a(i)+b(i)) => “c[i] = a[i] + b[i]”

class GEPlus(x:GE[Double], y:GE[Double]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, cy) = (x.generate(),y.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr} + ${cy.expr})”) } }

class GEUpdate(x:GE[Double],i:GE[Int], y:GE[Double]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, ci, cy) = (x,i,u) map (_.generate) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs,ci.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr} + ${cy.expr})”) } }

trait GE[T]

case class GPUCode( val defs: Map[String,String] val expr: String )

class GEArrayIndex(x:GE[Array[Double]], i:GE[Int]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, ci) = (x.generate(),i.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr}[${cy.expr}]”) } }

GEPlus(GEArrayIndex(GEArrayVar(a),GEVar(i)), GEArrayIndex(GEArrayVar(b),GEVar(i)) => “a[i] + b[i]”

class GEPlus(x:GE[Double], y:GE[Double]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, cy) = (x.generate(),y.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr} + ${cy.expr})”) } }

class GEUpdate(x:GE[Double],i:GE[Int], y:GE[Double]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, ci, cy) = (x,i,u) map (_.generate) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs,ci.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr} + ${cy.expr})”) } }

class GEForeach[T](x:GE[Array[Double]], f:GE[Int] => GE[T] ) { def generate():GPUCode = { val i = new GEIntVar(System.newName) val (cx, ci, cfi) = (x,i,f(i)) map (_.generate) val fName = System.newName val fBody = s””” __kernel void ${funName}(${genParamDefs(x)}) { int ${} = get_global_id(0) ${cfi.expr} } “”” GPUCode( defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs,cci.defs,Map(fName,fBody)), expr = s”${fname}(${genParams(x)})”) } }

trait GE[T]

case class GPUCode( val defs: Map[String,String] val expr: String )

class GEArrayIndex(x:GE[Array[Double]], i:GE[Int]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, ci) = (x.generate(),i.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr}[${cy.expr}]”) } }

class GEPlus(x:GE[Double], y:GE[Double]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, cy) = (x.generate(),y.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr} + ${cy.expr})”) } }

class GEUpdate(x:GE[Double],i:GE[Int], y:GE[Double]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, ci, cy) = (x,i,u) map (_.generate) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs,ci.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr} + ${cy.expr})”) } }

class GEForeach[T](x:GE[Array[Double]], f:GE[Int] => GE[T] ) { def generate():GPUCode = { val i = new GEIntVar(System.newName) val (cx, ci, cfi) = (x,i,f(i)) map (_.generate) val fName = System.newName val fBody = s””” __kernel void ${funName}(${genParamDef(x)}) { int ${} = get_global_id(0) ${cfi.expr} } “”” GPUCode( defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs,cci.defs,Map(fName,fBody)), expr = s”${fname}($genParams(x))”) } }

for(i <- a.index) yield c(i)=a(i)+b(i) => defs: “”” __kernel void f1(__global double * a, __global double * b, __global double* c, int n) { int i2 = get_global_id(0) c[i] = a[i]+b[i] } “””

Finally:val a = GEArray[Double](“a”) val b = GEArray[Double](“b”) val c = GEArray[Double](“c”)

for( i<- a.index) { c(i) = a(i) + b(i) }

__kernel void f1(__global double*a, __global double* b, __global double* c, int n) { int i2 = get_global_id(0) c[i] = a[i]+b[i] }



// with macroses can be done in compile time


Louse coupling (can be build independently)

Amount of shared infrastructure (duplication)

Amount of location informations.


typeclasses in Haskell implicit type transformations in scala concepts in C++14x (WS, not ISO) traits in RUST


B don’t care about AA don’t care about B & C

Crepresentation of A




class GEArrayIndex(x:GE[Array[Double]], i:GE[Int]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, ci) = (x.generate(),i.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr}[${cy.expr}]”) } }




class GEArrayIndex(x:GE[Array[Double]], i:GE[Int]) { def generate():GPUCode = { val (cx, ci) = (x.generate(),i.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr}[${cy.expr}]”) } }

class GEArrayIndex(x:GE[Array[Double]], i:GE[Int])

implicit object GEArrayIndexCompiler extends Compiler[GEArrayIndex,GPUCode] { def generate(source: GEArrayIndex):GPUCode = { val (cx, ci) = (source.x.generate(), source.i.generate()) GPUCode(defs = merge(cx.defs,cy.defs), expo = s”(${cx.expr}[${cy.expr}]”) } }

trait Compiler[Source,Code] { def generate(s:Source):Code }



Typeclasses class String

implicit object StringComparator extends Comparable[String]

trait Comparable[A]


trait Ordered { fn less(x:&self, y: &self) -> bool }

RUST: imp Ordered for string {

fn less(x:&self, y: &self) -> bool { return …. }


Language features: Research => Mainstream

Type analysis Lightweights threads/async interfaces Metaprogramming Lousy Coupling a-la typeclasses

Mostly research implicit parallelism distributed computing gradual typing language composition

SE 2016.3 Sep. 2016

Questions.Ruslan Shevchenko @rssh1

See during SE 2016.

3 Sep. 2016


CREOLE LANGUAGEPidgin English (Hawaii Official)

Simplified grammar;

natural learning curve;

Use language without knowing one
